73 research outputs found

    Financial Management of the Non-Profit Sport Organization

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    Import 11/07/2012Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na zhodnocení hospodaření a činnosti Dělnické tělovýchovné jednoty Polanka nad Odrou. Jedná se o občanské sdružení v oblasti sportu. Práce se skládá z pěti kapitol. Druhá kapitola obsahuje vymezení základních pojmů spojených s danou problematikou. Třetí kapitola se zabývá DTJ Polanka nad Odrou a čtvrtá kapitola obsahuje zhodnocení hospodaření a činnosti jednoty. Cílem bakalářské práce je zhodnotit hospodaření jednoty za období pěti let a zhodnotit činnost oddílu. Závěrem uvádím doporučení, která by mohla jednotě významně pomoci.This thesis is focused on the financial evaluation and business activities of DTJ Polanka nad Odrou. DTJ Polanka nad Odrou is a civil association in area of the sport. The thesis includes five chapters. The first chapter includes introduction to the thesis. The second chapter includes basic concepts of the thesis. The third chapter focused on description of DTJ Polanka nad Odrou and the fourth chapter includes on the financial evaluation and the economic activities evaluation of the association.The aim of this thesis is evaluate management of the association for a period of five years and avaluate activities of the association. Finally, recommendetions are presented which can help the association to improve its management.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvelmi dobř

    Analysis of the Business Environment in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Spain

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    Import 11/07/2012Resume Analýza podnikatelského prostředí v České republice, Dánsku a Španělsku Bc. Martina Hurníková Cílem mé diplomové práce je zpracovat analýzu podnikatelského prostředí v České republice, Dánsku, Španělsku a zhodnotit stávající situaci ve vybraných zemích EU, dle ukazatelů Doing Business. Ve druhé kapitole se zabývám vymezením základních pojmů souvisejících s podnikáním a jeho podporou, jak ze strany České republiky, tak ze strany EU. Blíže zde charakterizuji podnikatelské prostředí a typologii malých a středních podniků. Ve třetí kapitole se soustřeďuji na analýzu podnikatelského prostředí ve vybraných zemích EU, na základě PEST analýzy, daní a zaměstnávání pracovníků. Ve čtvrté kapitole analyzuji a zhodnocuji podnikatelské prostředí na základě výročních zpráv Světové banky. Následuje zhodnocení PEST analýz a souhrnné zhodnocení, dle ukazatelů Doing Business.Resume Analysis of the Business Environment in the Czech Republic, Denmark and Spain Bc. Martina Hurníková The aim of my thesis is an analysis of the business environment in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Spain, and to assess the current situation in selected EU countries, measured by Doing Business. The second chapter deals with the definition of basic terms related to the business and its support, both from the Czech Republic and the EU. Closer here characterize the business environment and a typology of small and medium-sized enterprises. The third chapter focuses on analyzing the business environment in selected EU countries, based on PEST analysis, taxes and employing workers. In the fourth chapter, I analyze and assess the business environment based on annual reports of the World Bank. Following assessment of the PEST analysis and a comprehensive evaluation, measured by Doing Business.120 - Katedra evropské integracevýborn

    The mouse bile duct tapeworm, Hymenolepis microstoma in free-living small mammals in Slovakia. Occurrence and genetic analysis

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    The mouse bile duct tapeworm Hymenolepis microstoma, is a potentially zoonotic species with a wide variety of reported definitive hosts of rodent genera. In the present study the occurrence of H. microstoma in free-living small mammals in selected areas of Slovakia and the retrospective analysis of epidemiological data published in Slovakia were performed. Hymenolepis microstoma was detected in two animal species, the common shrew (Sorex araneus) and the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) of 186 small mammals examined from two ecosystems, urban and natural ecosystem of national park. No mention about the presence of this parasite in Slovakia in the past was found following a bibliographical search. Partial sequences of the nuclear paramyosin gene showed the shrew isolate placed in a subclade together with H. microstoma from Portugal, with high bootstrap value for its differentiation from the sister species Hymenolepis nana. Similarly, the analysis of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region placed the hamster isolate in the cluster composed of H. microstoma from Australia, Spain and Portugal. The Slovak isolate was the most distinctive sample among available H. microstoma, differing in 1.4 – 1.9% of nucleotides from the remaining isolates. The difference (seven of 17 nucleotide positions) was partially due to indel polymorphisms associated with two and five nucleotides. To our knowledge, these are the first reports of H. microstoma in Central Europe and also the first record of infection in the common shrew. A recently indicated zoonotic potential of H. microstoma along with a possibility of its direct transmission between animals and/or humans without the need of intermediate hosts pose a public health concern in contaminated areas of Slovakia. The use of molecular techniques may substantially facilitate more thorough understanding of the epidemiological situation of H. microstoma and related tapeworms in various ecosystems of the country

