5,690 research outputs found

    Psychiatric Testimony in Probate Proceedings

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    Territoriality in educational settings : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education

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    The concern of this thesis was territorial behaviours in classroom settings, namely: 1. The teacher's use of geographic space, and 2. Verbal interaction patterns resulting from teacher - pupil exchanges. One expectation held was that the teacher would occupy a particular location in preference to all other areas. Another expection was that the centre of the classroom would be the focus for interaction between the teacher and pupils, with diminishing numbers of verbal exchanges toward the outer edges of the room. The effects of changing the pupils' location was also investigated it being thought that following such change the number of interactions received by the pupils would vary considerably. Observations were made in two classrooms and data collected. A trained Observer recorded the teacher's use of classroom space and the pupil 'targets' of all verbal exchanges between teacher and individual pupils. The verbal behaviour of the teacher was recorded and later encoded into five qualitative categories. Analysis of these data revealed that: (a) both teachers occupied the centre front of the room in preference to all other areas. (b) the distribution of verbal interactions by the teachers was uneven, and (c) the changing of pupil location had inconclusive effects upon the numbers of verbal exchanges they participated in. The teacher's verbal behaviour, when considered qualitatively, was found to be little affected by the position occupied by the teacher and was democratically distributed over the classroom

    Phenological Attributes and Phylogenetic Relationships of \u3ci\u3eRhagoletis Juniperina\u3c/i\u3e Marcovitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Great Lakes Region

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    Rhagoletis juniperina Marcovitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) infests Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) and other North American junipers. While several Rhagoletis species are of interest as orchard crop pests (apple maggot, blueberry maggot, cherry fruit fly) and as models for studying speciation (R. pomonella Walsh species group), R. juniperina is of interest because it may tie together evolutionarily the Nearctic and Palearctic Rhagoletis fauna. One goal of this study was to test two competing hypotheses first proposed by Bush (1966): i) that R. juniperina is more closely related to the Nearctic dogwood- infesting R. tabellaria (Fitch), to which it is morphologically similar; or ii) that R. juniperina is more closely related to the Eurasian juniper-infesting R. flavigenualis Hering. To study R. juniperina, which is rarely collected, we first established a local study site by collecting juniper berries from several sites in the Lansing, MI vicinity in fall 2010, finding a heavily-infested juniper tree on the Michigan State University campus. Preliminary mitochondrial COII sequences of reared pupae matched (99.8%) the R. juniperina COII sequence in GenBank, allowing tentative identification of these flies as R. juniperina. Subsequently, the morphology of adults reared from these pupae the following spring and summer confirmed this diagnosis. Phenological attributes of the Farm Lane Bridge population were determined via weekly fruit collections in fall 2011 and 2012, and “peak” larval infestation was found to occur during the first part of October, while mean post-diapause eclosion time was found to be approximately 103 days. Rhagoletis juniperina adults were also reared from infested junipers found in Wisconsin and North Carolina, indicating that the geographic range of R. juniperina on J. virginiana is broader than previously thought. Hymenopteran parasitoids of R. juniperina were also observed; both the egg parasitoid, Utetes juniperi (Fischer) (Hymenoptera: Branconidae), and a new pupal parasitoid (Coptera n. sp.) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) were reared from fruit and pupae, respectively, collected at the MSU campus site. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial COI sequences did not resolve the relationships of R. juniperina and R. pomonella or flies in the Rhagoletis tabellaria species group. The sole R. flavigenualis individual in our sample was placed sister to an unresolved trichotomy of three clades containing these Nearctic taxa. The analysis also revealed within-species haplotype variability in R. juniperina, with a 3.8% nucleotide sequence difference observed between COI sequences of the flies from MI, WI, and NC compared to the Ontario R. juniperina sequences in the Barcode of Life database

    Espace et industrie dans la région de Québec : tendances récentes et perspectives

