41 research outputs found


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    Summury. Data about lipid disorders at different stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), including those on dialysis are presented in the review. The possible influence of dyslipidemia on the progression of CKD, as well as the onset and progression of cardiovascular complications in patients with CKD are discussed. The questions of lipid-lowering therapy use, including statins, in patients with CKD on dialysis and predialysis, are disclosed

    Activation of chronic inflammation and comorbidity in end-stage renal disease patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.

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    The aim of the work was to determine the blood serum pro-inflammatory cytokine profile and to study their relationship with comorbidity and mortality in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Ninety three ESRD patients treated with CAPD during 2012-2019 were included in the cohort prospective open study. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the determination of TNF-α and IL-6 levels was conducted and study of comorbidity, its quantitative assessment, baseline clinical and laboratory parameters was made. A modified polymorbidity index (MPI) which determined the quantitative assessment of comorbidity was calculated as the number of diseases per one patient excluding ESRD and its reasons. At the second stage, considering the baseline values of the studied cytokines, a prospective study of the dynamics of the prevalence of comorbid pathology, the value of MPI and mortality rate was carried out. The average duration of prospective follow-up was 26.4±6.8 months. Serum cytokines levels were determined by ELISA. Statistical analysis was performed by using "MedCalc", version 19.1.7. (Ostend, Belgium). Serum levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were significantly higher in PD-patients with 5 or more comorbid diseases. Levels of TNF-α>13.0 pg/ml have a negative effect on the dynamics of prevalence of heart failure (HF) and coronary heart disease (CHD), number of comorbid conditions in CAPD-patients. The proportion of the dead with a level of TNF-α>13.0 pg/ml was by three times higher, and deaths from cardiovascular events are almost by 10 times higher than patients who had a level of TNF-α≤13.0 pg/ml. Serum levels of IL-6>23.4 pg/ml are associated with a significant increase in number of comorbid conditions, prevalence of bacterial infections and overall and infectious mortality. Independent predictors of comorbidity and overall mortality in patients with ESRD who are treated with CAPD are serum levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and albumin. Serum levels of TNF-α and albumin are predictors of fatal cardiovascular events, and serum levels of IL-6 are predictors of fatal infectious events


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    There are a small number of works that have studied heart rhythm variability parameters in patients treated with hemodialysis. Aim. To investigate the peculiarities of heart rhythm variability parameters in patients treated with hemodialysis. Methods. The observational controlled study included 55 patients treated with hemodialysis, aged 24 to 75 years, including 29 men and 26 women. The control group consisted of 20 healthy individuals of comparable age and sex. Heart rhythm variability parameters were investigated in all patients. Results. In the study of heart rhythm variability in patients treated with hemodialysis comparatively with the control group time parameters and most of frequency indexes were decreased. Conclusions. Our study found the diminishment of the total power of neurohumoral regulation in patients treated hemodialysis, as evidenced by the low values SDNN, rNN50, CV

    D-dimer as a potential predictor of thromboembolic and cardiovascular complications in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between D-dimer levels and different biomarkers­ of renal diseases to identify the relationship between hypercoagulation and chronic kidney disease (CKD). To achieve this aim, we conducted a one-step prospective observational study involving 140 patients with CKD who were hospitali­zed in Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital in Ukraine during 2018-2019. Of these patients, 100 patients (71.4%; 95% CI 53.4-76.7) had glomerulonephritis (GN) and 40 patients (28,6%; 95% CI 21.3-36.8) had diabetic nephropathy (DN). All patients underwent standard examination, which included general clinical, biochemical and instrumental research methods. D-dimer was quantitatively determined in blood serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The 140 patients were divided into two groups according to the level of D-dimers: normal level (<0.5 mg/l) and elevated level (≥0.5 mg/l). Elevated D-dimer levels were associated with an increased age of patients, decreased glomerular filtration rate, decreased blood albumin level, increased daily protein excretion and a tendency to develop thromboembolic complications during 1 year of monitoring. D-dimer is a biological marker that can detect hypercoagulation at an early preclinical stage in patients with CKD and identify patients with an increased cardiovascular risk, thereby promoting the earliest use of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants and, consequently, it can reduce mortality­

    Blood vitamins status in patients with stages 2-5 chronic kidney disease

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    Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are prone to development hypovitaminosis due to dietary constraints, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, comorbid conditions, etc. Determination of vitamins level in patients with CKD will allow timely correction of their deficiency, prevent the development of hypervitaminosis and reduce oxidative stress. The purpose of the study was to examine the level of vitamins depending on the stage of CKD. Methods. Vitamin D levels (level 25-hydroxyvitamin D), A, E, B12, K, folic acid were determined in 44patients with CKD stages II-V(mean age 54,63 ± 2,63 years, 24 men 55%). According to the study, patients should not have received any drugs or biologically active additives containing vitamins for 3 months. Results. There was no significant difference in the level of studied vitamins in CKD st. II-III. There was a significant decrease in the levels of vitamin K, folic acid, and vitamin D levels with the progression of CKD. Vitamin A levels in CKD st. IV, V compared to CKD st. II were significantly higher. Considering large number drugs containing vitamins and trace elements and wide uncontrolled use in the population, in particular in patients with CKD, it is important to continue to study the levels of vitamins and trace elements in patients at different stages of the CKD, depending on the CKD nosology. Study of efficiency and safety applying vitamins in patients with CKD, particularly in the late stages of CKD, are appropriate. Conclusions. For patients with CKD characteristic of vitamins deficiency (in our study vitamin K, folic acid), but also an increase in their levels (vitamins A and E). Progression of CKD is accompanied by a change in the levels of vitamins. A significant decrease in the level of vitamin K, folic acid, vitamin D was notedfor patients with GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2


