8 research outputs found

    Theoretical-methodical approaches to monitoring of the level of socio-economic development of territorial units and national economy in conditions of decentralization

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    Theoretical-methodical approaches to monitoring of the level of socio-economic development of territorial units and national economy in conditions of decentralization / I. Irtyshcheva, M. Stegney, Y. Boiko, D. Voit, N. Hryshyna // Рerspectives : journ. on Economic Iss. – 2019. – No 2. – Р. 83–92.The paper outlines the nature and main components of provision of regions’ socio-economic development in conditions of decentralization. The condition of decentralization reform implementation in Ukraine and main problems of forming of efficient institutional architectonics to facilitate the reform implementation and to secure the improvement of the regions’ social and economic development at current stage are examined. Institutional forms and elements of decentralization are systematized and their nature and functioning principles are defined. The paper analyzes the peculiarities of traditional monitoring system of territorial units’ socio-economic development used in Ukraine. Improvement of methodical approaches to monitoring of socio-economic development is suggested. It is based on calculation of comparative integral estimations of dynamic coefficients of socio-economic development of national socio-economic system at three levels: global, national and regional. The use of suggested methodical approaches contributes to defining of an integral picture of socio-economic development, tendency vectors and misbalances of maintenance of social and economic results at the moment of estimation. Success of decentralization reform is manifested in the completeness of its implementation, which should result in not only adjustment of administrative-territorial structure of the country and improvement of institutional and managerial architectonics, but also in ex-tension of activity and efficiency of local communities in the context of their impact on the development of both education, medicine, social and housing infrastructure and the areas of culture, social provision, energy efficiency, transport, etc

    An economic management system for sustainable development in black sea region

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    Kramarenko, I. An economic management system for sustainable development in black sea region / I. Kramarenko, I. Irtyshcheva, S. Shults, M. Stehnei, K. Blishchuk, Y. Boiko, N. Popadynets, N. Samotiy, L. Rogatina, N. Hryshyna // Accounting. – 2020. – Vol. 6, № 4. – P. 387–394.The paper aims to develop a model for measuring economic system management efficiency of the Black Sea region of Ukraine through the context of sustainable development. The model includes the rates of social and economic efficiency, productivity, and performance. The proposed approach calculates the region’s economic system management efficiency. The respective evaluation criteria are systematized: economic and social efficiency of the region’s economic activity, productivity of the use of resources, and performance of the management system. The system of evaluation indicators by each criterion and mathematical apparatus to calculate them are suggested. The paper suggests methodical approaches to evaluate the economic system management efficiency in the region under transformation. They help determine the current level against similar indicators achieved within the country and the tendencies influenced by regional factors, form the “economic system management profile”, and identify the strengths and bottlenecks

    Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization Processes

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    The process of administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine urges most of the population to think about their future because the finalization of the reform stipulates that local governments are independent, and residents are responsible for their territories. To finish the process of administrative reform, it is necessary to efficiently use resources to achieve the ultimate decentralization objective. The paper aims to evaluate the efficiency of decentralization as an essential tool for the socio-economic development of regions. The efficiency of the reform implementation inUkrainian regions is suggested to be evaluated across the organizational-dministrative and budgetary components. The parameters of analysis of the reform implementation efficiency in the regions across the suggested components are systematized. The absence of a consistent relationship between the organizational-administrative and budgetary components is confirmed

    Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization Processes

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    Irtyshcheva, I. Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization Processes / I. Irtyshcheva, I. Kramarenko, T. Vasyltsiv, Y. Boiko, O. Panukhnyk, N. Hryshyna, O. Hrafska, O. Ishchenko, N. Tubaltseva, I. Sirenko, N. Popadynets, I. Hryhoruk / International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies. – Strasbourg, France : IHIET-AI 2021, AISC 1378, Springer, Cham. – 2021. – P. 694–701.The process of administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine urges most of the population to think about their future because the finalization of the reform stipulates that local governments are independent, and residents are responsible for their territories. To finish the process of administrative reform, it is necessary to efficiently use resources to achieve the ultimate decentralization objective. The paper aims to evaluate the efficiency of decentralization as an essential tool for the socio-economic development of regions. The efficiency of the reform implementation inUkrainian regions is suggested to be evaluated across the organizational-administrative and budgetary components. The parameters of analysisof the reform implementation efficiency in the regions across the suggested components are systematized. The absence of a consistent relationship between the organizational-administrative and budgetary components is confirmed

