13 research outputs found

    Modeling of bioenergy impact on food security of EU countries

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    Ensuring the energy and food independence of each state will not only remain important but that its importance will continue to grow given the constant need for the state to properly guarantee the basic needs of the population. However, the rapid development of bioenergy is a potential precondition for the fuel and food conflict over agricultural raw materials. The article examines the relationship between food safety indices and the overall share of energy from renewable sources and bioenergy production in 13 European countries. The main factors characterizing the food security of these countries for the period from 2012 to 2018 are identified. Statistical methods of correlation analysis are used to determine the links between the outlined factors. It is studied that in most countries the prosperity of the bioenergy sector of agricultural enterprises does not affect the main indices of food security. In 5 countries (Poland, Germany, Norway, Spain, the Czech Republic) correlations were found, but for the most part, they are direct. It means that large values of one variable are associated with large values of the other, in other words with increasing the share of bioenergy production and overall share of energy from renewable sources, food safety indices also increase


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    In modern conditions, one of the main tasks of the fiscal mechanism is to create favorable conditions for maintaining and activating investment processes at the micro level. Thanks to tax incentives as a leading element of the fiscal mechanism, the state influences the amount of financial resources that are at the disposal of taxpayers − legal entities and individuals - and can be used for investment. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of tax incentives to ensure the investment development of enterprises and households in EU member states and in Ukraine; to conduct SWOT analysis of investment tax incentives, and to find opportunities to further improve their management. The study substantiates the content of tax incentives and the conditions of their use to activate investment processes at the micro level. The experience of EU member states in the use of different ways of tax stimulation of investments of legal entities and individuals has been generalized. The tax incentives introduced in Ukraine have been considered and the key problems of their existence have been described in the context of stimulating the investment activity of taxpayers. SWOT analysis of investment tax incentives has been carried out, which helped to identify the positive and negative impact of the external and internal environment on their implementation. The necessity and principles of management of investment preferential taxation have been established. It has been proposed to improve the management of the provision of investment tax incentives in Ukraine based on the experience of the EU member states. The authors argue that the purposeful use of tax incentives stimulates the investment activity of households and economic entities. Therefore, the use by Ukraine of the experience of the EU countries to solve the problems of providing tax incentives to individuals and legal entities will eventually lead to the intensification of investment processes at the micro level. The research was conducted as a logical process, covering two main stages - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical stage of the research consisted in the collection, systematization and generalization of facts regarding the impact of preferential taxation on the investment activities of enterprises in the EU countries and in Ukraine. The authors considered the domestic and European practice of using tax benefits to ensure the investment development of enterprises and households. The experience of EU member states regarding the use of various methods of tax incentives for investments of legal entities and individuals has been summarized. The article considers the tax benefits introduced in Ukraine and the key problems of their existence in the context of stimulating the investment activity of taxpayers. The empirical stage of the study included a SWOT analysis of investment tax incentives and the search for opportunities for further improvement of their management. According to the results of the SWOT analysis, the positive and negative influence of the external and internal environment on the implementation of tax benefits was revealed

    Renewable Energy in Ukraine-Poland Region: Comparison, Critical Analysis, and Opportunities

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    Fundamental and applied research on renewable energy is actively supported for the development of world science and maintaining the energy independence and security of different countries. This section analyzes the publications of scientists from two countries—Ukraine and Poland—in the field of “thermoelectricity,” “photoelectricity,” and “bioenergy” to find regularities in each state and to determine the prospects for joint research. Ukraine and Poland share a common border and have similar climatic conditions and historical heritage, but Poland is a member of the EU, and its legislation in the field of renewable energy complies with the regulations of the European Community. Ukraine is making every effort to develop renewable energy. Comparison of the state of research in these countries is also an example of the analysis of the situation at the borders of EU countries and may answer questions related to sustainable development, the mass transition to renewable energy, and the refusal to use fossil fuels and nuclear power plants. The analysis is based on the results of data published in the international scientific databases Web of Science and Scopus. The most advanced areas of research in each country are identified, analyzed, and aimed at practical application

    Economic Aspects of Final Energy Consumption in Ukraine: Prospects of Implementation of the Positive Experience of the European Union

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    The lack of a proper system for the use of energy resources is a nationwide problem in Ukraine. Payment for the consumed services for energy carriers mainly formed according to “consumption rates”, which can significantly ex-ceed the actually received amount of services and leads to an unjustified in-crease in the cost of energy resources. All this requires a search for new tools to stimulate energy intensity, effective accounting of the total volume of ener-gy consumption and the introduction of the best foreign experience in the field of energy saving in Ukraine. The analysis of energy consumption in the coun-try made it possible to identify the existing problems that subsist in the energy sphere today and provided an opportunity to propose ways to eliminate imbal-ances. The proposed methodology makes it possible to build models for estab-lishing the relationship between energy intensity and final energy consump-tion in Ukraine. Evaluation of foreign European experience makes it possible to implement the most necessary reforms and measures in domestic practice to improve the sphere of energy consumption

