9 research outputs found

    The use of the cadastral information system (cis) for manage and cadastral database query

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    The MapSIC software is a Cadastral Information System (CIS) which allows, by its interactive features, to manage and query the CIS Database and Digital Field Model, represented by level curves in 2D form or by color, depending by relief height, in 3D form. Through its multiple facilities meet the technical requirements of the imposed cadastral works, both in inside and outside of the city. Its main functions of import, export, digitizing/vectorization, as well as compatibility with software for processing field’s raw data (TopoSys) and with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) complex software systems, ranks the MapSIC software in the segment of applications that are producing directly geo-informational data, bringing remarkable benefits of these data users. It suffices to think of the possibility of real-time updating of information related to graphic and alphanumeric objects. To achieve the CIS Data Bank was chosen as the study area, the former vineyard unit SAE Copou Iasi with a total area of 111 hectares, located, until 2007, in the outside of Iasi City. The initial cadastral data, from surveying done in 2004, have been updated based on the land register documentation approved by the Cadastre and Land Registration Office Iasi (OCPI Iasi) and on the reception of General technical cadastre made for the north-west of the City of Iasi. Updating cadastral data was necessary due to changes caused by the recognition of the right of ownership to former owners, according to the Law No. 18/1991, the Land Fund law, and due to the existing documentations of dismantling of land parcels, because of the inclusion of study area in the extended inside of the City of Iasi since 2007. The MapSIC software was conceived from the desire of capitalization of the obtained data, by choosing and adopting the best solutions in terms of socio-economic view

    Development of lands on the slope through terracing for recreation areas

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    The terracing of sloping land provides multiple functional and aesthetic advantages. Landscaping on a slope is a complex work that requires a thorough analysis of the features of the relief, soil and vegetation. The adoption of an optimal terracing solution, in terms of dimensions, contributes to the quality of the result obtained, its maintenance over time and a minimal impact on the environment. In this work, for the dimensioning of the terraces and the optimal use of the natural elements, the topographic survey of the surface was carried out with the GPS. When determining the width of the leisure terraces, the slope of the land and microrelief were taken into account. To make the embankments more efficient, it was proposed to equalize the volume of excavation with that of filling. The achievement of this objective was achieved by covering the surface to be leveled with a network of squares, with a side of 17 m, the corners of the squares being materialized on the ground with wooden stakes. The absolute shares of all the points of the squares were determined, and depending on the weight of each point, the weighted average share of the two networks of squares was calculated. The calculation resulted in a value of the weighted average elevation on the first terrace, from the upstream side, of 148.789 m, and on the second terrace of 146.599 m. The values thus obtained were imposed quotas for the execution of the terrace platforms. Depending on the micro-relief of the land on the surface proposed for development and the neighboring areas, widths of the terraces of 15 and 17 m, with a length of 88 m, have resulted, which allow their use for the purpose proposed for development

    The current state of rehabilitation and modernization of geodetic and topographical networks

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    The case study was done by measuring the area of 111.06 hectares of a vineyard unit, located in the North West outside of the city of Iasi. The measurements necessary to achieve a thicker network of points and topographical mapping in stereograph projection system 1970 were performed with TC 705 total station, the Leica Geosystems. The thickening of the planimetrical support network was done based on the old geodetic points of the 4th and 5th order, from the existing triangulation network of the stereograph projection system 1970 of Iasi. As a feature of the execution of polygonal course were included in measurements both two ordinary landmarks and two GPS landmarks from the main network of Iasi. All topographic measurements were made to update the site plan and cadastral mapping for vineyard establishment on a scale of 1:5000. Pulling out of the data resulted in getting a clear picture of distribution of land use categories within the growing unity, indicating the number of parcels, the area in hectares and the percentage of occupancy. Characterization of the land depending on the slope shows that the surface of 2.18 ha of arable land area and the surface of 0.33 ha of pasture land is heavily slanted, so the anti-erosion works should be made by growing rows parallel to the level curves direction

    Use of cadastral plan in digital form and the databases informations system for the national vineyard landsurvey

