87 research outputs found

    The impact of anthelmintic treatment on human gut microbiota based on cross-sectional and pre- and postdeworming comparisons in Western Kenya

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    Murine studies suggest that the presence of some species of intestinal helminths is associated with changes in host microbiota composition and diversity. However, studies in humans have produced varied conclusions, and the impact appears to vary widely depending on the helminth species present. To demonstrate how molecular approaches to the human gut microbiome can provide insights into the complex interplay among disparate organisms, DNA was extracted from cryopreserved stools collected from residents of 5 rural Kenyan villages prior to and 3 weeks and 3 months following albendazole (ALB) therapy. Samples were analyzed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the presence of 8 species of intestinal parasites and by MiSeq 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Based on pretreatment results, the presence of neither Ascaris lumbricoides nor Necator americanus infection significantly altered the overall diversity of the microbiota in comparison with age-matched controls. Following ALB therapy and clearance of soil-transmitted helminths (STH), there were significant increases in the proportion of the microbiota made up by Clostridiales (P = 0.0002; average fold change, 0.57) and reductions in the proportion made up by Enterobacteriales (P = 0.0004; average fold change, -0.58). There was a significant posttreatment decrease in Chao1 richness, even among individuals who were uninfected pretreatment, suggesting that antimicrobial effects must be considered in any posttreatment setting. Nevertheless, the helminth-associated changes in Clostridiales and Enterobacteriales suggest that clearance of STH, and of N. americanus in particular, alters the gut microbiota.IMPORTANCE The gut microbiome is an important factor in human health. It is affected by what we eat, what medicines we take, and what infections we acquire. In turn, it affects the way we absorb nutrients and whether we have excessive intestinal inflammation. Intestinal worms may have an important impact on the composition of the gut microbiome. Without a complete understanding of the impact of mass deworming programs on the microbiome, it is impossible to accurately calculate the cost-effectiveness of such public health interventions and to guard against any possible deleterious side effects. Our research examines this question in a "real-world" setting, using a longitudinal cohort, in which individuals with and without worm infections are treated with deworming medication and followed up at both three weeks and three months posttreatment. We quantify the impact of roundworms and hookworms on gut microbial composition, suggesting that the impact is small, but that treatment of hookworm infection results in significant changes. This work points to the need for follow-up studies to further examine the impact of hookworm on the gut microbiota and determine the health consequences of the observed changes

    Pertactin Is Required for Bordetella Species To Resist Neutrophil-Mediated Clearance

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    Pertactin (PRN) is an autotransporter protein produced by all members of the Bordetella bronchiseptica cluster, which includes B. pertussis, B. parapertussis, and B. bronchiseptica. It is a primary component of acellular pertussis vaccines, and anti-PRN antibody titers correlate with protection. In vitro studies have suggested that PRN functions as an adhesin and that an RGD motif located in the center of the passenger domain is important for this function. Two regions of PRN that contain sequence repeats (region 1 [R1] and R2) show polymorphisms among strains and have been implicated in vaccine-driven evolution. We investigated the role of PRN in pathogenesis using B. bronchiseptica and natural-host animal models. A Δprn mutant did not differ from wild-type B. bronchiseptica in its ability to adhere to epithelial and macrophage-like cells in vitro or to establish respiratory infection in rats but was cleared much faster than wild-type bacteria in a mouse lung inflammation model. Unlike wild-type B. bronchiseptica, the Δprn mutant was unable to cause a lethal infection in SCID-Bg mice, but, like wild-type bacteria, it was lethal for neutropenic mice. These results suggest that PRN plays a critical role in allowing Bordetella to resist neutrophil-mediated clearance. Mutants producing PRN proteins in which the RGD motif was replaced with RGE or in which R1 and R2 were deleted were indistinguishable from wild-type bacteria in all assays, suggesting that these sequences do not contribute to PRN function

    MAIT cells are imprinted by the microbiota in early life and promote tissue repair

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    How early-life colonization and subsequent exposure to the microbiota affect long-term tissue immunity remains poorly understood. Here, we show that the development of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells relies on a specific temporal window, after which MAIT cell development is permanently impaired. This imprinting depends on early-life exposure to defined microbes that synthesize riboflavin-derived antigens. In adults, cutaneous MAIT cells are a dominant population of interleukin-17A (IL-17A)-producing lymphocytes, which display a distinct transcriptional signature and can subsequently respond to skin commensals in an IL-1-, IL-18-, and antigen-dependent manner. Consequently, local activation of cutaneous MAIT cells promotes wound healing. Together, our work uncovers a privileged interaction between defined members of the microbiota and MAIT cells, which sequentially controls both tissue-imprinting and subsequent responses to injury

