773 research outputs found

    Codling moth granulovirus: Variations in the susceptibility of local codling moth populations

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    This study is part of a BMELV (German Federal Ministry for, Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection) project for prevention of codling moth damage by long-term population control in large areas. Specimens from local codling moth populations were collected in fall 2003 from three different orchards in the South of Germany; two of them having been treated with granulovirus of codling moth (CpGV Madex 2 and/or Gran-upom) over many years (Lake Constance II and South Baden) and one since two years (Lake Constance I). In autumn 2004, specimens from populations in four other orchards with serious CM problems were col-lected to investigate whether more populations were involved in that region. Furthermore, the population Lake Constance I and South Baden were tested again. During the season, the location South Baden was almost weekly treated with 100 ml/ha of Madex 2 to test whether the level of susceptibility would change after such heavy treatments. The susceptibility of the offsprings of the overwintering generation to CpGV was investigated in the spring of the following year in bioassays on artificial diet and compared to a laboratory strain of the codling moth. The results indicated significant differences in sensitivity to the virus between the local codling moth populations. The LC50-values showed that in 2004, South Baden and Lake Constance II were more than thousand fold less susceptible than the populations Lake Constance I and the laboratory strain. The results from the bio-assays in 2005 confirmed the low susceptibility of South Baden and of the new locations in Saarland and from an orchard 100 km away from South Baden. The population Lake Constance I, on the other hand, maintained its high sensitivity to the virus. The slope of the dose-mortality-regression lines of the unsuscep-tible populations was significantly lower than those of the susceptible ones, including that of the laboratory strain. This indicates a high inhomogeneity in the individual response of the unsusceptible larvae against the virus. Actually, the problem of reduced sensitivity to the virus seems to be limited to a few orchards in Germany, the majority of orchards being not affected

    Understanding Managerial Action in Business Model Transformation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) typically adapt their business model opportunistically with new value propositions, adding partnerships or improving their cost structure. Business model transformation has been proven to drive SMEs innovation and success, however, the role of SME managers in facilitating such transformation remains unclear. While peer-to-peer sharing has received much attention in public debates and academic research, sharing among firms is largely neglected in both. Looking at current opportunities for SMEs in business-to-business (B2B) sharing, this research aims to identify recurring patterns of manager’s activities along a business model transformation for which a cross-case analysis with Swiss SMEs was used along several cycles of action research with semi-structured, deductively coded interviews. The research identified three phases of management action: managers focus on identifying the business opportunity, they adjust processes and technical infrastructure to enable their organization to seize the opportunity and involve the entire organization to ensure a lasting change in their business model. While the impact of B2B sharing on each SME may be considered limited, this research offers original insights how managers drive business model transformation in SMEs. It illustrates a novel process in three distinct phases while identifying dedicated managerial action for each phase

    Persistence of the biological effect of codling moth granulovirus in the orchard - preliminary field trials

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    In 2000 and 2001, in a field trial, the persistence of the biological effect of codling moth granulovirus (CpGV) was investigated. With a single treatment at full concentration of CpGV (MADEX 3, 100 ml/ha) a considerable reduction of CM population was achieved over the whole vegetation period. This may indicate that over a considerable period of time after a treatment a biological effect of CpGV sufficient for an increased mortality of the larvae was present in the orchard. However, the onset of mortality was not fast enough to protect the fruit from damage. Further research has to be done to gain more experience in handling this effect. It could be very important for the reduction of the number of treatments in organic apple growing

    Understanding dog cognition by functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Comorbid Influences on Generic Health-Related Quality of Life in COPD: A Systematic Review

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of mortality and of loss of disability-adjusted life years worldwide. It often is accompanied by the presence of comorbidity. Objectives To systematically review the influence of COPD comorbidity on generic health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Methods A systematic review approach was used to search the databases Pubmed, Embase and Cochrane Library for studies evaluating the influence of comorbidity on HRQoL in COPD. Identified studies were analyzed according to study characteristics, generic HRQoL measurement instrument, COPD severity and comorbid HRQoL impact. Studies using only nongeneric instruments were excluded. Results 25 studies met the selection criteria. Seven studies utilized the EQ-5D, six studies each used the SF-36 or SF-12. The remaining studies used one of six other instruments each. Utilities were calculated by four EQ-5D studies and one 15D study. Patient populations covered both early and advanced stages of COPD and ranged from populations with mostly stage 1 and 2 to studies with patients classified mainly stage 3 and 4. Evidence was mainly created for cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety as well as diabetes but also for quantitative comorbid associations. Strong evidence is pointing towards the significant negative association of depression and anxiety on reduced HRQoL in COPD patients. While all studies found the occurrence of specific comorbidities to decrease HRQoL in COPD patients, the orders of magnitude diverged. Due to different patient populations, different measurement tools and different concomitant diseases the study heterogeneity was high. Conclusions Facilitating multimorbid intervention guidance, instead of applying a parsimony based single disease paradigm, should constitute an important goal for improving HRQoL of COPD patients in research and in clinical practice

