1,926 research outputs found

    The influence of nanoparticles on biological objects

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    The modem opportunities o f medical care are basing on usage of new methods of diagnostic and treatment, including nanotechnologies and nanoobjects in clinical medicine and pharmacology. The experiment was carried out on 58 rats. The nanoparticles of iron oxide were used intranasally and by application on skin in kind of suspension. The methods were used: light, transmission, electron, probe and scanning microscopy with microelement analysi

    Spectroscopic characterization of the oxo-transfer reaction from a bis(µ-oxo)dicopper(III) complex to triphenylphosphine

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    The oxygen-atom transfer reaction from the bis(µ-oxo)dicopper(III) complex [CuIII2(µ-O)2(L)2]2+1, where L =N,N,N,N -tetraethylethylenediamine, to PPh3 has been studied by UV-vis, EPR, 1H NMR and Cu K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy in parallel at low temperatures (193 K) and above. Under aerobic conditions (excess dioxygen), 1 reacted with PPh3, giving OPPh3 and a diamagnetic species that has been assigned to an oxo-bridged dicopper(II) complex on the basis of EPR and Cu K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic data. Isotope-labeling experiments (18O2) established that the oxygen atom incorporated into the triphenylphosphine oxide came from both complex 1 and exogenous dioxygen. Detailed kinetic studies revealed that the process is a third-order reaction; the rate law is first order in both complex 1 and triphenylphosphine, as well as in dioxygen. At temperatures above 233 K, reaction of 1 with PPh3 was accompanied by ligand degradation, leading to oxidative N-dealkylation of one of the ethyl groups. By contrast, when the reaction was performed in the absence of excess dioxygen, negligible substrate (PPh3) oxidation was observed. Instead, highly symmetrical copper complexes with a characteristic isotropic EPR signal at g= 2.11 were formed. These results are discussed in terms of parallel reaction channels that are activated under various conditions of temperature and dioxygen

    Law Students in Balance: A Proposal for a Well-being Course for Law School Students Founded on the Constructs and Findings of Positive Psychology

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    Research shows that law students experience greater levels of depression, stress, and anxiety, and also higher rates of alcohol and drug abuse than their peers at other graduate schools. Scholars from a broad array of disciplines, such as psychology, law, and education, suggest law school—its pedagogy and structure—is a causal factor for students’ decreased physical and mental well-being and lower overall life satisfaction. Faced with the challenge to find innovative approaches to the problem of law students’ distress, law schools can use the solutions and insights offered by the relatively new field of positive psychology. This paper proposes an academic course, named Law Students in Balance, based on the findings of the science of well-being. The course may be instrumental in managing stress and anxiety among law students, and, most importantly, preventing psychological distress among students and practicing attorneys. It endeavors to explain how positive emotions, an individual’s signature character strengths, and various tools for building resilience, can be learned and in turn may yield scientifically tested positive outcomes: lower and/or prevent depression and increase overall life satisfaction


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    State of the mineral component of rat bone tissue during hypokinesia and the recovery period

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    Experiments were conducted on young growing rats. Hypokinesia lasting from 20 to 200 days caused retarded gain in weight and volume of the femur and delayed development of the cortical layer of the diaphysis. In contrast, the density of the cortical layer of the femoral diaphysis increased due to elevation of the mineral saturation of the bone tissue microstructures. Incorporation of Ca into the bone tissue in hypokinesia had a tendency to reduce. Partial normalization of the bone tissue mineral component occurred during a 20 day recovery period following hypokinesia

    Effect of six-month hypokinesia in dogs on mineral component, reconstruction and mechanical properties of bone tissue

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    Ca45 incorporation into the bones of the limbs, particularly in the area of the muscle attachment increased in dogs as a result of 6 month hypokinesia. There were no phenomena of osteoporosis in the cortical layer of the diaphyses; however, changes in the form of osteons, an increase in the number of anastomoses between the channels and the thinning of the subperiosteal layer pointed to disturbances of the bone tissue reconstruction. Mineral saturation of the bone microstructures of the experimental dogs had a tendency to rise. No changes in the mechanical properties of the long bones occurred as a result of hypokinesia in dogs

    Место нематериальной мотивации персонала в обеспечении развития машиностроительных предприятий

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    У статті запропоновано шляхи удосконалення нематеріальної мотивації праці персоналу машинобудівних підприємств. Здійснено оцінку мотиваційних чинників працівників персоналу машинобудівного підприємтсва. Запропоновано алгоритм удосконалення організаційно-економічних заходів із розвитку нематеріальної мотивації персоналу.The article suggests ways to improve the non-financial motivation of employees of machine-building enterprises. The estimation is made of motivational factors of employees of machine-building enterprises. The algorithm is suggested for improvement of organizational and economic measures developing the non-financial motivation. In connection with the development of market economy, the importance of the contribution of each member of the team in the development of engineering enterprises in particular, and in the same area as a whole. The article is the rationale for the introduction of nonfinancial incentives work at an engineering company. Analysis of proposed advanced methods of non-financial incentives in engineering. The article analyzes the experience of managers with commercial success in the market and are designed to develop staffing strategies that would include various aspects of the process of work, including nonfinancial motivation of employees. The article presents findings on the need for individual selection methods of non-financial incentives for each employee subject: personal qualities, availability of various resources in the organization, management style in the company and the department. However, international experience suggests that intangible methods make it possible to successfully apply them to solve the problems of improving the efficiency of workers. Many of intangible motivation methods widely used abroad, but have spread to the Ukrainian machine-building enterprises that require more detailed further their study. Such methods non-financial motivation as work on free schedule needs to be scrutinized and will be investigated in subsequent studies.В статье предложены пути совершенствования нематериальной мотивации труда персонала машиностроительных предприятий. Осуществлена оценка мотивационных факторов работников персонала машиностроительного предприятия. Предложен алгоритм усовершенствования организационно-экономических мероприятий по развитию нематериальной мотивации персонала

    The Consequences of REIT Index Membership for Return Patterns

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    The impact of stock market index membership on Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) stock returns is unclear. Returns may become more like those of other indexed stocks and less like those of their underlying properties. Taking advantage of the inclusion of REITs in major S&P indexes starting in 2001, we find that shared index membership significantly increases the correlation between REIT returns. However, index membership also enhances the link between REIT returns and the underlying real estate, consistent with improved pricing efficiency

    An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria

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    In the last 40 years much has been achieved in Software Engineering research and still more is to be done. Although significant progress is being made on several fronts in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), there is still no set of clear, central themes to focus research activity on. A task within the EU FP7 Sister project aimed at defining research priorities for the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (Sofia University) in the area of Software and Services. A dedicated methodology was proposed and developed, based on various sources of information. The information accumulated was systematised and processed according to this methodology. The final results obtained are described and discussed here.* The work reported in this paper is partly supported by the SISTER project, funded by the European Commission in FP7-SP4 Capacities via agreement no. 205030