52 research outputs found

    Dispersion of watermelon rinds as secondary raw materials in technologies of pectin-containing extracts and film structures

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    The development of protective coatings based on pectin substances that serve as natural structure-forming agents developed from a secondary resource base is focused on removing a complex problem in the production of finished products by deep processing of basic raw materials and developing an original film material. At the same time, the technical result of obtaining pectin-containing film structures is their ability to protect food products from microbiological spoilage, natural losses during storage and the preservation of quality and safety indicators. An important preparatory procedure that determines the efficiency and intensity of extraction processes can be attributed to the operation of dispersing the feedstock, since it directly affects the size of the contact surface area of the phases involved in mass transfer. However, it is clear that the greater the degree of grinding, the higher the efficiency of the process, but an excessive increase can lead to additional unjustified energy costs and, as a result, to an increase in the cost of the finished products sold. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to analyze existing technologies for producing pectin-containing extracts, in which watermelon rinds can be used as secondary resources and to intensify the extraction process by conducting a rational preparatory procedure for grinding the raw materials. The object of the research are watermelon rinds as non-recyclable waste from processing watermelon raw materials. According to the obtained graphs, and taking into account the high rates of gelatinization of the obtained pectin extracts, it is possible to recommend a complex treatment of watermelon rinds, including, in addition to the operations of preliminary preparation of raw materials, ultrasonic exposure and acid hydrolysis, and it is desirable to use food acids, for example, acetic or citric, instead of aggressive sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. As a result of the study of the dispersed composition, it has been concluded that the average equivalent particle size of the dispersed raw materials does not exceed the recommended limits, that is, the result obtained can be considered acceptable

    De novo assembly and analysis of the transcriptome of the Siberian wood frog Rana amurensis

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    The Siberian wood frog Rana amurensis Boulenger, 1886 is the most hypoxia-tolerant amphibian. It can survive for several months in an almost complete absence of oxygen. Little is known about the mechanisms of this remarkable resilience, in part because studies of amphibian genomes are impeded by their large size. To make the Siberian wood frog more amenable for genetic analysis, we performed transcriptome sequencing and de novo assembly for the R. amurensis brain under hypoxia and normoxia, as well as for the normoxic heart. In order to build a de novo transcriptome assembly of R. amurensis, we utilized 125-bp paired-end reads obtained from the brain under normoxia and hypoxia conditions, and from the heart under normoxia. In the transcriptome assembled from about 100,000,000 reads, 81.5 % of transcripts were annotated as complete, 5.3 % as fragmented, and 13.2 % as missing. We detected 59,078 known transcripts that clustered into 22,251 genes; 11,482 of them were assigned to specific GO categories. Among them, we found 6696 genes involved in protein binding, 3531 genes involved in catalytic activity, and 576 genes associated with transporter activity. A search for genes encoding receptors of the most important neurotransmitters, which may participate in the response to hypoxia, resulted in a set of expressed receptors of dopamine, serotonin, GABA, glutamate, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine. Unexpectedly, no transcripts for histamine receptors were found. The data obtained in this study create a valuable resource for studying the mechanisms of hypoxia tolerance in the Siberian wood frog, as well as for amphibian studies in general

    Research activities promotion of pharmaceutical faculty students at the department of general chemistry

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    This paper shows that, in connection with the introduction of the new federal state standards in modern Russian education, involving the training of competent, intellectual, creatively developing person having the skills of research activity, an effective mechanism for the formation of intellectual culture, development and implementation of youth innovation potential is continuous system of organization student’s research activity. There is the experience of students’ involvement in research and development, which is realized in the educational process in teaching students of pharmaceutical faculty. We consider the types, forms and functions of research.В данной работе показано, что в связи с введением новых федеральных государственных стандартов в современном российском образовании, предполагающих подготовку компетентной, интеллектуальной, творчески развивающейся личности, имеющей навыки научно-исследовательской деятельности, эффективным механизмом формирования интеллектуальной культуры, развития и реализации инновационного потенциала молодежи является непрерывная система организации научно-исследовательской деятельности студентов. Представлен опыт вовлечения студентов в научно-исследовательскую деятельность, который внедрен в образовательный процесс при обучении студентов фармацевтического факультета. Рассматриваются виды, формы и функции научно-исследовательской работы


