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    Дослідження присвячено становищу ромів на території Голтського та Очаківського повітів губернаторства Трансністрія у 1942–1944 рр. Установлено, що ці повіти були місцями найбільшої концентрації депортованих ромів з Румунії, Бессарабії та Буковини. Висвітлено особливості системи організації праці депортованих ромів румунськими окупантами у «трудових таборах» зазначених повітів; реконструйовано фрагменти повсякденного життя, побуту, основні джерела харчування ромів, стратегії виживання в умовах окупаційної політики; встановлено ймовірну кількість ромів у цих повітах на період закінчення румунської окупації. Ключові слова: ром, Трансністрія, Голтський повіт, Очаківський повіт, депортація, трудові табори

    Possible effect of extreme solar energetic particle event of 20 January 2005 on polar stratospheric aerosols: direct observational evidence

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    Energetic cosmic rays are the main source of ionization of the low-middle atmosphere, leading to associated changes in atmospheric properties. Via the hypothetical influence of ionization on aerosol growth and facilitated formation of clouds, this may be an important indirect link relating solar variability to climate. This effect is highly debated, however, since the proposed theoretical mechanisms still remain illusive and qualitative, and observational evidence is inconclusive and controversial. Therefore, important questions regarding the existence and magnitude of the effect, and particularly the fraction of aerosol particles that can form and grow, are still open. Here we present empirical evidence of the possible effect caused by cosmic rays upon polar stratospheric aerosols, based on a case study of an extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) event of 20 January 2005. Using aerosol data obtained over polar regions from different satellites with optical instruments that were operating during January 2005, such as the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III), and Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS), we found a significant simultaneous change in aerosol properties in both the Southern and Northern Polar regions in temporal association with the SEP event. We speculate that ionization of the atmosphere, which was abnormally high in the lower stratosphere during the extreme SEP event, might have led to formation of new particles and/or growth of preexisting ultrafine particles in the polar stratospheric region. However, a detailed interpretation of the effect is left for subsequent studies. This is the first time high vertical resolution measurements have been used to discuss possible production of stratospheric aerosols under the influence of cosmic ray induced ionization. The observed effect is marginally detectable for the analyzed severe SEP event and can be undetectable for the majority of weak-moderate events. The present interpretation serves as a conservative upper limit of solar energetic particle effect upon polar stratospheric aerosols

    Anemia of chronic diseases: current state of the problem and perspectives

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    Anemia of chronic diseases is a condition, that accompanies several chronic conditions, that have inflammation as an underlying cause. The article covers current concepts of pathogenesis, evaluation and treatment of this type of anemia. The new perspectives in the development of investigational methods and treatment are discussed. The new methods of iron deficiency assessment in patients with systemic inflammation are discussed separately

    Совершенствование системы внешнего муниципального финансового контроля в условиях реформирования публичной власти

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    The subject. The implementation of external municipal financial control cannot be called fully competent in Russia. Many practical problems are currently being addressed mainly through the transfer of powers to implement external financial control to a higher level. Amendment to Art. 131–133 of the Russian Federation's Constitution in terms of clarifying the powers of local self-government and incorporating it into public authority, predetermines subsequent amendments to the legislation on local self-government, which can be aimed, among other things, at improving the system of external municipal financial control. The aim of the article is to confirm or disprove the following hypothesis. The reform of public authority will lead to a change in the system of external municipal financial control. Therefore it is possible to propose ways to improve the activities of municipal auditing and accounting authorities on the basis of constitutional novels and the analysis of the existing problems of implementing external municipal financial control. The methodology. The authors apply general scientific methods of comparative, logical and statistical research. The study is based on the analysis of academic literature, statistical data about the practice of the auditing and accounting bodies of municipalities. Russian judicial practice is also analyzed. The main results, scope of application. The organization of a modern system of external municipal financial control shows that it actually works only at the level of urban districts and municipal regions, and that is not always effective. Municipal control and accounting bodies are not created in settlements and the authority to exercise external financial control is transferred either to the level of the municipal district or to the level of the region of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. The municipal auditing and accounting body should retain the authority to exercise control without transferring it to the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. However, at the same time, its role should be strengthened by increasing its status (for example, fixing at the federal level the criteria for the number of employees of the control and accounting body, financial support guarantees).В статье обозначен ряд проблем деятельности муниципальных контрольно-счетных органов и обозначены пути их решения. Отмечается неэффективность внешнего муниципального финансового контроля и бесперспективность попыток решать проблемы в этой сфере только за счет передачи полномочий по его осуществлению на вышестоящий уровень. Отмечается, что поправки к ст. 131–133 Конституции РФ в части уточнения полномочий местного самоуправления и включения его в состав органов публичной власти могут быть использованы для совершенствования системы внешнего муниципального финансового контроля. Делается вывод о том, что муниципальный контрольно-счетный орган должен сохранить за собой полномочия по осуществлению контроля без передачи их на уровень субъекта Российской Федерации. Однако в то же время роль такого органа должна быть усилена за счет повышения его статуса (закрепления на федеральном уровне критериев численности работников контрольно-счетного органа, гарантий финансовой поддержки)

    Interactions of New bis-Ammonium Thiacalix[4]arene Derivatives in 1,3-Alternate Stereoisomeric Form with Bovine Serum Albumin

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.New bis-ammonium thiacalix[4]arene derivatives with different lipophilicity were synthesized using copper(I)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition in good yields. Binding of a new thiacalix[4]arene derivatives with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated in detail using fluorescence spectroscopy method. Quenching mechanism, the binding constants, and number of binding sites were determined