    The effect of digital technology development on economic growth

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    The effect of digital technology development on economic growth / I. Irtyshcheva [ets.] // International Journal of Data and Network Science. – 2021. – Vol. 5, № 1. – P. 25–36.The article simulates the impact of the digital technologies’ development on economic growth, which makes it possible to find ways to improve the quality of various spheres of life and identify areas of the economy, the accelerated digitalization of which will ensure an increase in gross domestic product (GDP). The research used groupings of economic activities that directly influence the development of the digital economy. Using the data of regression models, the coefficients of GDP elasticity from the development of the studied sectors were calculated and used to forecast GDP under the development influence of the studied sectors while maintaining the existing trends. The dynamics of the e-commerce market development in Ukraine, the dynamics of production volumes of products (services) of the main types of economic activities in the field of digital transformation of the economy in Ukraine, the dynamics of financial results of enterprises in the information and telecommunications sector in Ukraine, the dynamics of capital investments in the field of information and communications of Ukraine, the dynamics of foreign investment in the development of the type of economic activity “information and telecommunications” in Ukraine, the dynamics of the development of the main areas of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy in 2010-2018 and the dynamics of GDP in actual prices were revealed. A correlation and regression analysis of the impact of the main indicators of the digital technologies sectors development on Ukraine's GDP is also carried out. The forecast extrapolation trend of production growth volumes of products and services in the information sector of Ukraine was built. A forecast of GDP growth in Ukraine has been constructed, taking into account the processes of digitalization of the economy in accordance with certain trends. The forecast dynamics of changes in GDP under the influence of the IT sector development until 2023 was also illustrated. It was found that Ukraine lags significantly behind most developed countries in terms of the level of industrial production development of information and communication technologies and equipment, Ukraine is completely import-dependent in this area. It has been proved that stimulating the development of information and communication technologies has significant prospects for activating digitalization processes in all spheres of the economy and society and increasing GDP

    Building favorable investment climate for economic development

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    Building favorable investment climate for economic development / I. Irtyshcheva, I. Kramarenko, S. Shults, Y. Boiko, K. Blishchuk, N. Hryshyna, N. Popadynets, І. Dubynska, O. Ishchenko, D. Krapyvina // Accounting. – 2020. – Vol. 6, № 5. – P. 773–780.The research is devoted to the adaptation of theoretical and applied organizational grounds of favorable investment climate based on the establishment of an efficient mechanism of investment capacity increase in Ukraine. The main aim of the paper is to substantiate the mechanism of forming a favorable investment climate as the basis of investment capacity increase in Ukraine. The paper verifies the authors’ hypothesis on the adequacy of the substantiation of the mechanism of favorable investment climate forming as the basis of investment capacity increase leading to the substantial improvement of Ukrainian positions in international rankings. The dependence of Ukraine’s investment climate on the formed mechanism of its development is confirmed, and the necessity of its improvement is emphasized. The paper proves that forming of the favorable investment climate as the main precondition of boosted development, reproduction, and efficient use of investment climate at all levels is one of the most important strategic tasks that Ukraine faces. Economic, institutional-legal, and organizational-administrative mechanisms and implementation tools directed at improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine and the creation of conditions for investment capacity growth and its efficient transformation into an investment product are systematized

    Business process management in the food industry under the conditions of economic transformations

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    Business process management in the food industry under the conditions of economic transformations // I. Irtyshcheva, M. Stehnei, N. Popadynets, S. Danylo, L. Rogatina, K. Bogatyrev, Y. Boiko, N. Hryshyna, O. Ishchenko, O. Voit // Management Science Letters. – 2020. – Vol. 10, № 14. – P. 3243–3252.The article highlights the business process management system in food industry. The subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of managing business processes in the food industry. The authors explain the concept of "business process" and methods for achieving its improvement goals. The author’s scheme for managing business processes in the food industry in the context ofeconomic transformations was developed and implemented. The introduction of a process approach requires efforts and resources for identifying business processes, their analysis, drawing up models of business processes. The analysis of business processes in the food industry of Ukraine at a macro level is carried out, including: an imperfect tax system; the mechanism imperfection of state and customs tariff regulation of food markets, the low level of financial support from international organizations, the low level of state support for agribusiness entities; decline in employment and rising unemployment; growth in international migration; low competitiveness of Ukrainian food products and barriers to international food trade. Methodical approaches for determining the regional strategic potential of food safety are also proposed. The calculations of the regional potential of food safety are carried out using the data of the Black Sea region in Ukraine as an example. The main prerequisites for the formation of a food safety system have been identified and justified. The organization’s transition to clear and efficient processes to achieve the objectives with optimal costs in the food industry; high flexibility and adaptability of the control system, due to the large selfregulation of the system and natural customer orientation; high dynamism of the system and its internal processes, due to the strong vertical integration of resource flows and a common interest in increasing their circulation; simplification of coordination, organization, control procedures and the possibility of deep integrated automation of food production; high motivation in ensuring the production of quality and competitive food is discussed