    Innovative Methods in Strategic Planning of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises

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    Changes in the external conditions of business in Ukraine, European integration vector of the country development, and possibilities of import/export operations facilitate foreign trade. Modern methods of strategic management and strategic diagnostics should be developed in line with international requirements and needs of managers in Ukraine and partners abroad. Therefore substantiation of innovation trends for enterprise development strategies on the international arena as a constituent of stable economy is important and necessary. The purpose of this article is to define innovative approaches to planning, development and implementation of strategies and to develop a comprehensive diagnosis of the strategic potential of foreign economic activity. During the research, the following methods: logical abstraction, modeling, PEST-analysis, systems analysis, graphic. The main results of the study are: 1) disclosure of the features of the construction of strategic management in international business; 2) analysis of European and American practices of strategic management of foreign economic activity of enterprises; 3) study of algorithmic scheme of strategic management in the Ukraine; 4) justification of methods of three-level system of strategic analysis using matrix methods of assessment; 5) the classification of the main methods of matrix analysis within groups: macro, meso, macro level; 6) a comprehensive diagnosis of the strategic potential of foreign economic activity of enterprises in Ukraine. The study proved the main areas of innovation and strategic principles of international management and comprehensive methodology for strategic planning matrix based on innovative methods

    Evaluation the stress-strain state of pumping equipment in the curvilinear sections of the wells

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    The development of oil fields at a late stage is characterized by a number of complications that determine the features of the operation of downhole equipment in pumping units. The use of electric-centered pumps in wells with intervals of increased curvature intensity requires a preliminary analysis of the possibility of lowering and operating the equipment at design depths. The aim of research is development of a new approach to evaluation the stress-strain state of pumping equipment, taking into account the features of the inclinometry of the intervals of its location. The analysis of the results of previous studies of the influence of the well profile on the operation of pumping equipment and recommendations for ensuring its performance is carried out. Given the possibility of operating equipment with limited levels of deformation, a mechanism is proposed for evaluation its stress-strain state using software products based on the finite element method. The reliability of the results is confirmed by comparison with those obtained in the course of analytical studies performed according to a previously tested methodology. Application of the proposed approach will allow to assess the level of deformation of individual elements of the equipment installations, taking into account their design features and the results of inclinometry

    Evaluation the Stress-Strain State of Pumping Equipment in the Curvilinear Sections of the Wells

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    The development of oil fields at a late stage is characterized by a number of complications that determine the features of the operation of downhole equipment in pumping units. The use of electric-centered pumps in wells with intervals of increased curvature intensity requires a preliminary analysis of the possibility of lowering and operating the equipment at design depths. The aim of research is development of a new approach to evaluation the stress-strain state of pumping equipment, taking into account the features of the inclinometry of the intervals of its location. The analysis of the results of previous studies of the influence of the well profile on the operation of pumping equipment and recommendations for ensuring its performance is carried out. Given the possibility of operating equipment with limited levels of deformation, a mechanism is proposed for evaluation its stress-strain state using software products based on the finite element method. The reliability of the results is confirmed by comparison with those obtained in the course of analytical studies performed according to a previously tested methodology. Application of the proposed approach will allow to assess the level of deformation of individual elements of the equipment installations, taking into account their design features and the results of inclinometry

    The analysis of factors affecting the household savings as a part of food security management

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    The analysis of factors affecting the household savings as a part of food security management / G. Pruntseva, I. Irtyshcheva [ets.] // International Journal of Data and Network Science. – 2021. – Vol. 5, № 4. – P. 769–774.Ensuring household food security should be a priority goal of state policy. The level of ensuring household food security reflects the state of the country's economic development and the effectiveness of agricultural policy. Household food security is achieved by ensuring a high level of purchasing power of households, which is possible by increasing income. Savings are the “safety cushion” for households during the financial and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The level of household savings is important both for the households themselves and for the country's economy, since savings, on the one hand, help to avoid hunger during crises, and, on the other hand, are an important investment resource for the country's economy. That is why assessing the level of household savings and identifying factors affecting savings are important aspects of building an effective government policy in the field of food security

    Efektywność wykorzystania zasobów paliwowych i energetycznych Ukrainy: ocena, symulacja i prognozowanie