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    L'industrialisation 1 de la région de Québec n'est pas en rapport avec les infrastructures d'accueil mises en place depuis quelques années. Les terrains destinés aux activités industrielles sont nombreux, mais leur contenu industriel est faible. De vastes espaces qui ne répondent pas aux vocations qu'on essaie de leur imposer, un projet d'aluminerie qui se heurte à l'hostilité des citoyens, une conception municipale du développement entraînant l'éparpillement des réalisations et leur manque d'intégration, enfin l'absence de débats démocratiques sur les projets mis de l'avant sont quelques-unes des facettes de la réalité industrielle régionale. Elles démontrent la nécessité de démocratiser l'usage de l'espace c'est-à-dire d'abord de le soustraire des mains des manipulateurs actuels ; dans ce nouveau contexte à définir, le citoyen doit prendre une place privilégiée, ce qui suppose de la part des technocrates et des chercheurs une remise en cause de leurs approches traditionnelles.The rate at which industrialisation has occurred in the Québec City region in recent years does not correspond to the rythm at which planned facilities have been made available. Land destined for industrial development is abundant, but the rate of occupancy is low indeed.Vast amounts of space which do not fit the needs for which they are eventually to be used, an aluminium processing plant which raises the ire of the citizenry, a municipal conception of development destined to bring about the dispersal of projects with accompanying lack of integration, and, finally, the absence of democratic discussion of proposed projects represent but a few of the facets of the regional industrial reality. They illustrate the need to democratize the use of space, i.e., to first of all get it out of the hands of manipulators who presently hold it. In this new context, the role of the citizen should be brought to the fore. This, of course, assumes on the part of technocrats and researchers a questioning of their traditional approaches

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    The Prevalence of Separation Anxiety in Undergraduate Students

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    The present study examined whether parental intrusiveness played a role in undergraduate students experiencing separation anxiety while attending college. One-hundred and nine participants responded to a 6-question survey. Investigating how undergraduate students were raised by their parents is crucial because certain parenting styles may increase the likelihood of young adults developing separation anxiety. There was a significant difference between males and females on overprotectiveness from their parents, whereas females reported a higher frequency. Further studies in this area may assist in understanding how parenting style can influence susceptibility to separation anxiety

    Pouvoir municipal et développement urbain : le cas de Sainte-Foy en banlieue de Québec

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    La rapide croissance de la banlieue ouest de Québec a peu à peu démembré les cadres paroissial, scolaire et politique dans lesquels s'est formé l'espace urbain. Il en résulte une ville basée sur un schéma discriminatoire de l'utilisation de l'espace, délimitant des secteurs résidentiels excluant toute autre fonction que celle de zone dortoir et rejetant à leur périphérie les grands ensembles domiciliaires et la circulation de transit, concentrant la plupart des activités dans la moitié est et les équipements communautaires et espaces verts dans les zones les moins densément peuplées. Ce schéma d'urbanisation traduit un choix politique concrétisé par les plans de zonage, entretenu par le discours dominant et qui peu à peu s'est inscrit dans les mentalités au point de devenir la norme.Les menaces sur le cadre de vie ont conduit aux luttes urbaines des années 70; celles-ci, le plus souvent récupérées par le pouvoir municipal, ont peu à peu amené un groupe de citoyens à redéfinir le cadre des quartiers dans le but d'une réappropriation progressive de son milieu de vie. Cette démarche, à laquelle l'auteur s'est associé, a permis de créer un savoir socialement utile, devenu pouvoir aux mains de ceux qui l'ont élaboré. Cette pratique d'une géographie appliquée, née d'une action politique, montre le rôle que peut jouer cette discipline et la capacité d'information et d'action qu'elle renferme.The rapid growth of the western suburbs of Québec City has resulted in the dismembrement of the parish, school and political divisions which formerly constituted the urban space. What has been created is a city based upon a discriminatory land use plan. Residential sectors exclude all other functions except that of a dormitory and limit to the periphery large apartment complexes and through traffic. Most activities are concentrated in the eastern half of the municipality with open space and communal accommodations limited to the most sparsely settled areas. This urban development plan translates a political choice realized by zoning policies, supported by local politicians whose dominant position gradually came to be the expected norm.The threats of such a position to the quality of life gave rise to the urban conflicts of the 1970's. These conflicts, frequently foreseen and sometimes taken over by city officials, resulted in the redefinition, by citizen groups, of neighbourhood boundaries for the purpose of progressively regaining control of their living environment. This activity in which the author was intimately involved resulted in socially useful knowledge which gave political clout to those who developed it. This exercise in applied geography, growing out of political necessity, illustrates well the role that the discipline can play and the strength of the information and social action which it can generate

    Les Cahiers de géographie du Québec : quarante ans de publication

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