43 research outputs found

    Hand eczema: possible risks and choice of therapy

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    Hand eczema is a common disease – up to 5% in the general population. In addition, eczema is closely related to atopy and, like atopic dermatitis, to a mutation in the FLG gene. In addition to genetic factors, eczema is caused by external irritants and toxic substances. Eczema often occurs in families with atopic diseases, including asthma, allergic rhinitis/hay fever (and food allergies), and atopic dermatitis. These diseases share a common pathogenesis and often occur together in the same person and/or family. Eczematous rashes are often accompanied by itching. This symptom can lead not only to sleep disturbances but also to secondary infections. According to some data, the rate of infections in eczema can be more than 70%. In such cases, the drugs of choice are combined glucocorticosteroids (GC), which in addition to GC contain an antimycotic and an antibiotic. Our practical experience shows the high effectiveness of the combination of beclomethasone dipropionate, gentamicin, and clotrimazole not only in cases of eczema complicated by secondary infection but also in patients with other infected chronic dermatoses. This article reviews these and other practical aspects and problems in the treatment of hand eczema, discusses the etiological factors that lead to the development of the disease, and presents current data from clinical recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of eczema

    Evaluation of biomarkers in the studies of keloid tissue after laser therapy

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    In this paper, we discuss what biomarkers to choose if there is a need to describe the results of laser therapy targeting keloid skin. We elevate the known cytomarkers (Krt14, Lgals7, Krt5, Dcn, Lum, Igfbp5, Cd31, Vwf, Stambpl1, Uqcrb, Cd3 and Acta2), biomarkers of the inflammatory response (Cd45/Ptprc, Adgre1, Ly6g, Il1b, Il4, Il13, Il22, Cxcl2 и Ccl17), as well as the proteins of extracellular matrix (type I and III collagens; precursors of COL5A1 and COLA1A; FTL, COL3A1, PGLS, CNN2, ANXA2, TPSAB1, COL12A1, precursors of APCS and ALB), and their encoding genes (FGF7, BAX, CCND1, MMP3, MMP9, CXCL1, -2, -5, -6 and -12; IL8, S100A7 and IL1A), those expression and co-location may potentially change the appearance and internal structure of damaged skin. We also describe how to choose biomarkers using the results genomic studies and their limitations. Moreover, we provide examples of how different groups of gene and protein biomarkers are used in experimental biology and clinical practice. According to the previously published data, well-known biomarkers verified on animal models, depend on their biological effects, let to characterize structural changes and changes in the composition of cells represented at the site of damage before and after the treatment. In addition, the published experimental and clinical data provide an opportunity to analyze the efficiency of new experimental approaches and compare them to each other

    Electron-enhanced reactions responsible for photoluminescence spectrum change in II-VI compounds

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    Electron-enhanced reactions in II-VI compounds are shown to be caused by the presence of some mobile defects which diffusion is not enhanced under excitation. At the same time, electron-enhanced diffusion can be imitated in these reactions due to carrier trapping by deep centers that do or even do not take part in the reaction. To elucidate the real defect reaction mechanism a detailed study is required in every case. For this purpose, a method of mobile defect detection and their diffusion characteristic direct investigation has been elaborated

    Клинический случай синдрома Кернса–Сейра: диагностика, тактика лечения

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    The article outlines the current knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features and diagnostic criteria of one of the forms of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy – the Kearns–Sayre syndrome. The observation of a patient with an incomplete case of the Kearns–Sayre syndrome is presented. The complexity of diagnosis and the range of differential diagnostic search as well as approaches to treatment with the use of neurotrophic factors are widely discussed in the research.В статье изложены современные представления об этиологии, патогенезе, клинических особенностях и диагностических критериях одной из форм митохондриальной патологии – синдроме Кернса–Сейра. Представлено наблюдение пациента с неполным вариантом синдрома Кернса–Сейра. Обсуждаются сложности диагностики и круг дифференциально-диагностического поиска, подходы к лечению с применением нейротрофических факторов


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    The article provides epidemiologic data on acne in women, an interrelation of the disease with hormonal processes and disturbances is described. Results of complex therapy of 49 patients with acne by folate-containing oral contraceptives. Therapy effect not only on the skin process but on the psychoemotional and physical status of patients is noted. The subjective evaluation of patients confirms high effectiveness of the proposed therapy

    Foot mycosis: how to help active patients

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    Mycotic infections of the feet are common fungal infections in our time. According to some reports, about 10% of the world's population suffer from these infections. Men suffer from foot mycosis more often than others. Foot mycosis can manifest itself in three clinical forms: interdigital, plantar and vesiculopapular. Foot mycosis is often combined with onychomycosis or becomes a risk factor for its development. Many diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases, obesity are risk factors for foot mycosis. But what is important is that young and middle-aged people who lead an active lifestyle are at risk. It has long been established that public places such as gyms, swimming pools, baths and saunas are a source of mycotic infections. The internal climatic environment of footwear also has a significant impact on the development of foot mycosis. Closed shoes with high internal temperature and humidity create ideal conditions for dermatophyte growth. That is why people who prefer closed, even cloth shoes, or office workers, who are forced to constantly wear closed shoes, often suffer from foot mycosis and other fungal infections.The main problem in the treatment of foot mycoses is adherence to the prescribed treatment. In our practice, mycotic lesions are more common in people who lead an active lifestyle and are unable to adhere to a long course of therapy. Indeed, the treatment of mycosis often involves a two-week application of some topical antifungal agent. It is optimal to prescribe a single application of terbinafine film forming solution to such patients. This drug ensures the clinical effectiveness of therapy as it keeps antifungi-cidal activity for 13 days from the date of application and high adherence to treatment