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    Getting vineyard cadastre database in the unitary system of technical, economical and legal will be done according to Law vine and wine No.67/1997, by identifying, recording, delineation and mapping of all land and cadastral plans of the national vineyard property and other real estate related, irrespective of their destination and owners. Making a modern cartographic database compatible with those from the European Union, involves continuous improvement of methods of measurement. Based on new technologies to ensure performance of terrestrial measurements it will be determined surface and size configuration by destinations, categories of use and owners. To achieve the technical and specialized vineyard landsurvey it was made the collection, processing and management of primary database from a vineyard with a total area of 111.06 hectares. The case study was done for a unit of 111.06 hectares vineyard, located in the North-West of terrain City, framed by 2 trapezes lifting map scale 1: 5000, lifting the 4 trapezes scale 1: 2000 and 10 trapezes lifting scale 1: 1000. The vineyard unit of the year 2004, when it was made its first cadastral register, consisting of 270 parcels was distributed to 51 owners of 97 parcels of vines which occupy 75.59% of total area. Because fragmentation tendency the vineyard unit currently has 387 parcels, instead 270, this means a growth of 43.33%. To have a clear picture of the situation on the ground level of a parcel, cadastral file must include basic and specialized data on vineyard land, the owner and cadastral records of real estate

    Suitability for vine plantations of soil resources from Vinifruct Copou Company of Iaşi

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    The favorability establishment of soil resources for vine plantations was done for four representative soil units (US1, US2, US3, US4) from Vinifruct Copou Company of Iasi. Soil units belong to the second class of favorability for vines for wine production and to the third class of favorability for vines for production of consumption grapes. Restrictive factors of grapes production are represented by deep groundwater, terrain slope, corrected annual average temperature, the humus reserve and the water excess manifested only in the middle part of soil (US4). The lowest favorability of evaluation notes was obtained for the vine plantations for production of consumption grapes. The lower favorability of evaluation notes is due to the necessity of higher temperatures for plantations of vine for production of consumption grapes. The lowest suitability for vine was recorded for the unit of soil US3 and is due to average terrain slope that is higher, which favors the soil surface erosion by water flow, decreasing the humus and the nutrients supply. Area occupied by these units is small and therefore the weighted average of evaluation note has higher values

    The use of spatial and numeric databases of digital orthophotomaps in soil quality evaluation papers

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    In the period between 2003-2007, digital and analog orthophotomaps at a scale 1 : 10 000 were designed for a series of territorial administrative unities, based on aerial photogrammetric methods. The use of the digital support of the orthophotomaps facilitates the retrieval in real time of primary technical data for the cadastre general of the graphic fund of agricultural physical blocks and their contained plots. Within the grounds of the administrative territory of Bilca, in Suceava County, 315 physical blocks have been identified, with a total area of 2000,43 ha. According to the nature of the physical blocks 189 agricultural physical blocks (AB), occupying an area of 1853,81 ha have been delimited in the unincorporated area of the territory and 126 physical blocks (SA), in the residential area, with a surface of 146,62 ha. On the digital format of the orthophotomap, at a scale 1 : 10 000 of the physical blocks, an overlap was carried out of the thematic layer with the graphic entities of the 24 soil unities (SU), at a scale of 1: 10 000, identified and mapped on an agricultural area of 1358,14 ha. For the organisation, collection and validation of the technical data necessary for the cadastre general and the quality of the soils, has been considered an area of 100,4628 ha of an agricultural sector. The overlapping of the data layer of the soils map, one that included a spatial distribution for 10 soil units (SU) has been carried out on the digital support of the six agricultural physical blocks and the 228 cadastral plots, respectively. The interrogation of the relational model of the digital orthophotomap spatial and numeric database, according to the codes of the physical blocks and the cadastral plots respectively, enables the use of this type of data in various scopes. The informational model is based on the univocal relations between the graphic entities of the 228 cadastral plots and the specific attributes of the cadastre general entities and the descriptive and analytical data of the soil resources quality, respectively

    Comparative study on the determination of surfaces from the digital orthophotomaps and field measurements with precision GPS receptors

