9 research outputs found

    Savjetovanja i priredbe

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    Savjetovanja i priredbe

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    Shot Boundary Detection in Soccer Video using Twin-comparison Algorithm and Dominant Color Region

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    The first step in generic video processing is temporal segmentation, i.e. shot boundary detection. Camera shot transitions can be either abrupt (e.g. cuts) or gradual (e.g. fades, dissolves, wipes). Sports video is one of the most challenging domains for robust shot boundary detection. We proposed a shot boundary detection algorithm for soccer video based on the twin-comparison method and the absolute difference between frames in their ratios of dominant colored pixels to total number of pixels. With this approach the detection of gradual transitions is improved by decreasing the number of false positives caused by some camera operations. We also compared performances of our algorithm and the standard twin-comparison method

    Shot Boundary Detection in Soccer Video using Twin-comparison Algorithm and Dominant Color Region

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    The first step in generic video processing is temporal segmentation, i.e. shot boundary detection. Camera shot transitions can be either abrupt (e.g. cuts) or gradual (e.g. fades, dissolves, wipes). Sports video is one of the most challenging domains for robust shot boundary detection. We proposed a shot boundary detection algorithm for soccer video based on the twin-comparison method and the absolute difference between frames in their ratios of dominant colored pixels to total number of pixels. With this approach the detection of gradual transitions is improved by decreasing the number of false positives caused by some camera operations. We also compared performances of our algorithm and the standard twin-comparison method

    Including of Continuous Model for Discriminating Chromatic and Achromatic Pixels in Cylindrical Distance

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    HSI prostor boja ima Å”iroku primjenu u obradi slike. H, S i I komponente odgovaraju načinu na koji ljudi percipiraju boju te omogućavaju odvajanje kromatske (nijansa i zasićenje) i akromatske (intenzitet) informacije. Cilindrična udaljenost je mjera razlika boja koja uzima u obzir kutnu razliku i prikladna je za prostore boja definirane u cilindričnom koordinatnom sustavu. Zbog nestabilnosti nijanse i zasićenja pri računanju ove udaljenosti nužno je napraviti razlučivanje kromatskih i akromatskih piksela. U ovu svrhu za cilindričnu udaljenost dosad je koriÅ”ten diskretni model temeljen na pragu. U ovom članku predlažemo novu modificiranu cilindričnu udaljenost koja za razlučivanje kromatskih i akromatskih piksela umjesto diskretnog modela koristi kontinuirani model. U kontinuiranom modelu definiramo prijelazne funkcije koje određuju važnost (težinu) komponente nijanse i zasićenja čime se bolje modelira postupni prijelaz između vida pri slabom i vida pri dobrom osvjetljenju. Predložena formulacija je uspoređena s originalnom formulacijom cilindrične udaljenosti na temelju ljudske procjene razlike među bojama. Rezultati pokazuju da je predložena formulacija bliža ljudskoj percepciji za boje na prijelazu između akromatskog i kromatskog područja.HSI (hue, saturation, intensity) color space is widespread used in image processing community. H, S and I components corresponds the way human perceives color and they make possible to separate chromatic (hue and saturation) and achromatic (intensity) information. Cylindrical distance is measure of color difference that takes into account angular differences and it is suitable for color spaces defined in cylindrical coordinate system ( HSI, HSV etc.). Because of hue and saturation instability computation of this distance requires discrimination of chromatic and achromatic pixels. For this purpose discrete model based on threshold is used for cylindrical distance. In this paper we propose new modified cylindrical distance that uses continuous model instead of discrete model for differencing chromatic and achromatic pixels. In continuous model we define transition functions that determines importance (weight) of hue and saturation component, which better model gradual transition from scotopic to photopic vision. Proposed formulation is compared with original formulation of cylindrical distance using human judgment of color difference. Results show that proposed formulation better corresponds to human perception for colors on transition between achromatic and chromatic area

    The Impact of Education, COVID-19 and Risk Factors on the Quality of Life in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of education, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and risk factors on the quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods: A prospective study was conducted in three phases: before education, after education, and in the period of pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The subjects were diabetics on oral therapy. To determine the quality of life index, a standardized Ferrans and Powers survey questionnaire was used. Results: A total of 205 participants took part in the study, of which 111 (54.1%) were men and 94 (46%) women. Participants were enrolled in the study between January 2019 and September 2020. Glycated hemoglobin values were significantly higher before education compared to post-education and at the time of COVID-19 (Friedman test, p = 0.002), and body mass index was significantly lower after education compared to values before education (Friedman test, p = 0.008). The quality of life was significantly lower in all domains in the COVID-19 period (Friedman test, p < 0.001). Conclusions: A significant predictor of worse assessment of overall quality of life was male gender and rural place of residence. Disease duration of up to 5 years was a significant predictor of worse assessment in the psychological/spiritual domain, while being married was a predictor of better assessment of the quality of life in the family domain. The education of diabetics brought an increase in the health and quality of life while the coronavirus disease pandemic had negative consequences on the same parameters. We consider it necessary to systematically educate diabetics about the comorbidity of COVID-19

    With Food to Health : proceedings of the13th International Scientific and Professional Conference

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    Zbornik sadrži 5 preglednih radova, 6 izvornih znanstvenih radova i 3 stručna rada predstavljena na 13. međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom skupu HRANOM DO ZDRAVLJA, organiziranog u sljedećim sekcijama: Prehrana, Funkcionalna hrana i dodaci prehrani, Sigurnost hrane i Analiza hrane.Proceedings contains 5 review papers, 6 original scientific papers, and 3 professional papers presented at 13th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH, organised in following sections: Nutrition, Functional Food and Dietary Supplements, Food Safety and Food Analysis