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    Summary. The aim of the present research was to study the influence of еpoetin alfa to the level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in patients with anemia treated by hemodialysis (HD). Materials and methods: We examined 73patients with anemia treated by hemodialysis (mean age 45,85 ±1,21 years). Patients were divided into 2groups: I group - comparison (n = 32), II group - treatment by epoetin alfa (n = 41). The levels of hemoglobin, C-reactiveprotein, ferritin, albumin, pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines were determined before and after treatment in patients of both groups. The duration of treatment was 5 months. Results: Epoetin alfa increases Hb levels in patients treated by HD. After epoetin alfa applying reduction of proinflammatory cytokines ( TNF -a, IL -ip, IL -17, IL -18) and increased levels of IL -10 were observed. Conclusions: The clinical efficacy of the epoetin alfa treatment at the moment of completion of treatment was 75.6% (level of Hb > 110 g/L ). Epoetin alfa, improving the level of Hb, reduces the activity of chronic inflammation


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    Пациенты на гемодиализе составляют большую группу, которая получает искусственное питание. Нутриционная программа для этих пациентов рассматривает не только метаболические нарушения, связанные с почечной недостаточностью и сопутствующими осложнениями, а и нарушения нутриционного баланса, обусловленные процедурой гемодиализа


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    В исследовании изучалась клиническая эффективность габапентина при синдроме беспокойных ног (СНН) и влияние СНН на качество жизни пациентов на программном гемодиализе. Использовались опросник оценки качества жизни SF - 36, для диагностики СНН - критерииБ разработанные международной группой RLS - IRLSSG(International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group). Было выявлено, что СНН существенно ухудшает КЖ пациентов, которые лечатся программным гемодиализом. Применение габапентина в течение 4 недель в дозе 300 мг на ночь уменьшает интенсивность проявлений СНН, путем уменьшения неприятных ощущений (парестезий) и улучшает показатели КЖ пациентов с СНН, которые лечатся программным гемодиализом

    Рівень пролактину у пацієнтів з ХХН V стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом

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    Розповсюдженість гіперпролатинемії у пацієнтів, які лікуються гемодіалізом (ГД), становить 30-65%. Метою нашої роботи було дослідити рівень пролактину (ПЛ) у пацієнтів з хронічною хворобою нирок (ХХН) V стадії, які лікуються ГД. Матеріали та методи. Відкрите проспективне нерандомізоване дослідження за участю 43 пацієнтів з ХХН VД стадії, які лікуються гемодіалізом. Критеріями включення пацієнтів до дослідження були: інформована згода хворого прийняти участь у дослідженні, лікування ГД понад трьох місяців, Кt/V>1,2; судинний доступ АВ-фістула. Критеріями виключення були: відмова хворого від участі у дослідженні, цироз печінки, гострі гепатити В, С, гіпотиреоз, гострий коронарний синдром, гостре порушення мозкового кровообігу, вагітність, пацієнти з злоякісними новоутвореннями; ті хто, системно отримує такі медикаменти, як трициклічні антидепресанти, інгібітори моноамінооксидази, резерпін, метилдопу, похідні фенотіазину, протиблювотні препарати (зокреама метоклопрамід), інгібітори синтезу дофаміну, нейролептики. Всім хворим проводили визначення ПЛ в сироватці крові. Результати. У хворих, які лікуються ГД констатовано підвищений рівень ПЛ у 32 (74%) пацієнтів. Рівень ПЛ сироватки крові у хворих, які лікуються ГД, був вищим порівняно з групою контролю: 47,17 ± 32,4 проти 11,76 ± 4,33нг/мл (р<0,001). Порушення місячного циклу склало 85% у групі жінок з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ проти 20% у жінок з нормальним рівнем ПЛ (р<0,05). У групах жінок та чоловіків з підвищеним рівнем ПЛ достовірно нижчий рівень Нb (р<0,05). Встановлено, що рівень ПЛ мав негативний кореляційний зв'язок з рівнем Нb(r=-0,36; p=0,02) та позитивний кореляційний звʼязок між рівнем ПЛ та СРБ (r=0,32; p=0,03). Висновки. Розповсюдженість гіперпролактинемії в нашому дослідженні склала 74%. Порушення менструального циклу зустрічалося достовірно частіше у жінок з гіперпролактинемією (85% проти 20%). Підвищення концентрації ПЛ має негативний зв'язок з рівнем Нb та позитивний зв'язок з рівнем СРП, що дозволяє припускати причетність ПЛ до процесів хронічного запалення