19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Carcass Production of PO Cattle Based on Heart Girth Measurement, Body Condition Score and Slaughter Weight

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    The objective of study was to evaluate of carcass production of PO beef cattle based on measurement of heart girth, body condition score (BCS), and slaughter weight.  It was conducted in the slaughtering house at Mersi Purwokerto city.  The materials for this study were 60 heads of male PO breed cattle.  Simple random sampling was used for taking samples.  Data was analyzed by using multiple regression equation to determine the effects of heart girth, BCS, and slaughter weight on carcass weight.  The potency of carcass relative growth was assessed with Huxley allometric equation. The result showed that heart girth did not differ significantly (P>0.05), BCS had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight and percentage, and slaughter weight had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight.  Relative growth of carcass weight to slaughter weight had a high potential (b=1.136), otherwise relative growth of carcass proportion to slaughter weight had a less potential (b=0.136).  It could be concluded that (1) carcass weight could be predicted using BCS and slaughter weight parameters, and (2) PO beef cattle slaughtered had a good of relative growth potential for the carcass. (Animal Production 11(1): 28-33 (2009) Key Words: PO beef cattle, heart girth, BCS, slaughter weight, carcas

    Evaluation of Carcass Production of PO Cattle Based on Heart Girth Measurement, Body Condition Score and Slaughter Weight

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    The objective of study was to evaluate of carcass production of PO beef cattle based on measurement of heart girth, body condition score (BCS), and slaughter weight. It was conducted in the slaughtering house at Mersi Purwokerto city. The materials for this study were 60 heads of male PO breed cattle. Simple random sampling was used for taking samples. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression equation to determine the effects of heart girth, BCS, and slaughter weight on carcass weight. The potency of carcass relative growth was assessed with Huxley allometric equation. The result showed that heart girth did not differ significantly (P>0.05), BCS had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight and percentage, and slaughter weight had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight. Relative growth of carcass weight to slaughter weight had a high potential (b=1.136), otherwise relative growth of carcass proportion to slaughter weight had a less potential (b=0.136). It could be concluded that (1) carcass weight could be predicted using BCS and slaughter weight parameters, and (2) PO beef cattle slaughtered had a good of relative growth potential for the carcass. (Animal Production 11(1): 28-33 (2009

    Kajian Potensi Pertumbuhan Karkas Kambing Kejobong Berdasarkan Persamaan Alometrik Huxley

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi karkas kambing lokal khas Kejobong berdasarkan umur dan bobot potong. Metode penelitian berupa survai di tempat pemotongan kambing di Desa Nangkod, Kecamatan Kejobong, Kabupaten Purbalingga. Materi penelitian berupa 50 ekor kambing lokal Kejobong betina. Sampel ternak yang digunakan diambil secara acak sederhana. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk menggambarkan karakteristik fisik dan produksi karkas yang dihasilkan. Analisis regresi berganda digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara umur dan bobot potong terhadap karkas yang dihasilkan. Potensi pertumbuhan karkas dianalisis dengan persamaan Alometrik Huxley. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umur berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot dan persentase karkas, sedangkan bobot potong berpengaruh nyata (

    Toleransi Beberapa Varietas Padi pada Sawah Gambut Berkorelasi dengan Kandungan Asam Fenolat

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    One of the causes of the low productivity of rice grown on peat soils was the high levels of of toxic phenolic compounds in the soil. Development of tolerant rice varieties is one of strategies to grow rice on peat soils. The aims of this research were to select rice varieties tolerant to peat soils and to study the correlation between the plant phenolic acid content with plant tolerance to peat soil. This research was conducted at the Seed Farm Centre Lubuk Minturun, Padang from February to July 2009. The research consisted of two experiments i.e. in peat soil and in mineral soil. The experiments used a completely randomized design using 21 varieties of rice as treatments which were replicated four times. The results showed that there were nine rice varieties categorized as tolerant to peat soil. These tolerant varieties showed higher stress tolerance index (STI), demonstrated by a high level of phenolic acids (coumaric, syringic, and ferulic) in the plant tissues. The STI value had positive correlation with the content of plant phenolic acids, thus the level of plant phenolic acids can be used as an indicator to determine tolerant rice varieties in peat soils. Keywords: peat soil, phenolic acids, tolerant rice, ST

    Study of Tenderization Method of Old Goat Meat

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    The objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of tenderization methods on several characteristics of goat meat.  A total of 6 goats (approximately 3 years of age) were used in the study.  The meat was obtained from the hind leg (m. biceps femoris).  Treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 replicates in each treatment.  The treatments were P0: control, P1: the meat was submerged in pineapple juice extract, P2: the meat was electrically stimulated, and P3: the meat was injected with CaCl2 solution.  The variables measured were tenderness (mm/g/s), pH, water holding capacity (%), cooking losses (%), moisture content (%) and dissolved protein content (μg/ml).  Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference compare the differences between means.  The result showed that treatments significantly (P<0.01) affected the meat tenderness, pH and water holding capacity but not significantly (P>0.05) affected meat cooking losses, moisture content and dissolved protein.  It can be concluded that injection CaCl2 was more effective in improving the tenderness of old goat meat. . (Animal Production 7(2): 106-110 (2005)   Key Words : Tenderization Method, Pineapple Juice Extract, Goat meat, CaCl2, Electrical Stimulatio

