Use of cadastral plan in digital form and the databases informations system for the national vineyard landsurvey


Getting vineyard cadastre database in the unitary system of technical, economical and legal will be done according to Law vine and wine No.67/1997, by identifying, recording, delineation and mapping of all land and cadastral plans of the national vineyard property and other real estate related, irrespective of their destination and owners. Making a modern cartographic database compatible with those from the European Union, involves continuous improvement of methods of measurement. Based on new technologies to ensure performance of terrestrial measurements it will be determined surface and size configuration by destinations, categories of use and owners. To achieve the technical and specialized vineyard landsurvey it was made the collection, processing and management of primary database from a vineyard with a total area of 111.06 hectares. The case study was done for a unit of 111.06 hectares vineyard, located in the North-West of terrain City, framed by 2 trapezes lifting map scale 1: 5000, lifting the 4 trapezes scale 1: 2000 and 10 trapezes lifting scale 1: 1000. The vineyard unit of the year 2004, when it was made its first cadastral register, consisting of 270 parcels was distributed to 51 owners of 97 parcels of vines which occupy 75.59% of total area. Because fragmentation tendency the vineyard unit currently has 387 parcels, instead 270, this means a growth of 43.33%. To have a clear picture of the situation on the ground level of a parcel, cadastral file must include basic and specialized data on vineyard land, the owner and cadastral records of real estate

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