26 research outputs found

    Coopératives financières, cohésion sociale et territoire : la Caisse populaire Desjardins de Kildare issue de fusions de caisses dans Lanaudière

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    Cette étude de cas fait partie de la recherche « coopératives financières et cohésion sociale : quelle interface dans le nouveau territoire local ? ». L'objectif est de voir comment des services financiers de proximité ont aussi une fonction de cohésion sociale en plus de leur fonction économique. Plus précisément, la question est de savoir comment des caisses populaires qui fusionnent arrivent encore (ou non) à contribuer à la cohésion sociale d'un territoire lui-même en transformation. Une double mouvance est ainsi à l'étude : celle de la reconfiguration des caisses populaires et celle de la redéfinition des territoires locaux. Le cas étudié est celui de la « nouvelle » caisse populaire Desjardins de Kildare issue de trois fusions, impliquant quatre caisses populaires à territoire municipal, et qui adhère à un Centre financier aux entreprises (CFE). Le territoire qu'elle dessert avec ses quatre centres de services (incluant le principal au siège social de la caisse) est à cheval sur trois municipalités régionales de comté (MRC) : Matawinie, Montcalm et Juliette. Les deux premières comptent chacune un centre de service de la caisse de Kildare tandis que la MRC de Juliette est celle où l'on trouve les deux autres, incluant le siège social de la caisse. Le CFE auquel la caisse adhère est situé dans la MRC de Juliette, plus précisément dans la ville de Juliette qui ne fait pas partie du territoire de la caisse. Le déploiement territorial des activités de la caisse ne se fait donc pas en suivant le découpage administratif des MRC. Or, ce découpage correspond au territoire d'action de certains organismes de développement dont le centre local de développement (CLD) et le centre local de services communautaires (CLSC). Malgré le non arrimage du territoire de la caisse populaire Desjardins de Kildare avec celui de ces organismes de développement économique et de développement social, cette nouvelle caisse issue de fusions contribue à la cohésion sociale, fondée sur d'autres appartenances que celles envers la MRC. La caisse de Kildare par ses services financiers aux particuliers (au siège et dans les autres centres de services) et aux entreprises (au travers les services du CFE offerts par des employés qui se déplacent auprès des membres de la caisse) de même que par ses appuis financiers à des projets du milieu (dans les différentes municipalités, mais aussi pour l'ensemble de son territoire comme le projet jeunesse), participe au renforcement de la cohésion sociale à la fois dans le cadre traditionnel (municipal-paroissial) et dans un cadre nouveau (intermunicipal)

    The social economy group and the social economy sectors in Quebec.

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    PresentaciónUn dossier sobre la economía social en Canadá en coedición con la revista venezolana de estudios canadienses.Richer, MadeleineArtículosIntroducción.Las instituciones de la economía social en Québec.The institutions of social economy in Quebec.Beaulieu, LéopoldCooperativas y modelo de desarrollo: la experiencia quebequense.Cooperatives and development model: the Quebec experience.Malo, Marie-ClaireLos sectores y el movimiento cooperativo quebequense: descripción y desafíos.The cooperative sectors and movement in Quebec: description and challenges.Arteau, Marcel; Brassard, Marie Noëlle y Malo, Marie-ClaireUna respuesta de la nueva economía social a la exclusión: las empresas de inserción.A response of the new social economy to social exclusion: the social integration enterprises.Richer, MadeleineLa contribución de la economía social a las reformas de las políticas sociales en Canadá: una visión desde Québec.The contribution of social economy to the social policy reforms in Canada: a vision from Quebec.Vaillancourt, Yves; Aubry, François; Kearney, Muriel; Thériault, Luc y Tremblay, LouiseLa experiencia de la alianza de investigación universidad-comunidad en economía social.The experience of the university-community alliance in social economy (ARUC-ES).Bussières, Denis y Fontan, Jean-MarcEl grupo (chantier) de economía social y los sectores de la economía social en Québec.The social economy group and the social economy sectors in Quebec.Bussières, Denis y Huot, GenevièveOtros ArtículosEjes de desarrollo potencial de los municipios Rafael Urdaneta y Junín, estado Táchira, Venezuela.Potential development axis in the municipalities Rafael Urdaneta and Junin, state of Tachira, Venezuela.Madriz R., Delia; Castillo P., Elizabeth; Márquez G., Mervyn; Niño M., Valentina y Parra de A., MairaPolíticas públicas para la promoción de cooperativas en Venezuela (1999-2006).Public policies for the promotion of cooperatives (1999-2006).Díaz, BenitoEstructuras de integración del cooperativismo y la economía solidaria en Colombia.Integration structures of cooperatives and solidarity economy in Colombia.Álvarez, Juan Fernando y Serrano Uribe, RymelReseñaFukuyama, Francis: la construcción del estado. Hacia un nuevo orden mundial en el siglo XXI.State-building, governance and world order in the twenty-first century,2004.Reseñado por: Richer, MadeleineSeminario internacional de contraloría docial, una herramienta para la democracia participativa.Fondo intergubernamental para la descentralización, gerencia de participación ciudadana, Caracas, Venezuela. Mayo 2004.Reseñado por: Argüello, LeonardoEventos.109-128Nivel analíticosemestra