    Translational research into gut microbiota: new horizons on obesity treatment: updated 2014

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    Obesity is currently a pandemic of worldwide proportions affecting millions of people. Recent studies have proposed the hypothesis that mechanisms not directly related to the human genome could be involved in the genesis of obesity, due to the fact that, when a population undergoes the same nutritional stress, not all individuals present weight gain related to the diet or become hyperglycemic. The human intestine is colonized by millions of bacteria which form the intestinal flora, known as gut flora. Studies show that lean and overweight human may present a difference in the composition of their intestinal flora; these studies suggest that the intestinal flora could be involved in the development of obesity. Several mechanisms explain the correlation between intestinal flora and obesity. The intestinal flora would increase the energetic extraction of non-digestible polysaccharides. In addition, the lipopolysaccharide from intestinal flora bacteria could trigger a chronic sub-clinical inflammatory process, leading to obesity and diabetes. Another mechanism through which the intestinal flora could lead to obesity would be through the regulation of genes of the host involved in energy storage and expenditure. In the past five years data coming from different sources established causal effects between intestinal microbiota and obesity/insulin resistance, and it is clear that this area will open new avenues of therapeutic to obesity, insulin resistance and DM2

    CD14+ macrophages that accumulate in the colon of African AIDS patients express pro-inflammatory cytokines and are responsive to lipopolysaccharide

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    BACKGROUND : Intestinal macrophages are key regulators of inflammatory responses to the gut microbiome and play a central role in maintaining tissue homeostasis and epithelial integrity. However, little is known about the role of these cells in HIV infection, a disease fuelled by intestinal inflammation, a loss of epithelial barrier function and increased microbial translocation (MT). METHODS : Phenotypic and functional characterization of intestinal macrophages was performed for 23 African AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea and/or weight loss and 11 HIV-negative Africans with and without inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). AIDS patients were treated with cotrimoxazole for the prevention of opportunistic infections (OIs). Macrophage phenotype was assessed by flow cytometry and immuno-histochemistry (IHC); production of proinflammatory mediators by IHC and Qiagen PCR Arrays; in vitro secretion of cytokines by the Bio-Plex Suspension Array System. Statistical analyses were performed using Spearman’s correlation and Wilcoxon matched-pair tests. Results between groups were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s post-test and the Mann–Whitney U tests. RESULTS : None of the study participants had evidence of enteric co-infections as assessed by stool analysis and histology. Compared to healthy HIV-negative controls, the colon of AIDS patients was highly inflamed with increased infiltration of inflammatory cells and increased mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokine (tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, IFN-γ, and IL-18), chemokines (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand (CCL)2 and chemokine (C-X-C) motif ligand (CXCL)10) and transcription factors (TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF)6 and T-box (TXB)21). IHC revealed significant co-localization of TNF-α and IL-1β with CD68+ cells. As in IBD, HIV was associated with a marked increase in macrophages expressing innate response receptors including CD14, the co-receptor for lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The frequency of CD14+ macrophages correlated positively with plasma LPS, a marker of MT. Total unfractionated mucosal mononuclear cells (MMC) isolated from the colon of AIDS patients, but not MMC depleted of CD14+ cells, secreted increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines ex vivo in response to LPS CONCLUSIONS : Intestinal macrophages, in the absence of overt OIs, play an important role in driving persistentinflammation in HIV patients with late-stage disease and diarrhea. These results suggest intensified treatmentstrategies that target inflammatory processes in intestinal macrophages may be highly beneficial in restoringthe epithelial barrier and limiting MT in HIV-infected patients.This research and selected researchers (EC, TR, PM, SM and CS) were funded in part by a grant from the Delegation of the European Union to South Africa: “Drug Resistance Surveillance and Treatment Monitoring Network for the Public Sector HIV Antiretroviral Treatment Programme in the Free State – Sante 2007/147-790” and by a grant from the National Research Council of South Africa, Unlocking the Future 61509.http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcinfectdisam201
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