15 research outputs found

    Results on the FCC-hh Beam Screen Sawtooth at the Kit Electron Storage Ring Kara

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    In the framework of the EuroCirCol collaboration [1] (work package 4 "Cryogenic Beam Vacuum System"), the fabrication of the FCC-hh beam screen (BS) prototype has been carried out with the aim of testing it at room temperature on the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 2.5 GeV electron storage ring KARA (KArlsruhe Research Accelerator) light source. The BS prototype was tested on a beamline installed by the collaboration, named as BEam Screen TEstbench EXperiment (BESTEX). KARA has been chosen because its synchrotron radiation (SR) spectrum, photon flux and power match quite well the one foreseen for the 50+50 TeV FCC-hh proton collider. The BS prototype (2 m in length) was manufactured according to the base line design (BD) of the FCC-hh BS. It implements a saw-tooth profile designed to absorb the SR generated at the bending magnets. Also, a laser-ablated anti-electron cloud surface texturing [2] was applied at the BS inner walls. We present here the results obtained at BESTEX and the comparison of the results obtained during irradiation of the saw-tooth profile at different geometric configurations

    Detuning Properties of RF Phase Modulation in the Electron Storage Ring KARA

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    In electron storage rings, it is possible to increase the electron bunch length by applying a phase modulation on the radio frequency accelerating field by choosing appropriate parameters for the modulation. Such a bunch lengthening effect improves beam parameters such as the beam lifetime, which can help us to get better beam stability. The dependence of the bunch lengthening on the modulation frequency, the so-called detuning property, tends to have a peak with asymmetric slopes around it. The modulation amplitude and the beam current also affect the properties of the detuning condition of such bunch lengthening. We have investigated the detuning property with systematic measurements at the electron storage ring KARA. The experimental results agree with the theoretical model and the simulation results

    Detuning Properties of RF Phase Modulation in the Electron Storage Ring KARA

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    In electron storage rings, it is possible to increase the electron bunch length by applying a phase modulation on the radio frequency accelerating field by choosing appropriate parameters for the modulation. Such a bunch lengthening effect improves beam parameters such as the beam lifetime, which can help us to get better beam stability. The dependence of the bunch lengthening on the modulation frequency, the so-called detuning property, tends to have a peak with asymmetric slopes around it. The modulation amplitude and the beam current also affect the properties of the detuning condition of such bunch lengthening. We have investigated the detuning property with systematic measurements at the electron storage ring KARA. The experimental results agree with the theoretical model and the simulation results

    Different Operation Regimes at the KIT Storage Ring KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator)

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    The KIT storage ring KARA operates in a wide energy range from 0.5 to 2.5 GeV. Different operation modes have been implemented at KARA, so far, the double-bend achromat (DBA) lattice with non-dispersive straight sections, the theoretical minimum emittance (TME) lattice with distributed dispersion, different versions of low-compaction factor optics with highly stretched dispersion function. Short bunches of a few ps pulse width are available at KARA. Low-alpha optics has been simulated, tested and implemented in a wide operational range of the storage ring and is now routinely used at 1.3 GeV for studies of beam bursting effects caused by coherent synchrotron radiation in the THz frequency range. Different non-linear effects, in particular residual high-order components of the magnetic field, generated in high-field superconducting wigglers have been studied and cured. Based on good agreement between computer simulations and experiments, a new operation mode at high vertical tune was implemented. The beam performance during user operation as well as at low-alpha regimes has been improved. A specific optic with negative compaction factor was simulated, tested and is in operation

    Operation with a Low Emittance Optics at Anka

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    The electron storage ring at ANKA is designed as a variation of an eightfold DBA structure. Since its commissioning the facility has been operated with zero dispersion in the long straight sections resulting in an emittance of about 100 nmrad. Since mid 2004 ANKA is operated with dispersion distributed over the complete ring thus reducing the emittance to 50 nmrad. Optics calculations and measurements as well as operational experience will be discussed. In order to reduce the losses due to Touschek scattering, a lengthening of the bunches was done by modulation of the main frequency with twice the synchroton frequency. An increase of the lifetime by 5 h could be achieved

    Scattered high-energy synchrotron radiation at the KARA visible-light diagnostic beamline

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    To characterize an electron beam, visible synchrotron light is often used and dedicated beamlines at synchrotron sources are becoming a more common feature as instruments and methods for the diagnostics are, along with the accelerators, further developed. At KARA (Karlsruhe Research Accelerator), such a beamline exists and is based on a typical infrared/visible-light configuration. From experience at such beamlines no significant radiation was expected (dose rates larger than 0.5 µSv h−1). This was found not to be the case and a higher dose was measured which fortunately could be shielded to an acceptable level with 0.3 mm of aluminium foil or 2.0 mm of Pyrex glass. The presence of this radiation led to further investigation by both experiment and calculation. A custom setup using a silicon drift detector for energy-dispersive spectroscopy (Ketek GmbH) and attenuation experiments showed the radiation to be predominantly copper K-shell fluorescence and is confirmed by calculation. The measurement of secondary radiation from scattering of synchrotron and other radiation, and its calculation, is important for radiation protection, and, although a lot of experience exists and methods for radiation protection are well established, changes in machine, beamlines and experiments mean a constant appraisal is needed