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    The guidelines have been developed by the Russian Respiratory Society (RRS) based on analysis of papers published during the last 5 years in MEDLINE and ENBASE databases and the Cochrane library. The results of the analysis were subsequently reviewed by independent experts with consideration of the opinion of physicians and general practitioners. A quality and a strength of the evidence were assessed using worldwide criteria. The guidelines are focused on epidemiology and social burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pathogenesis, clinical signs, characterization of phenotypes and severity, current diagnostic and differentiating methods and therapeutic approaches including long-tern oxygen therapyat home, long-term respiratory support at home, surgical treatment, pulmonary rehabilitation, treatment of complications and acute exacerbation of COPD.The guidelines are fully consistent with requirements of the Healthcare Ministry of Russia for federal guidelines on principal nosologies and treatmenttechniquesКлинические рекомендации составлены Российским респираторным обществом (РРО) на основании анализа данных, опубликованных за последние 5 лет в базах данных MEDLINE, ENBASE и Кокрановской библиотеке. Результаты анализа были рецензированы независимыми экспертами с учетом мнения практических врачей первичного звена. Качество и уровень выработанных доказательств и сила созданных на их основе рекомендаций оценены в соответствии с международными критериями. В данных клинических рекомендациях рассмотрены эпидемиология и социальная значимость, патогенез, клиническая картина, классификация по степени тяжести и фенотипам, современные методы диагностики и дифференциальной диагностики, а также подходы к медикаментозному и немедикаментозному лечению хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ), включая длительную кислородотерапию и неинвазивную вентиляцию легких на дому, хирургическое лечение, терапию осложнений и обострений ХОБЛ, методы легочной реабилитации.Настоящие клинические рекомендации соответствуют требованиям Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации к разработке Федеральных клинических рекомендаций по основным нозологическим формам и методам терапии

    Тест с шестиминутной ходьбой и его корреляция с качеством жизни, функцией внешнего дыхания у больных с посттуберкулезными изменениями

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    Summary. Six-minute walk test (6MWT) is used to evaluate exercise capacity, treatment efficacy and prognosis in patients with chronic heart or lung diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate relations between 6MWT and lung function and health-related quality of life in patients with thoracic sequelae of tuberculosis. The secondary aim was to determine factors affecting functional exercise capacity in such patients.Seventy patients aged 25–82 years (of them, 41 men and 25 women) were assessed using health status measure, 6MWT, dyspnea scoring and pulmonary function tests. Six-minute walk distance was 520 ± 107 м and correlated closely with quality of life and pulmonary function parameters. The main factor affecting the six-minute walk distance was impaired pulmonary function.Резюме. Шестиминутный шаговый тест (6-МШТ) используют для оценки толерантности к физической нагрузке, эффективности терапии и прогноза при многих хронических заболеваниях сердца и легких. Целью исследования было определение возможности использования 6-МШТ у пациентов с посттуберкулезными изменениями (ПТИ), его корреляции с показателями спирометрии, качества жизни, а также выявление факторов, способствующих снижению толерантности к физической нагрузке. Для выполнения работы были обследованы 70 пациентов с ПТИ в возрасте от 25 до 82 лет. У всех пациентов были выполнены 6-МШТ, оценка качества жизни и функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД). Результат 6-МШТ составил 520 ± 107 м. Показатель 6-МШТ имел значительную степень корреляции с показателями качества жизни и ФВД. Основной причиной, снижающей результат 6-МШТ, может быть нарушение ФВД

    Enrichment of the tumour immune microenvironment in patients with desmoplastic colorectal liver metastasis

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    Background Patients with resected colorectal liver metastasis (CRLM) who display only the desmoplastic histopathological growth pattern (dHGP) exhibit superior survival compared to patients with any non-desmoplastic growth (non-dHGP). The aim of this study was to compare the tumour microenvironment between dHGP and non-dHGP. Methods The tumour microenvironment was investigated in three cohorts of chemo-naive patients surgically treated for CRLM. In cohort A semi-quantitative immunohistochemistry was performed, in cohort B intratumoural and peritumoural T cells were counted using immunohistochemistry and digital image analysis, and in cohort C the relative proportions of individual T cell subsets were determined by flow cytometry. Results One hundred and seventeen, 34, and 79 patients were included in cohorts A, B, and C, with dHGP being observed in 27%, 29%, and 15% of patients, respectively. Cohorts A and B independently demonstrated peritumoural and intratumoural enrichment of cytotoxic CD8+ T cells in dHGP, as well as a higher CD8+/CD4+ ratio (cohort A). Flow cytometric analysis of fresh tumour tissues in cohort C confirmed these results; dHGP was associated with higher CD8+ and lower CD4+ T cell subsets, resulting in a higher CD8+/CD4+ ratio. Conclusion The tumour microenvironment of patients with dHGP is characterised by an increased and distinctly cytotoxic immune infiltrate, providing a potential explanation for their superior survival


