83 research outputs found

    Scientific support of small fruit growing in Russia and prospects for its development

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    It is possible to achieve the target indices of the Russian Doctrine of Food Security (self-sufficiency in fruits and berries should be at least 60 %) by combining the competencies of science and business. At present, hundreds of varieties of small fruit crops are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Admitted for Use. Domestic breeders have obtained substantial results; the share of their assortment is 79–100 %. Federal Research Center of Horticulture (Moscow) (101 pcs.), Federal Altai Research Center of Agrobiotechnology (Barnaul) (85 pcs.), Michurin Federal Research Center (Michurinsk) (42 pcs.) are the leaders in the number of created hybrids and varieties. Over the past five years, 133 new breeding achievements of traditional small fruit crops have been submitted to the State variety testing, the originators of which are research institutions, private companies and individuals. The creation of modern seed-breeding (nursery-breeding) centers (SBC) on the basis of leading specialized research institutions is expected to be the solution to the problems of modern breeding and nursery breeding and to give impetus to the development of domestic small fruit growing. The research programs of the SBC involve an integrated approach that combines the knowledge and capabilities of researchers from different disciplines, the concentration of a complex analytical instrument base in the Centers of collective use, the using of biotechnological and molecular genetic research, along with traditional methods of breeding. An analysis of the achievements in small fruit growing in research institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation revealed a huge scientific potential (genetic collections, hybrid funds) for creating competitive commercial varieties and technologies for their cultivation by establishing plantations with certified planting material in accordance with international requirements. Information from literary sources indicates that one of the main criteria for the value of varieties is resistance to harmful viral diseases. The cultivation of such varieties will reduce the cost of producing planting material for small fruit crops of the highest quality categories. In the near future, the most relevant areas for the breeding of small fruit crops will be: breeding for resistance to the most harmful viruses, winter hardiness, increased transportability and long-term post-harvest storage of fruits, suitability for mechanized cultivation, high content of biologically active substances

    Synthesis of Pyrimidine Conjugates with 4-(6-Amino-hexanoyl)-7,8-difluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-methyl-2H-[1,4] benzoxazine and Evaluation of Their Antiviral Activity

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    A series of pyrimidine conjugates containing a fragment of racemic 7,8-difluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-methyl-2H-[1,4]benzoxazine and its (S)-enantiomer attached via a 6-aminohexanoyl fragment were synthesized by the reaction of nucleophilic substitution of chlorine in various chloropyrimidines. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by1H,19F, and 13 C NMR spectral data. Enantiomeric purity of optically active derivatives was confirmed by chiral HPLC. Antiviral evaluation of the synthesized compounds has shown that the replacement of purine with a pyrimidine fragment leads to a decrease in the anti-herpesvirus activity compared to the lead compound, purine conjugate. The studied compounds did not exhibit significant activity against influenza A (H1N1) virus. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 19-13-00231-PFunding: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 19-13-00231-P

    Using the past to constrain the future: how the palaeorecord can improve estimates of global warming

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    Climate sensitivity is defined as the change in global mean equilibrium temperature after a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration and provides a simple measure of global warming. An early estimate of climate sensitivity, 1.5-4.5{\deg}C, has changed little subsequently, including the latest assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The persistence of such large uncertainties in this simple measure casts doubt on our understanding of the mechanisms of climate change and our ability to predict the response of the climate system to future perturbations. This has motivated continued attempts to constrain the range with climate data, alone or in conjunction with models. The majority of studies use data from the instrumental period (post-1850) but recent work has made use of information about the large climate changes experienced in the geological past. In this review, we first outline approaches that estimate climate sensitivity using instrumental climate observations and then summarise attempts to use the record of climate change on geological timescales. We examine the limitations of these studies and suggest ways in which the power of the palaeoclimate record could be better used to reduce uncertainties in our predictions of climate sensitivity.Comment: The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Progress in Physical Geography, 31(5), 2007 by SAGE Publications Ltd, All rights reserved. \c{opyright} 2007 Edwards, Crucifix and Harriso


