8 research outputs found

    A Web-based Image Recognition System for Detecting Harumanis Mangoes

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    Harumanis mango cultivar is special to Perlis (north state of Malaysia) and has been declared in the national agenda as a special fruit. For those who are not acquainted with aromatic mango, it is difficult to tell the distinction between Harumanis and the others . By using image recognition, people can identify Harumanis feature details by image recognition technique where algorithm is applied to recognize the mango. Convolutional neural networks method is a suitable technique for the creation of a multi - fruit in re al - time classification sorter with the camera and for the detection of moving fruit. Furthermore, the accuracy of the image classification can be improved by increasing the number of datasets, the distance of images from the camera, and the labelling proce ss. This project used Mobile Net architecture model because it consumes less computational power and it can also provide efficiency of the accuracy. A w eb - based i mage r ecognition s ystem for d etecting Harumanis m angoes was developed and known as CamPauh to recognize four classes of mango which are H arumanis, apple mango, other type s of mango es and not mango. CamPauh ca n identify different type of mangoes and the result was stored into the database and appeared on the websit e. E valuation on the accuracy was conducted discussed to support users ’ satisfaction in identifying the correct mango type

    Monitoring Electric Power Wheelchair Battery Consumption Level via Mobile

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    Nowadays, power wheelchair is one of the most important vehicles for people with physical disabilities such as paralysis, stroke, handicap and many more. Electric wheelchair which is also called electric - power wheelchair or powerchair can be moved by an el ectrically based power source, regularly motor or batteries. It is very important to have frequent monitoring battery level because power wheelchair need sufficient battery level for it to be moved around. Therefore, this project is developed to monitor th e battery consumption level and real time battery monitoring. Current sensor is used to measure the current state of the battery level. In this project, Internet of Things (IoT) concept is applied where sensor and mobile application is integrated and know n as BLife. Blife was designed using the visibility of the system status principles which consist of knowledge is power, appropriate feedback, compel user to action and communication creates trusts. If the battery is in the lower state, the power wheelcha ir users will be informed through mobile application via an indicator informing that it needs to be recharged. Moreover, the current location of the power wheelchair user is also notified to the users’ caretaker. Evaluation of Blife were conducted using fu nctionality and usability testing based on visibility of the system status technique. Most of the respondents are satisfied and gave positive feedback. This project is a great contribution to disable people who has limited access to charge battery and to a lert them on their battery level status

    Designing Fish Optic Mobile Application for Fish Disease Identification

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    The signs and symptoms of fish disease can be traced by checking on the eye surface which is the cornea of fisheye. The Fish Optic mobile application aims to help students study the fisheye anatomy and to trace the symptoms of diseases on fish. The Fish Optic user mobile application uses Human-Centered System Development Life Cycle (HCSDLC) which consists of four phases which are project selection and planning, analysis, design and implementation. As HCSDLC emphasizes on user involvement throughout all phases, an interview was conducted, and a post task walkthrough was performed. User Acceptance Test formative evaluation was then conducted by distributing questionnaire. Some recommendations are also discussed for future works to improve and refine the design of the Fish Optic mobile application to enhance user experience. It can be concluded that using HCSDLC method throughout the design of Fish Optic mobile application contributes to a well-defined systems requirement to support user needs and to accommodate the lack of human understanding that frustrates users in their daily routines

    Persuasion and biasness in interviews on Muammar Gaddafi: an interpersonal analysis / Huzaifah A. Hamid