    La gestion des ressources humaines dans les PME : une analyse systématique de la littérature

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    Alors que le capital humain demeure l’actif stratégique le plus important pour assurer la compétitivité des entreprises et leur pérennité, que savons-nous de la gestion des ressources humaines dans les PME ? Ce texte présente une revue de la littérature scientifique concernant la gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) dans les PME. Les 167 articles empiriques répertoriés à partir des bases de données bibliographiques ABI/Inform et Repère sont classés en fonction de la nature des connaissances produites. Ces articles sont ainsi divisés en cinq catégories : (1) les pratiques RH utilisées dans les PME, (2) leurs caractéristiques distinctives par rapport aux grandes entreprises ; (3) les déterminants de l’adoption des pratiques RH ; (4) leurs conséquences sur la performance des PME ; (5) les processus à travers lesquels les pratiques RH sont modifiées. Les résultats montrent que les études ont surtout consisté à vérifier si le modèle de GRH des grandes entreprises s’applique aux PME. La formalisation des pratiques RH a également beaucoup retenu l’attention. De façon générale, peu d’études ont été réalisées sur chacun des divers aspects de la GRH et leurs résultats sont discordants. Des pistes de recherche sont proposées en vue de favoriser le développement des connaissances.While human capital remains the most important strategic asset for ensuring business competitiveness and sustainability, what do we know about human resource management in SMEs? This paper presents a literature review on human resource management (HRM) in SMEs. The 167 empirical articles found by searching the ABI/Inform and Repère databases are classified according to the nature of the knowledge they generated. These articles are then sorted into five categories according to whether they relate to (1) HR practices used in SMEs, (2) their distinctive characteristics compared to large enterprises, (3) the determinants of the adoption of HR practices, 4) their impact on the performance of SMEs, and (5) the processes through which HR practices are modified. The results show that the main focus of the studies was to verify whether large enterprises HRM model applies to SMEs. The formalization of HR practices has also attracted attention. In general, few studies have been done on the various aspects of HRM and their results are conflicting. Several research directions are proposed.Aunque el capital humano se mantiene como el activo estratégico más inportante para asegurar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de las empresas, qué sabemos realmente de la gestión de recursos humanos en las PyME ? Este texto representa una revisión de la literatura científica relacionada con la gestión de los recursos humanos (GRH) en la pequeña y mediana empresa (PyME). Los ciento sesenta y siete artículos empíricos registrados a partir de las bases de datos bibliográficas ABI/Inform y Repère se catalogan de acuerdo a cinco categorías, establecidas a partir de la naturaleza de los conocimientos obtenidos. Los artículos se clasifican entonces en : (1) las prácticas RH utilizadas en la PyME, (2) las características que las distinguen de las grandes empresas, (3) los factores determinantes de la aplicación de dichas prácticas RH, (4) el impacto de las prácticas RH en el rendimiento de la PyME y (5) los procedimiento mediante los cuales se pueden modificar las mismas. Los análisis aplicados demuestran que los estudios se concentran principalmente en demostrar si los modelos de GRH de las grandes empresas se pueden aplicar a la PyME y en la formalización de las prácticas RH. De manera general pocos estudios se realizan sobre los diversos aspectos de la GRH y los resultados son discordantes. Los estudios proponen algunas líneas de investigación en vistas de favorecer el desarrollo de conocimientos

    International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy - FIESS 2011

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    Non-profits and community groups combining social and economic objectives have only begun formally organizing as a sector in the last 15 years and are most advanced in the province of Québec, where strong community sector mobilization in the mid-1990s led to the creation of the Chantier de l’économie sociale. The paper presents some notable illustrations of collaborative processes between civil society groups and all three levels of government in the development and implementation of supportive public policies. In provinces other than Québec, measures supporting the development of the social economy are targeted to specific sectors and tend to be fragmented

    Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in a 3D Engineered Tissue Model Induce Tumor-like Matrix Stiffening and EMT Transition