    Alteration of <i>STAT3</i> gene expression in psoriasis treatment

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    Introduction. Psoriasis is a typical complex multigenic and multifactorial disease with heterogeneous genetic heredity, which requires the interaction of genes both with each other and with environmental factors. STAT3 (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 3) has only recently been considered a key player in the development and pathogenesis of psoriasis and psoriatic inflammatory conditions.Aim of the study. To study the expression of the STAT3 gene in the affected part of the skin of psoriasis patients in relation to the visually unaffected part. To study the change in the STAT3 gene expression level in psoriasis-affected skin as compared to nonaffected skin in patients before and after treatment with low-level laser radiation at a wavelength of 1.27 pm.Materials and methods. The study involved 12 psoriasis patients. Biopsies from the unaffected skin were taken at a distance of about 3 cm from the affected skin. Real-time PCR analysis was performed.Results and discussion. The expression of the STAT3 gene was quantitatively measured using RT-PCR in the affected part of the skin of psoriasis patients compared to the visually unaffected part of the skin of the same patients before and after treatment with low-level laser radiation with a wavelength of 1.27 gm (short-wave infrared). As a result of the study, an increase in the expression of the STAT3 gene in the affected part of the skin of psoriasis patients of an average of 3.96 ± 2 times was experimentally shown. A decrease in gene expression was observed in psoriasis affected skin compared to samples of non-affected areas. After treatment of patients with low-level laser radiation, a significant reduction in the expression of the overexpressed STAT3 gene to 1.75 ± 0.5 times was observed.Conclusions. The transcription activity of the STAT3 gene can be an indicator of the efficacy of psoriasis treatment at the molecular level and can also be a new therapeutic target

    Hair loss due to a new coronavirus infection: treatment approaches

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    Stress has always been one of the triggers of hair loss. The global pandemic of COVID-19 infection has become such a factor for many people. Considering that the pathogenesis of hair loss in this infection has not been sufficiently studied yet, many authors suggest that, as the infection itself and the associated psychoemotional condition and the therapy can cause diffuse thinning of hair and androgenic alopecia. Several studies demonstrate a link between androgens involved in the pathogenesis of COVID-19 and the possible development of androgenic alopecia. Other researchers have observed many cases of telogen hair loss associated with this infection. In our practice, we also encounter diffuse hair thinning, presumably caused by COVID-19. Often, many patients do not consider necessity of consulting with doctor for hair loss. They look for medical help only when self-medication does not give the expected result. After these attempts to independently conduct therapy in some cases patients develop negative attitude towards certain drugs. In such cases, the doctor’s task is to adequately assess the patient’s condition and offer the optimal therapy in each specific case. Often, diffuse hair thinning of a telogen nature, which has arisen against the background of various infections, can be stopped without the help of drugs. The article describes the experience of applying care products with natural and innovative components in the fight against COVID-19-induced alopecia, which can be applied in the practice of a dermatologist

    Diffuse hair loss in women: causes and therapeutic approach

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    Throughout human history, women have paid great attention to the beauty of their hair, and modern women are no exception. About 63% of young American women use different nutritional supplements to prevent hair loss. Diffuse hair loss is quite common in women and can occur against the background of various events: pregnancy, pre- and post-menopause, chronic diseases, etc. The most common is telogen effluvium (TE), which begins 2-3 months after the trigger event. Usually, TE process stops on its own, but can also become chronic. For many women, pregnancy and associated psycho-emotional stress become the triggering event, and in 75% of cases hair loss can become chronic.In fact, TE is a violation of the hair growth cycle. First of all, it is necessary to exclude the trigger factor from the patient's life and only then to start normalizing the hair growth cycle and improve the quality of hair follicle nutrition. The most effective topical remedy for the treatment of diffuse hair loss is minoxidil. The reasons for its clinical effectiveness have not been fully studied, but it is known that it prolongs the hair growth phase. Unfortunately, after cancellation of the drug, hair loss is often renewed. Avoiding these effects is possible with a comprehensive approach to therapy. Inclusion of additional components in the therapy scheme, such as vitamin and mineral complexes, growth stimulants, specialized care products, allows to maintain and improve the results of treatment with minoxidil

    Skin bacterial infections – always a topical problem

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    Bacterial skin infections are one of the most common reasons for visiting a dermatologist. A huge number of different microor-ganisms live on the human skin, but sometimes due to some external and internal factors the balance is disturbed, which leads to the predominance of one or more colonies and the subsequent development of the infection. Often staphylococci or streptococci are the cause of pyodermias (this is how skin bacterial infections are usually called). In the treatment of pyodermias, local antibacterial drugs are most often used. But given the free access to antibiotics and their thoughtless use, the sensitivity of many strains of microorganisms to the effects of drugs is reduced, which in many cases makes treatment difficult. According to various data, the sensitivity to fusidic acid remains very high, which makes fusidic acid-based drugs an optimal choice for therapy of bacterial infections. It is worth noting that recent studies have also demonstrated the anti-inflammatory activity of fusidic acid, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of therapy. In today’s realities, the problem of bacterial skin infections remains as urgent as ever. Prolonged use of personal protective equipment and, in particular, medical masks creates ideal conditions for increased growth of opportunistic microorganisms. In this article, we present a case from our own practice. Impetigo developed in a patient after improper use of personal protective equipment. Fusidic acid topical therapy achieved a good clinical result after only 7 days. Thus, given the prevalence of pyodermias, fusidic acid-based drugs may be the optimal solution to the problem