    Глобальні тренди розвитку спортивно-оздоровчої діяльності

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    Глобальні тренди розвитку спортивно-оздоровчої діяльності = Global trends of sports and health activities / І. О. Іртищева, І. С. Крамаренко, С. С. Романенко, Н. В. Гришина, О. А. Іщенко // Український журнал прикладної економіки та техніки. – 2022. – Т. 7, № 1 (13). – С. 150–156.На сучасному етапі цивілізаційного розвитку спортивно-оздоровча діяльність стає однією з пріоритетних сфер розвитку національних економік, популярним соціальним і культурним трендом та іміджевим фактором країн. Фізичне виховання, спорт та суміжні сфери діяльності, які сприяють розвитку культури здорового способу життя, у світовій практиці користуються всебічною державною підтримкою. Безумовно, спорт та оздоровча діяльність є одним з головних цивілізаційних трендів, які набирають оберти впродовж останніх 10 років. У країнах із розвинутою економікою розроблено безліч національних та регіональних програм, що мають на меті стимулювати громадян до ведення активного способу життя та заняття спортом. Метою статті є дослідження глобальних трендів розвитку спортивно-оздоровчої діяльності. Аналіз показав, що світовий спортивний ринок у 2020 році досяг майже 388,3 мільярда доларів, збільшившись із сумарним річним темпом зростання на 3,4% з 2015 року. У 2020 році обсяги ринку становили 388,3 млрд дол. і скоротилися порівняно з попереднім 2019 роком на 15,4%, що відбулося через спалах COVID-19 та заходами для його стримування. Аналіз індексів приросту обсягів надання послуг у сфері спорту показав на різке збільшення обсягів послуг у 2016 порівняно з 2015 роком, що є характерним як для України, так і для країн ЄС. При цьому в ЄС темпи приросту демонстрували позитивне значення впродовж майже усього періоду з 2016 до 2020 року. Визначено, що суттєвий вплив на розвиток спортивно-оздоровчої діяльності має епідемія Ковід-19, що у 2020 році внаслідок жорстких обмежувальних заходів призвела до скорочення ринку спортивних послуг на 14% в Україні та на 24% у країнах ЄС. Висновки. Доведено, що серед основних глобальних трендів розвитку спортивно-оздоровчої діяльності є: диджиталізація спорту, посилення індивідуалізму у спорті, виникнення та поширення нових видів спорту, подальше зростання ринку кіберспорту, розвиток блокчейн технологій та психічне здоров’я.At the present stage of civilization development, sports and health activities become the best areas of national economies, a popular social and cultural trend and image factor of the country. Physical education, sports and related fields that contribute to the development of a culture of healthy living in world practice use comprehensive state support. Of course, sports and health activities are one of the main trends in civilization, which are gaining momentum over the past 10 years. In countries with developed economies, many national and regional programs have been developed to encourage citizens to lead an active lifestyle and play sports. The purpose of the article is to study global trends in sports and health activities. The analysis showed that the global sports market in 2020 reached 388.3 billion dollars, increasing with a total annual growth rate of 3.4% since 2015. In 2020, the market volume accounted 388.3 billion dollars, and shortened in comparison to the previous year, 2019, by 15.4%, which occurred due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and measures to contain it. The analysis of growth indices of sports services showed a sharp increase in services in 2016 compared to 2015, which is typical for both Ukraine and the EU. At the same time, the growth rate in the EU showed a positive value throughout the period from 2016 to 2020. It has been determined that the COVID-19 epidemic has a significant healthy impact on the development of sports and health activities, which in 2020 as a result of severe restrictive measures led to a reduction in the market of sports services by 14% in Ukraine and 24% in EU countries. Conclusions. It is proved that among the main global trends in the development of sports and health activities are: digitalization of sports, strengthening the individuality of sports, the emergence and spread of new sports, further growth of the e-sports market, development of blockchain technology and mental health