    Mosquito surveillance of West Nile and Usutu viruses in four territorial units of Slovakia and description of a confirmed autochthonous human case of West Nile fever, 2018 to 2019

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    Background: Despite the known circulation of West Nile virus (WNV) and Usutu virus (USUV) in Slovakia, no formal entomological surveillance programme has been established there thus far. Aim: To conduct contemporaneous surveillance of WNV and USUV in different areas of Slovakia and to assess the geographical spread of these viruses through mosquito vectors. The first autochthonous human WNV infection in the country is also described. Methods: Mosquitoes were trapped in four Slovak territorial units in 2018 and 2019. Species were characterised morphologically and mosquito pools screened for WNV and USUV by real-time reverse-transcription PCRs. In pools with any of the two viruses detected, presence of pipiens complex group mosquitoes was verified using molecular approaches. Results: Altogether, 421 pools containing in total 4,508 mosquitoes were screened. Three pools tested positive for WNV and 16 for USUV. USUV was more prevalent than WNV, with a broader spectrum of vectors and was detected over a longer period (June-October vs August for WNV). The main vectors of both viruses were Culex pipiens sensu lato. Importantly, WNV and USUV were identified in a highly urbanised area of Bratislava city, Slovakias' capital city. Moreover, in early September 2019, a patient, who had been bitten by mosquitoes in southwestern Slovakia and who had not travelled abroad, was laboratory-confirmed with WNV infection. Conclusion: The entomological survey results and case report increase current understanding of the WNV and USUV situation in Slovakia. They underline the importance of vector surveillance to assess public health risks posed by these viruses. © 2021 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). All rights reserved

    Dirofilaria infections in working dogs in Slovakia

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    Abstract A monitoring programme aimed at the diagnosis of subcutaneous dirofilariasis and heartworm disease in working (police and military) dogs in Slovakia has been performed during th

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Hypermobility and Dancing

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou hypermobility. První část obsahuje anatomický rozbor, etiologii, historii a prognózu hypermobility. V práci dále uvádím jaké druhy hypermobility existují, které funkční testy, se používají pro zjištění tohoto handicapu a obory, jež se touto problematikou zaobírají. Další část je rozpracována pro taneční profesi a pedagogy tance. Zmiňuji se zde o principech potřebných ke každodennímu rutinnímu pohybu, ale také k tanečním tréninkům. V práci je také zařazeno interview, které vychází z osobní zkušenosti tanečnice

    The Financial Analysis

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    Import 04/07/2011Tato bakalářská práce ve své teoretické rovině, postavené na základech odborné odborové literatury, osvětluje hlavní stavební pilíře finanční analýzy. V několika hlavních kapitolách je zde na finanční analýzu nahlíženo jako na hlavní, ne-li jedinou a nepostradatelnou formu zkoumání finanční situace podniku. Cílem práce je seznámit zájemce se strukturou a fungováním finanční analýzy coby celku, jejím předmětem, účelem a metodami, tak aby čtenář jako její budoucí uživatel získal nejen možnost finanční analýzu pochopit po stránce teoretické, ale především byl schopen její přímé aplikaci v praxi s viditelnými výsledky přinášejícími brzký profit jeho podniku a firmě. Finanční analýza se tak stane jeho užitečným a nepostradatelným pomocníkem.This work on its theoretical part, built on the grounds of literature, is focused on the basic elements of the financial analysis. In its main chapter there is the financial analysis viewed as a major, if not the sole and indispensable form of examination of the financial situation of the company. The aim is to teach the structure and functioning of financial analysis as a whole, its subject matter, purpose and methods, so future users will receive not only the possibility of understanding the financial analysis in its theoretical part, but especially will be able of direct application of financial analysis in practice with the visible results getting profits for his company. By this way the financial analysis becomes useful and indispensable helper.Prezenční634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v metalurgiivýborn

    Hotel Spa in Český Krumlov

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    katedra architektur

    Assessing of influence invasion of plants in the river mead of Ostravice

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    Import 05/10/2007Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstv