7,571 research outputs found

    Volatiles and refratories in solar analogs: no terrestial planet connection

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    We have analysed very high-quality HARPS and UVES spectra of 95 solar analogs, 24 hosting planets and 71 without detected planets, to search for any possible signature of terrestial planets in the chemical abundances of volatile and refractory elements with respect to the solar abundances. We demonstrate that stars with and without planets in this sample show similar mean abundance ratios, in particular, a sub-sample of 14 planet-host and 14 "single" solar analogs in the metallicity range 0.14<[Fe/H]<0.36. In addition, two of the planetary systems in this sub-sample, containing each of them a super-Earth-like planet with masses in the range ~ 7-11 Earth masses, have different volatile-to-refratory abundance ratios to what would be expected from the presence of a terrestial planets. Finally, we check that after removing the Galactic chemical evolution effects any possible difference in mean abundances, with respect to solar values, of refratory and volatile elements practically dissappears.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 276th IAU Symposium "The Astrophysics of Planetary Systems

    Higgs mediated lepton flavor violating tau decays τ→μγ\tau \to \mu \gamma and τ→μγγ\tau \to \mu \gamma \gamma in effective theories

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    The size of the branching ratios for the τ→μγ\tau \to \mu \gamma and τ→μγγ\tau \to \mu \gamma \gamma decays induced by a lepton flavor violating Higgs interaction HτμH\tau \mu is studied in the frame of effective field theories. The best constraint on the HτμH\tau \mu vertex, derived from the know measurement on the muon anomalous magnetic moment, is used to impose the upper bounds Br(τ→μγ)<2.5×10−10Br(\tau \to \mu \gamma)<2.5\times 10^{-10} and Br(τ→μγγ)<2.3×10−12Br(\tau \to \mu \gamma \gamma)<2.3\times 10^{-12}, which are more stringent than current experimental limits on this class of transitions.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    El descobriment del Mediterrani. El Pla Nacional d'obres hidràuliques a la conca del Xúquer

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    El Pla Nacional d�Obres Hidràuliques de 1933 va ser el resultat de tres dècades de treballs dels organismes hidrològics sorgits amb el Regeneracionisme. Va ser concebut per resoldre les mancances hídriques dels regadius mediterranis amb la construcció d�embassaments i els transvasaments entre conques. La construcció d�embassaments al Xúquer, per regular el riu, era un element clau. La creació de la Confederació Hidrogràfica del Xúquer en 1934, en reforçar el control dels usuaris sobre el riu, complicà l�aplicació del pla, que va ser abandonat amb la Guerra Civil.The National Plan of Hydraulic Works of 1933 was the result of three decades of dedication of the hydrological institutions developed by the Regeneracionismo. The Plan was conceived to solve the shortcomings of the Mediterranean irrigation areas by the construction of dams and the diversions between watersheds. Damming the Júcar to regulate the river was a key element. The creation of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Júcar in 1934, reinforcing the control of users over the river, complicated the implementation of the plan, which was abandoned with the Civil War
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