12 research outputs found

    Two adjacent mutations on the dimer interface of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease cause different conformational changes in crystal structure

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    AbstractThe 3C-like protease of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV 3CLpro) is vital for SARS-CoV replication and is a promising drug target. It has been extensively proved that only the dimeric enzyme is active. Here we discovered that two adjacent mutations (Ser139_Ala and Phe140_Ala) on the dimer interface resulted in completely different crystal structures of the enzyme, demonstrating the distinct roles of these two residues in maintaining the active conformation of SARS-CoV 3CLpro. S139A is a monomer that is structurally similar to the two reported monomers G11A and R298A. However, this mutant still retains a small fraction of dimer in solution, which might account for its remaining activity. F140A is a dimer with the most collapsed active pocket discovered so far, well-reflecting the stabilizing role of this residue. Moreover, a plausible dimerization mechanism was also deduced from structural analysis. Our work is expected to provide insight on the dimerization–function relationship of SARS-CoV 3CLpro

    The impact of structural biology in medicine illustrated with four case studies

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    The contributions of structural biology to drug discovery have expanded over the last 20 years from structure-based ligand optimization to a broad range of clinically relevant topics including the understanding of disease, target discovery, screening for new types of ligands, discovery of new modes of action, addressing clinical challenges such as side effects or resistance, and providing data to support drug registration. This expansion of scope is due to breakthroughs in the technology, which allow structural information to be obtained rapidly and for more complex molecular systems, but also due to the combination of different technologies such as X-ray, NMR, and other biophysical methods, which allows one to get a more complete molecular understanding of disease and ways to treat it. In this review, we provide examples of the types of impact molecular structure information can have in the clinic for both low molecular weight and biologic drug discovery and describe several case studies from our own work to illustrate some of these contributions

    Insights into autoregulation of Notch 3 from Structural and Functional Studies of its negative Regulatory Region

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    Abstract: Notch receptors are transmembrane proteins that undergo activating proteolysis in response to stimulation by Delta- and Serrate-family ligands. A negative regulatory region (NRR), which encompasses three Lin12-Notch repeats (LNRs) and a juxtamembrane heterodimerization domain that houses the ligand-dependent processing site, normally maintains the receptor in a resting state by preventing protease cleavage prior to ligand binding. We report here the X-ray structure of the NRR of human Notch3 in its autoinhibited state, and compare it with the autoinhibited structures of the analogous regions of human Notch1 and Notch2. The overall architecture of the autoinhibited conformation, in which the three LNR modules wrap around the heterodimerization domain, is preserved in the Notch3 NRR. The autoinhibited conformation of the Notch3 NRR is less stable than that of Notch1 or Notch2, and Notch3 exhibits more basal activity that either Notch1 or Notch2 in reporter assays. Disease-associated mutations L1515P and L1519P of the heterodimerization domain lead to increased ligand-independent activation of the receptor. The Notch3 NRR uses a highly conserved surface on the third LNR module to form a dimer in the asymmetric unit of the crystal, and a similar homotypic interface exists in the previously reported Notch1 and Notch2 structures. Together, these studies reveal distinguishing structural features associated with increased basal activity of Notch3, demonstrate increased ligand-independent signaling for disease-associated mutations that map to the Notch3 NRR, and identify a conserved dimerization interface present in multiple Notch receptors

    The N-terminal domain of STAT3 plays a critical role in STAT3-dependent transcriptional activity

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    The transcription factor STAT3 is constitutively active in and drives the proliferation of many cancers. Its ~15 kD N-terminal domain (NTD) mediates various functions such as cooperative DNA binding and nuclear translocation. However, it is unclear which subsets of STAT3 target genes depend on the NTD for transcriptional regulation. To identify such genes, we compared gene expression in STAT3-null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) stably expressing wild-type or NTD-deleted STAT3. NTD deletion reduced cytokine-induced expression of certain STAT3target genes by decreasing STAT3 DNA binding to these gene regulatory regions. These reductions can be attributed to loss of NTD-mediated cooperativity and perhaps also to loss of binding to other transcription factors. Next we determined the crystal structure of the STAT3 NTD and identified a dimer interface functional in cooperative DNA binding in vitro. We also observed a Ni2+-mediated tetramer interface in the crystal linking four STAT3 dimers into an octamer which might imply interesting biology. Mutations on both dimer and tetramer interfaces reduced cytokine induction of STAT3 target genes. These studies shed light on a novel aspect of STAT3 transcriptional activity and also provide structural information to design STAT3 NTD inhibitors with potential therapeutic value

    Insights into Autoregulation of Notch3 from Structural and Functional Studies of Its Negative Regulatory Region