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    A tumor microenvironment is characterized by its altered mechanical properties. However, most models remain unable to faithfully recreate the mechanical properties of a tumor. Engineered models based on the self-assembly method have the potential to better recapitulate the stroma architecture and composition. Here, we used the self-assembly method based on a bladder tissue model to engineer a tumor-like environment. The tissue-engineered tumor models were reconstituted from stroma-derived healthy primary fibroblasts (HFs) induced into cancer-associated fibroblast cells (iCAFs) along with an urothelium overlay. The iCAFs-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) composition was found to be stiffer, with increased ECM deposition and remodeling. The urothelial cells overlaid on the iCAFs-derived ECM were more contractile, as measured by quantitative polarization microscopy, and displayed increased YAP nuclear translocation. We further showed that the proliferation and expression of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) marker in the urothelial cells correlate with the increased stiffness of the iCAFs-derived ECM. Our data showed an increased expression of EMT markers within the urothelium on the iCAFs-derived ECM. Together, our results demonstrate that our tissue-engineered tumor model can achieve stiffness levels comparable to that of a bladder tumor, while triggering a tumor-like response from the urothelium

    Early Systemic Bacterial Dissemination and a Rapid Innate Immune Response Characterize Genetic Resistance to Plague of SEG Mice

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    International audienceBackground. Although laboratory mice are usually highly susceptible to Yersinia pestis, we recently identified a mouse strain (SEG) that exhibited an exceptional capacity to resist bubonic plague and used it to identify immune mechanisms associated with resistance.Methods. The kinetics of infection, circulating blood cells, granulopoiesis, lesions, and cellular populations in the spleen, and cytokine production in various tissues were compared in SEG and susceptible C57BL/6J mice after subcutaneous infection with the virulent Y. pestis CO92.Results. Bacterial invasion occurred early (day 2) but was transient in SEG/Pas mice, whereas in C57BL/6J mice it was delayed but continuous until death. The bacterial load in all organs significantly correlated with the production of 5 cytokines (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, keratinocyte-derived chemokine (KC), macrophage cationic peptide-1 (MCP-1), interleukin 1a, and interleukin 6) involved in monocyte and neutrophil recruitment. Indeed, higher proportions of these 2 cell types in blood and massive recruitment of F4/801CD11b2 macrophages in the spleen were observed in SEG/Pas mice at an early time point (day 2). Later times after infection (day 4) were characterized in C57BL/6J mice by destructive lesions of the spleen and impaired granulopoiesis.Conclusion. A fast and efficient Y. pestis dissemination in SEG mice may be critical for the triggering of an early and effective innate immune response necessary for surviving plague

    Retention of Plasmodium falciparum ring-infected erythrocytes in the slow, open microcirculation of the human spleen

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    International audienceThe current paradigm in Plasmodium falciparum malaria pathogenesis states that young, ring-infected erythrocytes (rings) circulate in peripheral blood and that mature stages are sequestered in the vasculature, avoiding clearance by the spleen. Through ex vivo perfusion of human spleens, we examined the interaction of this unique blood-filtering organ with P falciparum-infected erythrocytes. As predicted, mature stages were retained. However, more than 50% of rings were also retained and accumulated upstream from endothelial sinus wall slits of the open, slow red pulp microcirculation. Ten percent of rings were retained at each spleen passage, a rate matching the proportion of blood flowing through the slow circulatory compartment established in parallel using spleen contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in healthy volunteers. Rings displayed a mildly but significantly reduced elongation index, consistent with a retention process, due to their altered mechanical properties. This raises the new paradigm of a heterogeneous ring population, the less deformable subset being retained in the spleen, thereby reducing the parasite biomass that will sequester in vital organs, influencing the risk of severe complications, such as cerebral malaria or severe anemia. Cryptic ring retention uncovers a new role for the spleen in the control of parasite density, opening novel intervention opportunities

    Mapping of the legionellosis cases around the outbreak source.

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    <p>Ninety six percent (96%) of the cases were within 3 km (area 1) of the cooling tower responsible for the outbreak (identified by the black dot). The remaining cases were within 11 km of the outbreak source (area 2).</p

    Interaction of <i>L. pneumophila</i> serogroup 1 strains with host cells.

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    <p>One strain from patient (ID119442), one strain from the outbreak source's cooling tower (ID120292), and three from environment (other that the outbreak source) (ID120145, ID120086 and ID120329) were tested. JR32 and an isogenic <i>dotA</i> deficient strain was used as a negative control for intracellular multiplication (ICM) and cytotoxicity. A) ICM in infected human macrophages (THP-1) and <i>Acanthamoeba castellanii</i> (AC). The data represent the ratio between the CFU at time 72 h and the CFU at time 0. Star represent difference statistically significant (<i>P</i><0.01). B) Evaluation of cytotoxicity on the viability of THP-1 cells after infection for 5 days with the MTT assay. The star represents difference statistically significant (<i>P</i><0.01). Error bars represent standard deviations derived from three independent experiments.</p

    Presence of selected Icm/Dot effectors in strains isolated in Quebec City.

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    a<p>Patient isolates related to the outbreak (patient), a subset of environmental isolates with different PFGE pattern than the epidemic strain (environment), isolates from a former outbreak in the same area in 1996 and other clinical strains (Lens, Corby, Lorraine, Philadelphia-1, Paris and HL06041035).</p