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    The current study seeks to investigate the meanings embedded in the media, specifically the biases and persuasion strategies used by interactants in media interviews. It applies Halliday’s theory of Systemic Functional Linguistic (Halliday, 1978; 1994, Thompson, 2004, Martin, Mathhiessen & Painter, 1997, Droga & Humphrey, 2002, Martin & White, 2005) in analyzing the use of Mood, Modality, and Affect made by the interactants in television interviews. The study aims to explore the interpersonal meanings expressed by the interviewers and interviewees through the selection of Mood, Modality, and Affect, and how the foregrounding or absence of such interpersonal meanings are related to the conviction and biases carried in media interviews. Data were collected from two transcripts of television interviews on the death of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi. Previous studies show incomprehensive findings whereby the analyses were carried out on one interactant, either the interviewer or interviewee instead of both. They also failed to analyse all of the three elements crucial in expressing interpersonal meanings, namely the Mood, Modality and Affect. The present study however analyzes both interactants’ use of language and includes all of the three elements mentioned above. The findings show that the posing of questions in the form of WHinterrogatives is more dominant in matters regarding the death of Gaddafi, emphasizing the interviewers’ use of Mood choices that is driven by the desire to put less pressure on the interviewees. On the other hand, in discussing other matters; the use of yes/no interrogatives is more dominant, proving that the interviewers are willing to put higher pressure on the interviewees in minor issues. For the use of Modality, the inclusion of Metaphors of Modality and the emission of Modality sources were found to be more dominant in the second transcript, suggesting that those interactants are more extremes ��� � in expressing their personal thoughts. This can be associated with the mediocre position they hold in society, thus allowing them to have more freedom in expressing their thoughts. The use of Modality by the interviewee in the first transcript is more limited, due to the higher social position he carries as the President of the United States. The interviewers from both transcripts tend to attribute emotions to other people, through the use of negative and positive Affect, subsequently camouflaging their own personal feelings by highlighting the appraised instead of the appraiser. The insights gained from this study may contribute to an understanding of the interpersonal meanings expressed in the media by detecting the persuasion and biases embedded in them. Consequently, people may be able to make their own decision without being manipulated by the media

    Colours as a form of corrective feedback in EFL learners’ writing

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    The study aims to explore the effect of colours as a form of corrective feedback in EFL learners’ writing and how the foregrounding of such feedback is related to the learners’ performance in EFL acquisition. Data were collected from a group of EFL learners, in which majority of them came from the Middle East countries. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted to determine the types of grammatical errors that they committed the most. The result of the study revealed that colour corrective feedback was found to be effective in increasing learners’ awareness which had improved learners’ performance in writing. After receiving corrective feedback in the form of colours, it was found that grammatical errors, specifically mechanical and morphological errors committed by the learners had decreased tremendously whereas in terms of semantic errors, the number of errors had increased. This result supports the notion of Noticing Hypothesis whereby learning is effective when the errors are noticed. The use of colours in highlighting specific errors was also found to assist learners to progress further and faster in the learning process as the types of errors committed can immediately be identified. This study enlightens the usage of colour-coded system as a form of indirect corrective feedback for language instructors specifically in EFL context. Thus, the pedagogical implication of this study is that colours could be used as a form of indirect corrective feedback due to its ability to immediately direct students’ focus towards specific grammatical errors

    Designing Fish Optic Mobile Application for Fish Disease Identification

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    The signs and symptoms of fish disease can be traced by checking on the eye surface which is the cornea of fisheye. The Fish Optic mobile application aims to help students study the fisheye anatomy and to trace the symptoms of diseases on fish. The Fish Optic user mobile application uses Human-Centered System Development Life Cycle (HCSDLC) which consists of four phases which are project selection and planning, analysis, design and implementation. As HCSDLC emphasizes on user involvement throughout all phases, an interview was conducted, and a post task walkthrough was performed. User Acceptance Test formative evaluation was then conducted by distributing questionnaire. Some recommendations are also discussed for future works to improve and refine the design of the Fish Optic mobile application to enhance user experience. It can be concluded that using HCSDLC method throughout the design of Fish Optic mobile application contributes to a well-defined systems requirement to support user needs and to accommodate the lack of human understanding that frustrates users in their daily routines

    Students' readiness for and perception towards inter-profesional learning: a cross sectional study

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    Current healthcare related issues and problems are becoming more complex. Comprehensive patient care is impossible to be achieved by clinicians alone as this requires inter-rofessional approach in the management. Therefore, it has been suggested that students in healthcare profession should be exposed to inter-professional learning (IPL) during their undergraduate years. The objectives of this study were to investigate the readiness for and the perception of IPL among healthcare professional students of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM).Data was collected using an established questionnaire namely, Readiness for Inter-professional Learning Scale (RIPLS) which was distributed to final year students of 3 main programmes; Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing. Out of the 122 students, a majority denied being exposed to IPL. Teamwork and collaboration showed the highest mean (40.2 + 4.18) that the students highly agreed on. Female students have significantly lower negative professional ID compared to the male students (p = 0.011). This subdomain also exhibited significant difference in scores between cGPA results of the students. Students with high cGPA (3.50-4.00) tended to have lower negative attitude towards IPL crossing programmes (p = 0.009). Those who have exposure to IPL show significant positive attitudes towards IPL regardless of the programme (p = 0.032). The study shows that students from the medical programme have the least exposure to IPL. Gender and cGPA status of students may also play an important role in determining their attitude towards IPL. There are still rooms for improvement to nurture readiness among the students