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    SummaryNotch receptors are transmembrane proteins that undergo activating proteolysis in response to ligand stimulation. A negative regulatory region (NRR) maintains receptor quiescence by preventing protease cleavage prior to ligand binding. We report here the X-ray structure of the NRR of autoinhibited human Notch3, and compare it with the Notch1 and Notch2 NRRs. The overall architecture of the autoinhibited conformation, in which three LIN12-Notch repeat (LNR) modules wrap around a heterodimerization domain, is preserved in Notch3, but the autoinhibited conformation of the Notch3 NRR is less stable. The Notch3 NRR uses a highly conserved surface on the third LNR module to form a dimer in the crystal. Similar homotypic interfaces exist in Notch1 and Notch2. Together, these studies reveal distinguishing structural features associated with increased basal activity of Notch3, demonstrate increased ligand-independent signaling for disease-associated mutations that map to the Notch3 NRR, and identify a conserved dimerization interface present in multiple Notch receptors

    Malonyl-CoA: acyl carrier protein transacylase from Helicobacter pylori: Crystal structure and its interaction with acyl carrier protein

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    Malonyl-CoA: acyl carrier protein transacylase (MCAT) is a critical enzyme responsible for the transfer of the malonyl moiety to holo-acyl carrier protein (ACP) forming the malonyl-ACP intermediates in the initiation step of type II fatty acid synthesis (FAS II) in bacteria. MCAT has been considered as an attractive drug target in the discovery of antibacterial agents. In this study, the crystal structure of MCAT from Helicobacter pylori (Hp) at 2.5 Å resolution is reported, and the interaction of HpMCAT with HpACP is extensively investigated by using computational docking, GST-pull-down, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology-based assays. The crystal structure results reveal that HpMCAT has a compact folding composed of a large subdomain with a similar core as in α/β hydrolases, and a similar ferredoxin-like small subdomain as in acylphosphatases. The docking result suggests two positively charged areas near the entrance of the active site of HpMCAT as the ACP-binding region. Binding assay research shows that HpMCAT demonstrates a moderately binding ability against HpACP. The solved 3D structure of HpMCAT is expected to supply useful information for the structure-based discovery of novel inhibitors against MCAT, and the quantitative study of HpMCAT interaction with HpACP is hoped to give helpful hints in the understanding of the detailed catalytic mechanisms for HpMCAT

    The Catalytic Intermediate Stabilized by a “Down” Active Site Loop for Diaminopimelate Decarboxylase from Helicobacter pylori: ENZYMATIC CHARACTERIZATION WITH CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS*

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    The meso-diaminopimelate decarboxylase (DAPDC, EC catalyzes the final step of l-lysine biosynthesis in bacteria and is regarded as a target for the discovery of antibiotics. Here we report the 2.3Å crystal structure of DAPDC from Helicobacter pylori (HpDAPDC). The structure, in which the product l-lysine forms a Schiff base with the cofactor pyridoxal 5′-phosphate, provides structural insight into the substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism of the enzyme, and implies that the carboxyl to be cleaved locates at the si face of the cofactor. To our knowledge, this might be the first reported external aldimine of DAPDC. Moreover, the active site loop of HpDAPDC is in a “down” conformation and shields the ligand from solvent. Mutations of Ile148 from the loop greatly impaired the catalytic efficiency. Combining the structural analysis of the I148L mutant, we hypothesize that HpDAPDC adopts an induced-fit catalytic mechanism in which this loop cycles through “down” and “up” conformations to stabilize intermediates and release product, respectively. Our work is expected to provide clues for designing specific inhibitors of DAPDC

    Peptide deformylase is a potential target for anti-Helicobacter pylori drugs: Reverse docking, enzymatic assay, and X-ray crystallography validation

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    Colonization of human stomach by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is a major causative factor for gastrointestinal illnesses and gastric cancer. However, the discovery of anti-H. pylori agents is a difficult task due to lack of mature protein targets. Therefore, identifying new molecular targets for developing new drugs against H. pylori is obviously necessary. In this study, the in-house potential drug target database (PDTD, http://www.dddc.ac.cn/tarfisdock/) was searched by the reverse docking approach using an active natural product (compound 1) discovered by anti-H. pylori screening as a probe. Homology search revealed that, among the 15 candidates discovered by reverse docking, only diaminopimelate decarboxylase (DC) and peptide deformylase (PDF) have homologous proteins in the genome of H. pylori. Enzymatic assay demonstrated compound 1 and its derivative compound 2 are the potent inhibitors against H. pylori PDF (HpPDF) with IC50 values of 10.8 and 1.25 ÎĽM, respectively. X-ray crystal structures of HpPDF and the complexes of HpPDF with 1 and 2 were determined for the first time, indicating that these two inhibitors bind well with HpPDF binding pocket. All these results indicate that HpPDF is a potential target for screening new anti-H. pylori agents. In addition, compounds 1 and 2 were predicted to bind to HpPDF with relatively high selectivity, suggesting they can be used as leads for developing new anti-H. pylori agents. The results demonstrated that our strategy, reverse docking in conjunction with bioassay and structural biology, is effective and can be used as a complementary approach of functional genomics and chemical biology in target identification