12,976 research outputs found

    Flexibility and development of mirroring mechanisms

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    The empirical support for the SCM is mixed. We review recent results from our own lab and others supporting a central claim of SCM that mirroring occurs at multiple levels of representation. By contrast, the model is silent as to why human infants are capable of showing imitative behaviours mediated by a mirror system. This limitation is a problem with formal models that address neither the neural correlates nor the behavioural evidence directly

    Diffuse Gas and LMXBs in the Chandra Observation of the S0 Galaxy NGC 1553

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    We have spatially and spectrally resolved the sources of X-ray emission from the X-ray faint S0 galaxy NGC 1553 using an observation from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The majority (70%) of the emission in the 0.3 - 10.0 keV band is diffuse, and the remaining 30% is resolved into 49 discrete sources. Most of the discrete sources associated with the galaxy appear to be low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). The luminosity function of the LMXB sources is well-fit by a broken power-law with a break luminosity comparable to the Eddington luminosity for a 1.4 solar mass neutron star. It is likely that those sources with luminosities above the break are accreting black holes and those below are mostly neutron stars in binary systems. Spectra were extracted for the total emission, diffuse emission, and sum of the resolved sources; the spectral fits for all require a model including both a soft and hard component. The diffuse emission is predominately soft while the emission from the sources is mostly hard. Approximately 24% of the diffuse emission arises from unresolved LMXBs, with the remainder resulting from thermal emission from hot gas. There is a very bright source at the projected position of the nucleus of the galaxy. The spectrum and luminosity derived from this central source are consistent with it being an AGN; the galaxy also is a weak radio source. Finally, the diffuse emission exhibits significant substructure with an intriguing spiral feature passing through the center of the galaxy. The X-ray spectrum and surface brightness of the spiral feature are consistent with adiabatic or shock compression of ambient gas, but not with cooling. This feature may be due to compression of the hot interstellar gas by radio lobes or jets associated with the AGN.Comment: 23 pages using emulateapj.sty; ApJ, in press; revised version includes correction to error in the L_X,src/L_B ratio as well as other revision

    Widening use of dexamethasone implant for the treatment of macular edema

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    Sustained-release intravitreal 0.7 mg dexamethasone (DEX) implant is approved in Europe for the treatment of macular edema related to diabetic retinopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion, central retinal vein occlusion, and non-infectious uveitis. The implant is formulated in a biodegradable copolymer to release the active ingredient within the vitreous chamber for up to 6 months after an intravitreal injection, allowing a prolonged interval of efficacy between injections with a good safety profile. Various other ocular pathologies with inflammatory etio­pathogeneses associated with macular edema have been treated by DEX implant, including neovascular age-related macular degeneration, Irvine–Gass syndrome, vasoproliferative retinal tumors, retinal telangiectasia, Coats’ disease, radiation maculopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, and macular edema secondary to scleral buckling and pars plana vitrectomy. We undertook a review to provide a comprehensive collection of all of the diseases that benefit from the use of the sustained-release DEX implant, alone or in combination with concomitant therapies. A MEDLINE search revealed lack of randomized controlled trials related to these indications. Therefore we included and analyzed all available studies (retrospective and prospective, com­parative and non-comparative, randomized and nonrandomized, single center and multicenter, and case report). There are reports in the literature of the use of DEX implant across a range of macular edema-related pathologies, with their clinical experience supporting the use of DEX implant on a case-by-case basis with the aim of improving patient outcomes in many macular pathologies. As many of the reported macular pathologies are difficult to treat, a new treat­ment option that has a beneficial influence on the clinical course of the disease may be useful in clinical practice

    Environmental sustainability approaches and positive energy districts: A literature review

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    During the last decade, increasing attention has been paid to the emerging concept of Positive Energy Districts (PED) with the aim of pushing the transition to clean energy, but further research efforts are needed to identify design approaches optimized from the point of view of sustainable development. In this context, this literature review is placed, with a specific focus on environmental sustainability within innovative and eco-sustainable districts. The findings show that some sustainability aspects such as sustainable food, urban heat islands mitigation and co-impacts, e.g., green gentrification, are not adequately assessed, while fragmented thinking limits the potential of circularity. In this regard, targeted strategies should be developed. On the other hand, the Key Performance Indicators framework needs some integrations. In this direction, indicators were suggested, among those defined in the Sustainable Development Agenda, the main European standards and initiatives and the relevant literature experiences. Future outlooks should be directed to-wards: the harmonization of the Life Cycle Assessment in PEDs with reference to modeling assump-tions and analysis of multiple impacts; the development of dynamic environmental analyses taking into account the long-term uncertainty due to climate change, data availability and energy decar-bonization; the combination of Life Cycle Assessment and Key Performance Indicators based tech-niques, from a holistic thinking perspective, for a comprehensive design environment and the analysis of the contribution of energy flexibility approaches on the environmental impact of a project

    Disorder Induced Ferromagnetism in CaRuO3

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    The magnetic ground state of perovskite structure CaRuO3 has been enigmatic for decades. Here we show that paramagnetic CaRuO3 can be made ferromagnetic by very small amounts of partial substitution of Ru by Ti. Magnetic hysteresis loops are observed at 5 K for as little as 2% Ti substitution. Ti is non-magnetic and isovalent with Ru, indicating that the primary effect of the substitution is the disruption of the magnetic ground state of CaRuO3 through disorder. The data suggest that CaRuO3 is poised at a critical point between ferromagnetic and paramagnetic ground states

    Aspectos computacionais da implementaçao da formulaçao diferencial aplicada à análise reológica de barragens de concreto

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    Neste artigo sáo apresentadas as formulaçóes integral e diferencial para a modelizacão matemática do problema reológico do concreto, assim como a correspondencia entre as duas formulaçoes. Sáo então apresentados exemplos numéricos visando uma comparacáo da eficiencia computacional de algoritmos baseados nos dois tipos de modelizaçao.Peer Reviewe

    Longitudinal Variability in Hydrochemistry and Zooplankton Community of a Large River: A Lagrangian‐Based Approach

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    The variability in water quality and zooplankton community structure during downstream transport was investigated in the Po river (Italy) using for the first time a Lagrangian sampling approach. Two surveys were conducted, one in spring under relatively high discharge levels, and one at low flows in summer. Twelve stations along a 332‐km stretch of the river’s lowland reach and four major tributaries were sampled. A hydrodynamic modelling system was used to determine water transport time along the river, with a satisfying fit between simulated and observed discharge values. No clear downstream trend in phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations was found. Conversely, a marked longitudinal decrease in dissolved silica supports the hypothesis of increasing downstream silica limitation during the phytoplankton growing season.In spring, at low residence time, no apparent plankton growth was observed during downstream transport. In summer, higher temperatures and lower turbulence and turbidity associated with longer residence time stimulated algal growth and in‐stream reproduction of fast‐growing rotifer taxa, with the gradual downstream development of a truly potamal assemblage and the increase of the ratio of euplanktonic to littoral/epibenthic rotifer taxa. Crustacean zooplankton density was generally low. The importance of biotic interactions within the zooplankton in driving community abundance and composition appeared to increase in the downstream direction, paralleled by a decrease in the influence of physical forcing. Tributary influence was especially evident where severe anthropogenic alterations of river hydrology and trophic status resulted in enhanced plankton growth, ultimately affecting zooplankton structure in the main river. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134064/1/rra3028.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134064/2/rra3028_am.pd