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    In the period between 2003-2007, digital and analog ortophotomaps at a scale 1:10 000 were designed for a series of territorial administrative units in Romania, based on aerial photography methods. The use of the digital support of the ortophotomaps facilitates the retrieval in real time of the position, configuration and size of the agricultural and nonagricultural physical blocks surfaces, which represent the primary technical database for the general cadastre. In the case study of Bilca territorial unit from Suceava County, 315 physical blocks were identified, out of which: 189 agricultural physical blocks in the area outside the township, with a surface of 1853.81 ha and 126 nonagricultural physical blocks, within the built-up area, with a surface of 146.62 ha. For the testing of the retrieval method of surfaces on digital support and from field measurements with GPS receptors, six agricultural physical blocks from the unincorporated area have been considered, with the numbers: 225, 243, 254, 275, 231 and 255, with areas comprised between 10.38 ha (block 275) and 23.23 ha (block 225). The field measurements were carried out with the help of a GPS receptor (Global Position System), of a GNSS South S82T type, which ensured advanced technologies of satellite GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System – GPS and GLONASS) measuring. Field observations were conducted with the kinematic positioning method in real time, which is also known as the RTK method ((Real-Time Kinematic). In the case of the carried out measurements the ROMPOS – RTK (Romanian Position Determination System) was used, which is based on the national network of GNSS Stations. By using the ROMPOS – RTK service for precise kinematic applications in real time, a horizontally positioning precision of up to ± 2 cm was acquired. With the help of SurvCE field software were determined the plane rectangular coordinates of the points from the outline of the physical blocks, directly into the national projection system STEREO70. The absolute positioning precision of the considered points allowed for a thorough calculation of the physical blocks’ surfaces

    Histochemical Evaluation of Mucin-Secreting Cell Activity in the Stomach of the Wistar Rat

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    Mucin plays a very important role in the physiological function of the stomach in all species, but the representation of mucin-secreting cells differs from species to species. The aim of this study was to highlight these cells in the stomach of the Wistar rat. For histological investigations, fragments of the stomach from the three main regions (cardiac, fundic and pyloric) were harvested from four Wistar rats and further stained with PAS and Alcian blue methods. The histochemical results showed the presence of mucin-secreting cells in the examined tissues. An intense PAS positive reaction was found in the surface epithelium cells of the gastric mucosa and in the cells lining the gastric crypts in all the three segments. In the deep glandular structures, the cells of the cardiac and fundic glands are PAS negative, while those of the pyloric glands are all PAS positive. For Alcian blue reaction, the cells lining the gastric mucosa and the crypts in the three regions of the stomach were negative. In the glands, the cells of the cardiac and fundic glands were Alcian negative while in the pyloric glands, a limited number of cells arranged in the deep third of the glands showed a weak positive Alcian reaction. In conclusion, the vast majority of glandular cells in the rat's stomach do not synthesize acidic mucins, except for cells in the deep part of the pyloric glands, which synthesize small amounts of such mucins


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    In order to develop the vineyard and orchard sector in Romania from a sustainable point of view, the European Union primarily finances plantations with native varieties. To be able to talk about sustainable development and environmental protection, GIS systems should be structured by fields of activity and become an interface between man and nature. The integration of these projects within the systematic cadastre work would have the effect of obtaining a better reassessment of the agricultural potential of the area. Thus, the “Vasile Adamachi” didactic farm of the Iasi University of Life Sciences has reconfigured the cadastral plots, currently occupying a total area of 16.1 ha with vines and 12.2 ha with fruit trees. This project to modernise the vineyard/fruit-growing plantations was realised from the rehabilitation funds of the European Union, through the Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture. The creation by the Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity Agency of an integrated cadastre and land book system, as a “multipurpose” type system within the National Cadastre and Land Book Program, would help the Payments and Intervention Agency for Agriculture to identify agricultural real estate, which includes vineyards/fruit trees, and would encourage the owners of such plantations to access projects from the European Union funds for the modernisation, maintenance in good condition or expansion of vineyard and fruit-growing. Also, the technical-legal situation of the existing real estate at the administrative-territorial unit level could be obtained in real time