8,444 research outputs found

    Nonlinear phononic crystals based on chains of disks alternating with toroidal structures

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    We study experimentally the acoustic response of a load-bearing, phononic crystal composed of alternating steel disks, and polytetrafluoroethylene o-rings under precompression. The crystal allows for axial, rocking, and shear-polarized wavemodes when excited by a broad-band signal applied off-axis. Finite element analysis is employed to determine the system’s wave modes. The nonlinear interaction between disks and o-rings supports a dynamic response that is tunable with variations in static precompression, leading to controllable frequency shifts in a large band gap. A modal analysis reveals that four of the six principal wave modes are susceptible to external precompression while two modes are not

    Bio-inspired swing leg control for spring-mass robots running on ground with unexpected height disturbance

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    We proposed three swing leg control policies for spring-mass running robots, inspired by experimental data from our recent collaborative work on ground running birds. Previous investigations suggest that animals may prioritize injury avoidance and/or efficiency as their objective function during running rather than maintaining limit-cycle stability. Therefore, in this study we targeted structural capacity (maximum leg force to avoid damage) and efficiency as the main goals for our control policies, since these objective functions are crucial to reduce motor size and structure weight. Each proposed policy controls the leg angle as a function of time during flight phase such that its objective function during the subsequent stance phase is regulated. The three objective functions that are regulated in the control policies are (i) the leg peak force, (ii) the axial impulse, and (iii) the leg actuator work. It should be noted that each control policy regulates one single objective function. Surprisingly, all three swing leg control policies result in nearly identical subsequent stance phase dynamics. This implies that the implementation of any of the proposed control policies would satisfy both goals (damage avoidance and efficiency) at once. Furthermore, all three control policies require a surprisingly simple leg angle adjustment: leg retraction with constant angular acceleration

    Measurement of the sign of the spectroscopic quadrupole moment for the 21+_{1}^{+} state in 70^{70}Se: no evidence for oblate shape

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    Using a method whereby molecular and atomic ions are independently selected, an isobarically pure beam of 70Se ions was postaccelerated to an energy of 206 MeV using REX-ISOLDE. Coulomb-excitation yields for states in the beam and target nuclei were deduced by recording deexcitation Îł rays in the highly segmented MINIBALL Îł-ray spectrometer in coincidence with scattered particles in a silicon detector. At these energies, the Coulomb-excitation yield for the first 2+ state is expected to be strongly sensitive to the sign of the spectroscopic quadrupole moment through the nuclear reorientation effect. Experimental evidence is presented here for a prolate shape for the first 2+ state in 70Se, reopening the question over whether there are, as reported earlier, deformed oblate shapes near to the ground state in the light selenium isotopes

    Glueball Spin

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    The spin of a glueball is usually taken as coming from the spin (and possibly the orbital angular momentum) of its constituent gluons. In light of the difficulties in accounting for the spin of the proton from its constituent quarks, the spin of glueballs is reexamined. The starting point is the fundamental QCD field angular momentum operator written in terms of the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic fields. First, we look at the restrictions placed on the structure of glueballs from the requirement that the QCD field angular momentum operator should satisfy the standard commutation relationships. This can be compared to the electromagnetic charge/monopole system, where the quantization of the field angular momentum places restrictions (i.e. the Dirac condition) on the system. Second, we look at the expectation value of this operator under some simplifying assumptions.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figures; added references and some discussio

    Don't break a leg: Running birds from quail to ostrich prioritise leg safety and economy in uneven terrain

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    Cursorial ground birds are paragons of bipedal running that span a 500-fold mass range from quail to ostrich. Here we investigate the task-level control priorities of cursorial birds by analysing how they negotiate single-step obstacles that create a conflict between body stability (attenuating deviations in body motion) and consistent leg force–length dynamics (for economy and leg safety). We also test the hypothesis that control priorities shift between body stability and leg safety with increasing body size, reflecting use of active control to overcome size-related challenges. Weight-support demands lead to a shift towards straighter legs and stiffer steady gait with increasing body size, but it remains unknown whether non-steady locomotor priorities diverge with size. We found that all measured species used a consistent obstacle negotiation strategy, involving unsteady body dynamics to minimise fluctuations in leg posture and loading across multiple steps, not directly prioritising body stability. Peak leg forces remained remarkably consistent across obstacle terrain, within 0.35 body weights of level running for obstacle heights from 0.1 to 0.5 times leg length. All species used similar stance leg actuation patterns, involving asymmetric force–length trajectories and posture-dependent actuation to add or remove energy depending on landing conditions. We present a simple stance leg model that explains key features of avian bipedal locomotion, and suggests economy as a key priority on both level and uneven terrain. We suggest that running ground birds target the closely coupled priorities of economy and leg safety as the direct imperatives of control, with adequate stability achieved through appropriately tuned intrinsic dynamics

    First passage behaviour of fractional Brownian motion in two-dimensional wedge domains

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    We study the survival probability and the corresponding first passage time density of fractional Brownian motion confined to a two-dimensional open wedge domain with absorbing boundaries. By analytical arguments and numerical simulation we show that in the long time limit the first passage time density scales as t**{-1+pi*(2H-2)/(2*Theta)} in terms of the Hurst exponent H and the wedge angle Theta. We discuss this scaling behaviour in connection with the reaction kinetics of FBM particles in a one-dimensional domain.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Stochastic models which separate fractal dimension and Hurst effect

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    Fractal behavior and long-range dependence have been observed in an astonishing number of physical systems. Either phenomenon has been modeled by self-similar random functions, thereby implying a linear relationship between fractal dimension, a measure of roughness, and Hurst coefficient, a measure of long-memory dependence. This letter introduces simple stochastic models which allow for any combination of fractal dimension and Hurst exponent. We synthesize images from these models, with arbitrary fractal properties and power-law correlations, and propose a test for self-similarity.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    The 6-vertex model of hydrogen-bonded crystals with bond defects

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    It is shown that the percolation model of hydrogen-bonded crystals, which is a 6-vertex model with bond defects, is completely equivalent with an 8-vertex model in an external electric field. Using this equivalence we solve exactly a particular 6-vertex model with bond defects. The general solution for the Bethe-like lattice is also analyzed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; added references for section
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