    Effects of Sex and Slaughter Weight on Physical Characteristics of Carcass of New Zealand White Crossbred

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    The objective of the experiment was to investigate the effects of sex and slaughter weight on physical characteristics of carcass of New Zealand White crossbred rabbits.  32 heads of New Zealand White crossbred rabbits (16 male and 16 female) by individual cages were involved in this study.  Two levels of  nested classifications were applied in this study.  Male and female rabbits were grouped by slaughter weight (SW) SW1 (1,259.38 ± 16.44 g), SW2 (1,674.88 ± 26.55 g), SW3 (2,076.25 ± 26.59 g), and SW4 (2,398.50 ± 19.41 g), and four replications.  Variables consist of  carcass weight and percentage, lean, bone, and fat weight and percentages. Analysis of  variance and least significant test (LSD) were applied in this.  This study reavealed that sex did not affect significantly (P>0.05) in all variables, whereas slaughter weight had significant effect (P<0.01) on all variables measured.  It can be concluded that physical characteristics of carcass of male rabbits are similar to those of female with the same SW, but SW significantly increase physical carcass characteristics, except to percentage of bone. (Animal Production 10(2): 85-89 (2008) Key Words:  Rabbits, carcass characteristic, slaughter weight, sex, New Zealand Whit

    Effects of Sex and Slaughter Weight on Physical Characteristics of Carcass of New Zealand White Crossbred

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    The objective of the experiment was to investigate the effects of sex and slaughter weight on physical characteristics of carcass of New Zealand White crossbred rabbits.  32 heads of New Zealand White crossbred rabbits (16 male and 16 female) by individual cages were involved in this study.  Two levels of  nested classifications were applied in this study.  Male and female rabbits were grouped by slaughter weight (SW) SW1 (1,259.38 ± 16.44 g), SW2 (1,674.88 ± 26.55 g), SW3 (2,076.25 ± 26.59 g), and SW4 (2,398.50 ± 19.41 g), and four replications.  Variables consist of  carcass weight and percentage, lean, bone, and fat weight and percentages. Analysis of  variance and least significant test (LSD) were applied in this.  This study reavealed that sex did not affect significantly (P>0.05) in all variables, whereas slaughter weight had significant effect (P<0.01) on all variables measured.  It can be concluded that physical characteristics of carcass of male rabbits are similar to those of female with the same SW, but SW significantly increase physical carcass characteristics, except to percentage of bone. (Animal Production 10(2): 85-89 (2008)   Key Words:  Rabbits, carcass characteristic, slaughter weight, sex, New Zealand Whit

    Evaluation of Carcass Production of PO Cattle Based on Heart Girth Measurement, Body Condition Score and Slaughter Weight

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    The objective of study was to evaluate of carcass production of PO beef cattle based on measurement of heart girth, body condition score (BCS), and slaughter weight. It was conducted in the slaughtering house at Mersi Purwokerto city. The materials for this study were 60 heads of male PO breed cattle. Simple random sampling was used for taking samples. Data was analyzed by using multiple regression equation to determine the effects of heart girth, BCS, and slaughter weight on carcass weight. The potency of carcass relative growth was assessed with Huxley allometric equation. The result showed that heart girth did not differ significantly (P>0.05), BCS had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight and percentage, and slaughter weight had significant effect (P<0.01) on carcass weight. Relative growth of carcass weight to slaughter weight had a high potential (b=1.136), otherwise relative growth of carcass proportion to slaughter weight had a less potential (b=0.136). It could be concluded that (1) carcass weight could be predicted using BCS and slaughter weight parameters, and (2) PO beef cattle slaughtered had a good of relative growth potential for the carcass. (Animal Production 11(1): 28-33 (2009) Key Words: PO beef cattle, heart girth, BCS, slaughter weight, carcas

    Study of Tenderization Method of Old Goat Meat

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    The objective of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of tenderization methods on several characteristics of goat meat.  A total of 6 goats (approximately 3 years of age) were used in the study.  The meat was obtained from the hind leg (m. biceps femoris).  Treatments were arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 replicates in each treatment.  The treatments were P0: control, P1: the meat was submerged in pineapple juice extract, P2: the meat was electrically stimulated, and P3: the meat was injected with CaCl2 solution.  The variables measured were tenderness (mm/g/s), pH, water holding capacity (%), cooking losses (%), moisture content (%) and dissolved protein content (μg/ml).  Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance and Least Significant Difference compare the differences between means.  The result showed that treatments significantly (P0.05) affected meat cooking losses, moisture content and dissolved protein.  It can be concluded that injection CaCl2 was more effective in improving the tenderness of old goat meat. . (Animal Production 7(2): 106-110 (2005) Key Words : Tenderization Method, Pineapple Juice Extract, Goat meat, CaCl2, Electrical Stimulatio