24 research outputs found

    Data equivalence in cross-cultural international business research: Assessment and guidelines

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    Data equivalence refers to the extent to which the elements of a research design have the same meaning, and can be applied in the same way, in different cultural contexts. Failure to establish data equivalence in cross-cultural studies may bias empirical results and theoretical inferences. Although several authors have encouraged researchers to ensure high levels of data equivalence, no study has assessed the status of the field in relation to compliance with data equivalence standards. Accordingly, this study examines three aspects of data equivalence (construct equivalence, measurement equivalence, and data collection equivalence) within 167 studies that involve cross-cultural data published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, Strategic Management Journal and the Academy of Management Journal from 1995 to 2005. The findings indicate that international business researchers report insufficient information in relation to data equivalence issues, thus limiting confidence in the findings of many cross-cultural studies. To enhance future research, a guideline for procedures for researchers to follow and report in establishing data equivalence is offered. © 2008 Academy of International Business

    Corporate citizenship:Cultural antecedents and business benefits

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    The article explores the nature of corporate citizenship and its relevance for marketing practitioners and academic researchers. Specifically, a conceptualization and operationalization of corporate citizenship are first proposed. Then, an empirical investigation conducted in two independent samples examines whether components of an organization's culture affect the level of commitment to corporate citizenship and whether corporate citizenship is conducive to business benefits. Survey results suggest that market-oriented cultures as well as humanistic cultures lead to proactive corporate citizenship, which in turn is associated with improved levels of employee commitment, customer loyalty and business performance. The results point to corporate citizenship as a potentially fruitful business practice both in terms of internal and external marketing

    The theoretical evolution and use of the Uppsala Model of internationalization in the international business ecosystem

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    The Uppsala Model – typically viewed as an internationalization process model, an internationalization stages model, or a sequential internationalization model – has served as a theoretical underpinning in the international business literature since Johanson and Vahlne’s (J Int Bus Stud 8(1):23–32, 1977) article incorporated thoughts by researchers at Uppsala University in one all-encompassing model. Major updates to the model were published in 2009 and 2017 by the original authors. Our work examines what has now become the time-tested and Decade Award–winning 2009 version of the Uppsala Model relative to the original model in 1977. We also provide an outlook for international business research within the scope of the 2017 version of the model. This evaluation and dive across times into the nuances of the Uppsala Model capture aspects of the model’s theoretical and empirical power, as well as its limitations within today’s international business ecosystem. (The international business ecosystem is defined as the organisms of the business world – including stakeholders, organizations, and countries – involved in exchanges, production, business functions, and cross-border trade through both marketplace competition and cooperation.) In the process, we push the theoretical boundaries of the model and provide a unique connection to marketing thought. © 2019, Academy of International Business