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    Vegetable growing is one of the most dynamically developing branches of agriculture in the Russian Federation. Research on the economics and organization of the production of vegetables and fruits of melons and gourds began at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydrometeorology (VNIIO) after its formation in 1930 and served as the basis for the creation of commercial vegetable-growing zones, specialized farms and green-house complexes around major cities and industrial centers of Russia, as well as vegetable farms in other republics. The following were developed: a promising scheme for the development and placement of vegetable growing in zones of the country in open and protected ground, scientifically based proposals for improving the organization and increasing the efficiency of vegetable growing in Moscow, Ryazan, Ivanovo, Bryansk, Irkutsk, Lipetsk and other regions of Russia. From 2000 to 2014, research focused on the development of concepts for the development of commercial vegetable and seed production of open and protected soil in the context of existing economic relations and forms of management. Since 2015, an analysis of the economic efficiency of vegetable production in the Russian Federation has been carried out, taking into account large-scale and small-scale production, interregional exchange of vegetable products, taking into account import and export, equivalence of inter-sectoral exchange, development of cooperation in the village, economic efficiency of long-term storage of fresh vegetables, and optimal size of vegetable production. for vegetable producers of all forms of ownership, safety of vegetable products in the context of food safety Russia. Today, Russia produces 105.7 kg of vegetables per capita per year, and in 2017, the self-sufficiency of open and protected soil in vegetables was 81.1%. The large stability of large-scale production was noted in the conditions of the unfavorable economic situation in the vegetable industry. Identified systemic problems that limit the increase in the production of vegetable products and adversely affect its effectiveness.Овощеводство – одна из наиболее динамично развивающихся отраслей сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации. Исследования по экономике и организации производства овощей и плодов бахчевых культур были начаты во ВНИИ овощеводства после его образования в 1930 году и послужили основой создания зон товарного овощеводства, специализированных хозяйств и тепличных комбинатов вокруг крупных городов и промышленных центров России, а также овощеводческих хозяйств в других республиках. Разрабатывали перспективные схемы развития и размещения овощеводства по зонам страны в открытом и защищенном грунте, научно обоснованные предложения по совершенствованию организации и повышению эффективности овощеводства в Московской, Рязанской, Ивановской, Брянской, Иркутской, Липецкой и других областях России. С 2000 по 2014 год исследования были направлены на разработку концепций развития товарного овощеводства и семеноводства открытого и защищенного грунта в условиях существующих экономических отношений и форм хозяйствования. С 2015 года проводится анализ состояния экономический эффективности овощеводства Российской Федерации с учетом крупнои мелкотоварного производства, межрегионального обмена овощной продукцией с учетом импорта и экспорта, эквивалентности межотраслевого обмена, развития кооперации на селе, экономической эффективности длительного хранения свежих овощей, оптимальных размеров овощеводческих производств для овощетоваропроизводителей всех форм собственности, безопасности продукции овощеводства в контексте продовольственной безопасности России. На сегодняшний день в год на душу населения в России производится 105,7 кг овощей, самообеспеченность овощами открытого и защищенного грунта в 2017 году составила 81,1%. Отмечена большая устойчивость крупнотоварного производства в условиях неблагоприятной экономической ситуации в отрасли овощеводства. Выявлены системные проблемы, которые ограничивают увеличение производства овощной продукции и негативно сказываются на его эффективности

    Возможности диагностики и лечения больных ХОБЛ в рамках реальной клинической практики. Подходы к терапии пациентов с различными фенотипами по GOLD (2019): материалы Совета экспертов Сибирского федерального округа, Читы и Бурятии от 15.03.19

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a global problem in modern medicine. In recent years, the medical community’s understanding of COPD has changed significantly, which is primarily due to the emergence of a new classification and the identification of various phenotypes of the disease. These changes could not affect the tactics of COPD treatment. The article discusses not only the debatable issues of treating COPD; it provides an overview of changes in international (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, 2018) and national (2019) recommendations, but also the significance and benefits of triple therapy in terms of evidence-based medicine as well as the benefits of extra-fine drugs in the treatment of bronchial obstructive syndrome.Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) представляет собой глобальную проблему современной медицины. За последние годы представление медицинского сообщества о ХОБЛ существенно изменилось, что связано в первую очередь с появлением новой классификации и выделением различных фенотипов заболевания. Эти изменения не могли не повлиять на тактику лечения ХОБЛ. В статье рассматриваются не только дискуссионные вопросы лечения ХОБЛ, представлен обзор изменений в международных (Гло - бальная инициатива по диагностике, лечению и профилактике ХОБЛ (Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, 2018)) и национальных (2019) рекомендациях, но и значение и преимущества тройной терапии с точки зрения доказательной медицины, а также преимущества экстрамелкодисперсных препаратов при лечении бронхообструктивного синдрома