11,891 research outputs found

    On the long range propagation of sound over irregular terrain

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    The theory of sound propagation over randomly irregular, nominally plane terrain of finite impedance is discussed. The analysis is an extension of the theory of coherent scatter originally proposed by Biot for an irregular rigid surface. It combines Biot's approach, wherein the surface irregularities are modeled by a homogeneous distribution of hemispherical bosses, with more conventional analyses in which the ground is modeled as a smooth plane of finite impedance. At sufficiently low frequencies the interaction of the surface irregularities with the nearfield of a ground-based source leads to the production of surface waves, which are effective in penetrating the ground shadow zone predicted for a smooth surface of the same impedance

    On the generation of side-edge flap noise

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    A theory is proposed for estimating the noise generated at the side edges of part span trailing edge flaps in terms of pressure fluctuations measured just in-board of the side edge of the upper surface of the flap. Asymptotic formulae are developed in the opposite extremes of Lorentz contracted acoustic wavelength large/small compared with the chord of the flap. Interpolation between these limiting results enables the field shape and its dependence on subsonic forward flight speed to be predicted over the whole frequency range. It is shown that the mean width of the side edge gap between the flap and the undeflected portion of the airfoil has a significant influence on the intensity of the radiated sound. It is estimated that the noise generated at a single side edge of a full scale part span flap can exceed that produced along the whole of the trailing edge of the flap by 3 dB or more

    The supermembrane revisited

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    The M2-brane is studied from the perspective of superembeddings. We review the derivation of the M2-brane dynamics and the supergravity constraints from the standard superembedding constraint and we discuss explicitly the induced d=3, N=8 superconformal geometry on the worldvolume. We show that the gauged supermembrane, for a target space with a U(1) isometry, is the standard D2-brane in a type IIA supergravity background. In particular, the D2-brane action, complete with the Dirac-Born-Infeld term, arises from the gauged Wess-Zumino worldvolume 4-form via the brane action principle. The discussion is extended to the massive D2-brane considered as a gauged supermembrane in a massive D=11 superspace background. Type IIA supergeometry is derived using Kaluza-Klein techniques in superspace.Comment: Latex, 46 pages, clarifying remarks and references adde


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    The superembedding approach to pp-branes is used to study a class of pp-branes which have linear multiplets on the worldvolume. We refer to these branes as L-branes. Although linear multiplets are related to scalar multiplets (with 4 or 8 supersymmetries) by dualising one of the scalars of the latter to a pp-form field strength, in many geometrical situations it is the linear multiplet version which arises naturally. Furthermore, in the case of 8 supersymmetries, the linear multiplet is off-shell in contrast to the scalar multiplet. The dynamics of the L-branes are obtained by using a systematic procedure for constructing the Green-Schwarz action from the superembedding formalism. This action has a Dirac-Born-Infeld type structure for the pp-form. In addition, a set of equations of motion is postulated directly in superspace, and is shown to agree with the Green-Schwarz equations of motion.Comment: revised version, minor changes, references added, 22 pages, no figures, LaTe

    Codimension zero superembeddings

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    Superembeddings which have bosonic codimension zero are studied in 3,4 and 6 dimensions. The worldvolume multiplets of these branes are off-shell vector multiplets in these dimensions, and their self-interactions include a Born-Infeld term. It is shown how they can be written in terms of standard vector multiplets in flat superspace by working in the static gauge. The action formula is used to determine both Green-Schwarz type actions and superfield actions.Comment: Improved spelling, one reference adde

    Self-sustained oscillations of a shock wave interacting with a boundary layer on a supercritical airfoil

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    A theory is proposed of the self-sustaining oscillations of a weak shock on an airfoil in steady, transonic flow. The interaction of the shock with the boundary layer on the airfoil produces displacement thickness fluctuations which convect downstream and generate sound by interaction with the trailing edge. A feedback loop is established when this sound impinges on the shock wave, resulting in the production of further fluctuations in the displacement thickness. The details are worked out for an idealized mean boundary layer velocity profile, but strong support for the basic hypotheses of the theory is provided by a comparison with recent experiments involving the generation of acoustic "tone bursts' by a supercritical airfoil section

    Emergency braking for free piston energy converters

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    Free piston energy converters are a potential technology for future hybrid vehicles, as well as stationary power generation applications. A candidate 2-stroke system comprises of two opposing combustion chambers with a common piston rod, and integrated with a tubular permanent magnet electrical machine for the conversion of mechanical to electrical energy. A key issue for the ultimate adoption of such systems, however, is their robustness in the event of a fault to enable a safe shutdown, with minimal mechanical or electrical damage. The paper considers system braking issues and the importance of early fault detection. Results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of passive and active braking techniques for a range of dc-link supply voltage and operating output power

    The Schwinger SU(3) construction - I: Multiplicity problem and relation to induced representations

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    The Schwinger oscillator operator representation of SU(3) is analysed with particular reference to the problem of multiplicity of irreducible representations. It is shown that with the use of an Sp(2,R)Sp(2,R) unitary representation commuting with the SU(3) representation, the infinity of occurrences of each SU(3) irreducible representation can be handled in complete detail. A natural `generating representation' for SU(3), containing each irreducible representation exactly once, is identified within a subspace of the Schwinger construction; and this is shown to be equivalent to an induced representation of SU(3).Comment: Latex, 25 page

    D=3, N=8 conformal supergravity and the Dragon window

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    We give a superspace description of D=3, N=8 supergravity. The formulation is off-shell in the sense that the equations of motion are not implied by the superspace constraints (but an action principle is not given). The multiplet structure is unconventional, which we connect to the existence of a "Dragon window", that is modules occurring in the supercurvature but not in the supertorsion. According to Dragon's theorem this cannot happen above three dimensions. We clarify the relevance of this window for going on the conformal shell, and discuss some aspects of coupling to conformal matter.Comment: plain tex, 24 pp v2: minor change