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    This work focuses on the fact that the realities of today’s Ukrainian economy require not only recovery but also an increase in the volume of production of products produced by energy-intensive enterprises in the industry to the pre-crisis level, which stimulated the following: an increase in the demand for fuel and energy resources (FER); the increase in the cost of imported natural gas and oil, which became an excessive burden for domestic economic entities and the state budget and led to increased dependence on the geopolitical influence of the Russian Federation; the weakening of Ukraine’s position on the global energy market as a transporter of energy resources; increased competition in the global, national and regional markets of FER under the influence of the growth of general demand, etc. It was confirmed through analysis that the priority of the state policy in the field of the energy security of Ukraine will continue to be the stimulation of the implementation of energy-saving measures and the improvement of the efficiency of the use of FER by attracting all possible incentives at all levels of management. A visualized model is proposed which will make it possible to systematically manage the processes of the effective use of FES; an action algorithm has been developed that will allow solving problems that arise in changing external and internal environments, simplifying the decision-making procedure regarding the effectiveness of the use of FER, and reducing their specific costs. The assessment and forecasting of the energy efficiency of Ukraine’s economy was conducted using additive and multiplicative convolutions, which made it possible to forecast the energy efficiency index until 2035 in accordance with the adopted energy strategy of the state. It was determined that the strategic directions of increasing energy efficiency and realizing the energy potential of Ukraine remain the technological and structural restructuring of the economy, social infrastructure, and the creation of the economic, managerial and legal mechanisms necessary for the implementation of the state energy efficiency policy.Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na założeniu, że realia dzisiejszej ukraińskiej gospodarki wymagają nie tylko ożywienia, ale także zwiększenia wielkości produkcji wyrobów wytwarzanych przez przedsiębiorstwa energochłonne w przemyśle do poziomu sprzed kryzysu, który stymulowały następujące czynniki: wzrost popytu na paliwa i surowce energetyczne (FER); wzrost kosztów importowanego gazu ziemnego i ropy naftowej, który stał się nadmiernym obciążeniem dla krajowych podmiotów gospodarczych i budżetu państwa oraz doprowadził do zwiększenia zależności od geopolitycznych wpływów Federacji Rosyjskiej; osłabienie pozycji Ukrainy na światowym rynku energetycznym jako przewoźnika surowców energetycznych; wzrost konkurencji na światowych, krajowych i regionalnych rynkach FER pod wpływem wzrostu ogólnego popytu itp. W wyniku analizy potwierdzono, że priorytetem polityki państwa w dziedzinie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Ukrainy będzie nadal stymulowanie wdrażania środków oszczędzania energii i poprawa efektywności wykorzystania FER poprzez przyciąganie wszelkich możliwych zachęt na wszystkich poziomach zarządzania. Zaproponowano wizualizację modelu, który umożliwi systematyczne zarządzanie procesami efektywnego wykorzystania FES; opracowano algorytm działania, który pozwoli na rozwiązywanie problemów pojawiających się w zmieniających się środowiskach zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych, upraszczając procedurę podejmowania decyzji dotyczących efektywności wykorzystania FER i zmniejszając ich specyficzne koszty. Ocenę i prognozowanie efektywności energetycznej gospodarki Ukrainy przeprowadzono przy użyciu splotów addytywnych i multiplikatywnych, co umożliwiło prognozowanie wskaźnika efektywności energetycznej do 2035 roku zgodnie z przyjętą strategią energetyczną państwa. Ustalono, że strategicznymi kierunkami zwiększania efektywności energetycznej i realizacji potencjału energetycznego Ukrainy pozostają technologiczna i strukturalna restrukturyzacja gospodarki, infrastruktury społecznej oraz stworzenie mechanizmów ekonomicznych, zarządczych i prawnych niezbędnych do realizacji państwowej polityki efektywności energetycznej

    Strategic Priorities for Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine in Comparison with the Republic of Poland

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    Pavlova, O. Strategic Priorities for Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine in Comparison with the Republic of Poland / O. Pavlova, K. Pavlov, O. Novosad, I. Irtyshcheva, N. Popadynets, I. Hryhoruk, N. Gelich, A. Suriak, O. Makara, O. Zhuk, Y. Boiko, I. Kramarenko // International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications. – Springer, Cham. – 2020. – P. 308–314.The article deals with the general social and economic features of the formation of the state of Ukraine comparing with similar indicators characterizing the Republic of Poland. The indicators of the dynamics of a gross domestic product; generalized indicators of economic efficiency; and the geographical structure of indicators of foreign trade relations of Ukraine and Poland have been analyzed. Studying the issues of intensification of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation, as well as the study of different socio-economic indicators of these countries in all dimensions, is one of the most pressing scientific problems from establishing effective mechanisms for bringing Ukraine closer to the European Union, as well as forming the appropriate basis and tools for mutual relations