    Excess Costs of Comorbidities in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Comorbidities are often reported in patients with COPD and may influence the cost of care. Yet, the extent by which comorbidities affect costs remains to be determined. Objectives To review, quantify and evaluate excess costs of comorbidities in COPD. Methods Using a systematic review approach, Pubmed and Embase were searched for studies analyzing excess costs of comorbidities in COPD. Resulting studies were evaluated according to study characteristics, comorbidity measurement and cost indicators. Mark-up factors were calculated for respective excess costs. Furthermore, a checklist of quality criteria was applied. Results Twelve studies were included. Nine evaluated comorbidity specific costs;three examined index-based results. Pneumonia, cardiovascular disease and diabetes were associated with the highest excess costs. The mark-up factors for respective excess costs ranged between 1.5 and 2.5 in the majority of cases. On average the factors constituted a doubling of respective costs in the comorbid case. The main cost driver, among all studies, was inpatient cost. Indirect costs were not accounted for by the majority of studies. Study heterogeneity was high. Conclusions The reviewed studies clearly show that comorbidities are associated with significant excess costs in COPD. The inclusion of comorbid costs and effects in future health economic evaluations of preventive or therapeutic COPD interventions seems highly advisable

    Apfelwickler-Granulovirus: Unterschiede in der Empfindlichkeit lokaler Apfelwickler-Populationen

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    This study is part of a BMELV (German Federal Ministry for, Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection) project on prevention of codling moth damage by long-term population control on large areas. Local codling moth (CM) populations were collected in autumn 2003 from three different orchards in the South of Germany; two of them having been treated with granulovirus of codling moth for many years and one since two years. In autumn 2004, in addition to the three locations from the previous year, specimens from populations in four other orchards with serious CM problems were collected. The susceptibility of the offsprings of the overwintering larvae to CpGV was investi-gated in the spring of the following year in bioassays on artificial diet and compared to a laboratory strain of the codling moth. The results indicated significant differences in sensitivity to the virus between the local codling moth populations. The LC50-values showed that two of the populations sampled in 2003 were more than thousand fold less susceptible than the third population and the laboratory strain. The results from the bioassays from the descendents of the diapausing larvae sampled in 2004 and 2005 confirmed the low susceptibility of two already in 2003 sampled populations and showed an up to thousand fold resistance also for the larvae from the new locations. For the time being, the problem of reduced sensitivity to the virus seems to be limited to a few orchards in Germany, the majority of orchards being not affected

    Faculty Handbook (1969-1970)

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    Late treatment with imatinib mesylate ameliorates radiation-induced lung fibrosis in a mouse model

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    Background: We have previously shown that small molecule PDGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors (RTKI) can drastically attenuate radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis if the drug administration starts at the time of radiation during acute inflammation with present but limited effects against acute inflammation. To rule out interactions of the drug with acute inflammation, we investigated here in an interventive trial if a later drug administration start at a time when the acute inflammation has subsided - has also beneficial antifibrotic effects. Methods: Whole thoraces of C57BL/6 mice were irradiated with 20 Gy and treated with the RTKI imatinib starting either 3 days after radiation ( during acute inflammation) or two weeks after radiation ( after the acute inflammation has subsided as demonstrated by leucocyte count). Lungs were monitored and analyzed by clinical, histological and in vivo non-invasive computed tomography as a quantitative measure for lung density and lung fibrosis. Results: Irradiation induced severe lung fibrosis resulting in markedly reduced mouse survival vs. non-irradiated controls. Both early start of imatinib treatment during inflammation and late imatinib start markedly attenuated the development of pulmonary fibrosis as demonstrated by clinical, histological and qualitative and quantitative computed tomography results such as reduced lung density. Both administration schedules resulted in prolonged lifespans. The earlier drug treatment start resulted in slightly stronger beneficial antifibrotic effects along all measured endpoints than the later start. Conclusions: Our findings show that imatinib, even when administered after the acute inflammation has subsided, attenuates radiation-induced lung fibrosis in mice. Our data also indicate that the fibrotic fate is not only determined by the early inflammatory events but rather a complex process in which secondary events at later time points are important. Because of the clinical availability of imatinib or similar compounds, a meaningful attenuation of radiation-induced lung fibrosis in patients seems possible
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