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    Introduction. the ability of the small intestine (internalization) to absorb water-soluble anticancer cytostatics determines the possibility of their oral administration. the ex-vivo express method that simulates the internalization of substances using a modified technique of an isolated «inverted» segment of the rat small intestine with flash chemiluminescence is adequate to solve the problem. Objectives: to evaluate the absorption of the new water-soluble anticancer cytostatics with different properties from the rat small intestine for preclinical study by oral administration. Material and methods. conjugated with acridinium (Acridinium NHS Ester, Toronto Research Chemicals, Canada) cytostatics were studied: low molecular weight (1) anthrafuran-acridinium (MW 0.8 kDa) and high molecular weight (2) aimpila-acridinium (MW 105 kDa) and (3) L-lysine-α-oxidase (LO-acridinium, MW 122 kDa). absorption was determined in a modified model of an isolated «inverted» segment of the rat small intestine using flash-chemiluminescence with the calculation of the relative light units (RLu). Results. It was shown that the absorption level of acridinium-conjugated cytostatics depending on molar concentration ranged from 55 % (1) to 1.7–11 % (2, 3) and 2500 (1) to 9.2–188 nmol/l (2, 3), respectively. the level of internalized anthrafuran-acridinium (55 %) was consistent with the known value of the effective non-conjugated cytostatic oral dose, which was two times higher than equitherapeutical parenteral dose: 100 mg/kg vs 50 mg/kg. Conclusion. the data obtained allow us to consider ex vivo express method for preclinical study of the various water-soluble anticancer cytostatics for screening and identification of an opportunity for oral administration and estimation of starting dose. the method has a good correlation with in vivo tests and economically favorable due to a quick response and small number of the tested agent.Введение. Способность к всасыванию в тонкой кишке (интернализация) водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков определяет возможность их перорального применения. Экспресс-метод ex vivo, моделирующий интернализацию веществ в рамках модифицированной методики изолированного «вывернутого» отрезка тонкой кишки крысы с импульсной хемилюминесценцией, адекватен для решения поставленной задачи. Цель исследования – оценка всасывания в организм из тонкой кишки новых водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков с различными свойствами для доклинического изучения при пероральном введении. Материал и методы. В исследование включены конъюгированные с Акридином (Acridinium NHS Ester, Toronto Research Chemicals, Canada) цитостатики: низкомолекулярный (1) Антрафуран-Акридин (MW 0,8 кДа) и высокомолекулярные (2) Аимпила-Акридин (MW 105 кДа) и (3) L-лизин-α-оксидаза (ЛО-Акридин, MW 122 кДа). Всасывание определено в модифицированной модели изолированного «вывернутого» отрезка тонкой кишки крысы методом импульсной флэш-хемилюминесценции и пересчитано в процентах. Результаты. Показано, что в зависимости от молярной концентрациии от 2500 (1) до 9,2–188 нмоль/л (2, 3) уровень всасывания конъюгированных с Акридином цитостатиков находится в диапазоне от 55 % (1) до 1,7–11 % (2, 3) соответственно. Уровень всасывания конъюгированного Антрафурана (55 %) согласуется с величиной известной эффективной пероральной дозы неконъюгированного цитостатика, которая была в два раза больше, чем эквитерапевтическая парентеральная доза: 100 мг/кг против 50 мг/кг. Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют рассматривать экспресс-метод ex vivo для скрининга возможности доклинического изучения различных водорастворимых противоопухолевых цитостатиков при пероральном введении с прогнозированием стартовой дозы. Метод адекватен тестам in vivo и экономически целесообразен в силу быстрого ответа и малого количества тестируемого агента

    Beyond equilibrium climate sensitivity

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    Russian Foreign Policy Regional Priorities: Economic Aspect

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    National economic interests are the basis to find out regional priorities of the country's external policy. The article is devoted to the analysis of the regional priorities of Russia external policy interpretations and the reasons of its changes from the point of view of the national economic interests

    Evolution of integration processes on post-soviet space

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    After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Belgian geopolitics J. Thiriart likened the former USSR with a chocolate bar. After segments (former Soviet republics) broken off, it is not enough to put it all together to recover the entire tile. Now it can only be achieved by smelting and forging new tile. Obviously, the integration should be the mechanism that connects all segments. Article is devoted to the evolution of the integration processes in the post-Soviet space, their development trends and recommendations for deepening integration

    BRICS — is the dead birth child or the new vector of international policy: to the question of the work effectiveness

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    At the least there are four versions of the expert community concerning the meaning and the role of BRICS. The first opinion is the opinion that it is just unable to function political party — the dead birth child. The second one opinion is that it is clearly Chinese project, that is useful for China and is made up only for promotion of Chinese interests. The third one opinion is that this project is aimed against USA, the new tool of the developing countries fight. The forth one opinion is that this is the process of the new word regime creation, the new world architecture. Article is dedicated to the question of BRICS role and the perspective of its development