374 research outputs found

    The 3-fold vertex via stable pairs

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    The theory of stable pairs in the derived category yields an enumerative geometry of curves in 3-folds. We evaluate the equivariant vertex for stable pairs on toric 3-folds in terms of weighted box counting. In the toric Calabi-Yau case, the result simplifies to a new form of pure box counting. The conjectural equivalence with the DT vertex predicts remarkable identities. The equivariant vertex governs primary insertions in the theory of stable pairs for toric varieties. We consider also the descendent vertex and conjecture the complete rationality of the descendent theory for stable pairs.Comment: Typos fixed. 40 pages, 8 figure

    Suppressor of gamma response 1 modulates the DNA damage response and oxidative stress response in leaves of cadmium-exposed Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Cadmium (Cd) exposure causes an oxidative challenge and inhibits cell cycle progression, ultimately impacting plant growth. Stress-induced effects on the cell cycle are often a consequence of activation of the DNA damage response (DDR). The main aim of this study was to investigate the role of the transcription factor SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 (SOG1) and three downstream cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors of the SIAMESE-RELATED (SMR) family in the Cd-induced DDR and oxidative challenge in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Effects of Cd on plant growth, cell cycle regulation and the expression of DDR genes were highly similar between the wildtype and smr4/5/7 mutant. In contrast, sog1-7 mutant leaves displayed a much lower Cd sensitivity within the experimental time-frame and significantly less pronounced upregulations of DDR-related genes, indicating the involvement of SOG1 in the Cd-induced DDR. Cadmium-induced responses related to the oxidative challenge were disturbed in the sog1-7 mutant, as indicated by delayed Cd-induced increases of hydrogen peroxide and glutathione concentrations and lower upregulations of oxidative stress-related genes. In conclusion, our results attribute a novel role to SOG1 in regulating the oxidative stress response and connect oxidative stress to the DDR in Cd-exposed plants

    Moduli of ADHM Sheaves and Local Donaldson-Thomas Theory

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    The ADHM construction establishes a one-to-one correspondence between framed torsion free sheaves on the projective plane and stable framed representations of a quiver with relations in the category of complex vector spaces. This paper studies the geometry of moduli spaces of representations of the same quiver with relations in the abelian category of coherent sheaves on a smooth complex projective curve XX. In particular it is proven that this moduli space is virtually smooth and related byrelative Beilinson spectral sequence to the curve counting construction via stable pairs of Pandharipande and Thomas. This yields a new conjectural construction for the local Donaldson-Thomas theory of curves as well as a natural higher rank generalization.Comment: 61 pages AMS Latex; v2: minor corrections, reference added; v3: some proofs corrected using the GIT construction of the moduli space due to A. Schmitt; main results unchanged; final version to appear in J. Geom. Phy

    Abel-Jacobi maps for hypersurfaces and non commutative Calabi-Yau's

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    It is well known that the Fano scheme of lines on a cubic 4-fold is a symplectic variety. We generalize this fact by constructing a closed p-form with p=2n-4 on the Fano scheme of lines on a (2n-2)-dimensional hypersurface Y of degree n. We provide several definitions of this form - via the Abel-Jacobi map, via Hochschild homology, and via the linkage class, and compute it explicitly for n = 4. In the special case of a Pfaffian hypersurface Y we show that the Fano scheme is birational to a certain moduli space of sheaves on a p-dimensional Calabi--Yau variety X arising naturally in the context of homological projective duality, and that the constructed form is induced by the holomorphic volume form on X. This remains true for a general non Pfaffian hypersurface but the dual Calabi-Yau becomes non commutative.Comment: 34 pages; exposition of Hochschild homology expanded; references added; introduction re-written; some imrecisions, typos and the orbit diagram in the last section correcte

    Curve counting via stable pairs in the derived category

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    For a nonsingular projective 3-fold XX, we define integer invariants virtually enumerating pairs (C,D)(C,D) where CXC\subset X is an embedded curve and DCD\subset C is a divisor. A virtual class is constructed on the associated moduli space by viewing a pair as an object in the derived category of XX. The resulting invariants are conjecturally equivalent, after universal transformations, to both the Gromov-Witten and DT theories of XX. For Calabi-Yau 3-folds, the latter equivalence should be viewed as a wall-crossing formula in the derived category. Several calculations of the new invariants are carried out. In the Fano case, the local contributions of nonsingular embedded curves are found. In the local toric Calabi-Yau case, a completely new form of the topological vertex is described. The virtual enumeration of pairs is closely related to the geometry underlying the BPS state counts of Gopakumar and Vafa. We prove that our integrality predictions for Gromov-Witten invariants agree with the BPS integrality. Conversely, the BPS geometry imposes strong conditions on the enumeration of pairs.Comment: Corrected typos and duality error in Proposition 4.6. 47 page