94 research outputs found


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    Market deregulation and growing membership heterogeneity affect the relationship between cooperatives and their members. We study, using a quantitative model, how French marketing cooperatives can develop for their members a set of contracts adapted to their environment. These contracts should maintain global membership commitment.Agribusiness,

    Effects of category management on producer-retailer relationships

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    The relationships between retailers and producers are considered for understanding the determinants of quality, variety and prices. In the food sector, some issues have been extensively studied: impacts of private labels, supply contracts, price transmission. Despite an increasing role, the implementation of “Category management” (CM) has been less studied. CM belongs to a set of methods based on the concepts of Efficient Consumer Response and Supply Chain Management which have been widely implemented by large retailers and thus have changed the relationships among actors in the food chain. As a part of this evolution, Category Captain’s concept (CC) involves a commitment between a retailer and one of the suppliers who receives decision-making power over the product category. Usually, the major of the food suppliers plays the CC’s role in partnership with the retailers. In practices, CC raises many questions. What effects on the sales and prices? Is it beneficial for all the stakeholders, including the consumers? What are their consequences on the non captain suppliers? We propose a vertical relationship model considering that the retailer is the chain’s leader (Stackelberg game). We compare a non-cooperative game (no CC) to a cooperative game (one supplier as CC). We analyse under which conditions CC improves the profit of each stakeholder, as well as the consumers’ surplus. We show that the cooperative game is always a “win, win, win” game for stakeholders (but not necessary for consumers) if the two suppliers offer similar products. If products are different, we define the parameters relationships under which CC is beneficial for stakeholders and consumers.Category captain, shelf space allocation, game theory, Stackelberg equilibrium., Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality: A simulation analysis

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    This article discusses the impact of inventory inaccuracy on service-level quality in (Q,R) continuous review, lost-sales inventory models. A simulation model is built to study the behaviour of this kind of model exposed to an inaccuracy in inventory records as well as demand variability. We have observed an unusual result which goes against certain empirical practices in the SMEs that consist in hiking the inventory level proportionally to the data inaccuracy rate. A nonmonotone function shows that at the outset, the service-level quality is lowered as the inaccuracy rate increases but when the inaccuracy rate becomes much higher this quality is conversely enhanced. This relation can equally be observed given that stocktaking commences as soon as the threshold of decline in the service-level rate has been reached and when demand consequently dwindles. Finally, another noteworthy result also shows the same phenomenon between the function involving a level of safety stock defined by the simulation and the function between the service-level quality and the inventory inaccuracy. These different observed results are discussed in terms of both contribution to the (Q,R) inventory management policies in SMEs and of the limitations to this study.Continuous review inventory system, inventory inaccuracy, continuous model, discrete-time simulation

    Contract design for improving membership commitment in French cooperatives

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    Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie rurales 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc 35042 Rennes Cedex (FRA)Market deregulation and growing membership heterogenity affect the relationship between cooperatives and their members. We study, using a quantitative model, how French marketing cooperatives can develop for their members a set of contracts adapted to the environment. These contracts should maintain global membership commitment

    Stratégie d'approvisionnement des coopératives laitières

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    Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie rurales 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc 35042 Rennes Cedex (FRA)Cette communication a été préparée pour les journées européennes des thèses en économie et en gestion agricoles et agroalimentaires et rurales, L'objectif principal de la thèse présentée ici est d'étudier les formes d'un nouvel engagement coopératif en développant un modèle économique de coopérative laitière.Dans ce document, nous centrons notre étude sur les conséquences de l'obligation d'achat de toute la matière première pour les coopératives laitières. Dans la situation actuelle où les prix des produits de base, beurre et poudre de lait, sont faibles, les entreprises positionnées sur ces marchés ont des difficultés. Ce contexte a des effets différents sur l'entreprise privée et sur la coopérative. Nous étudions donc comment gérer le volume d'achatde la matière première agricole dans la coopérative et nous comparons sa situation à celle de l'entreprise privée

    Stratégie de différenciation de la coopérative laitière

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    Diffusion du document : INRA Station d'Economie et Sociologie rurales 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc 35042 Rennes Cedex (FRA)Les négociations de l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce et l'élargissement de l'Union Européenne aux Pays d'Europe centrale et orientale déstabilisent l'environnement économique des coopératives agricoles. Pour ces entreprises, cette instabilité remet en question deux de leurs fondements. Le premier concerne l'obligation d'accepter toute la quantité de produit agricole livrée par leurs adhérents. Le second concerne le traitement égalitaire qu'elles doivent appliquer à leurs adhérents.Pour traiter ce problème qui conjugue les dimensions prix et quantité, nous utilisons un modèle de gestion des stocks basé sur celui du marchand de journaux. Nous analysons ainsi l'effet d'un relâchement partiel de la contrainte d'obligation d'achat de l'approvisionnement sur la coopérative. Nous introduisons également l'incertitude sur les prix des marchés agricoles en utilisant la technique de la simulation. Nous examinons ensuite l'incidence de l'introduction de contrats individualisés au sein de ces entreprises. Le contrat étudié porte sur une meilleurerémunération du produit agricole de qualité spécifique

    De l’absence au dilemme de la diversification des fournisseurs dans la gestion du risque de rupture d’approvisionnement des supply chains

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    « Supply chains under demand uncertainty have been studied for decades, and we know a lot about them. The bad news is that much of the conventional wisdom about demand uncertainty is exactly wrong for supply uncertainty. Thus, we need research on supply chains under supply uncertainty to determine how they behave and to develop strategies for coping with disruptions in supply. » Snyder et Shen (2006). Introduction La gestion active de la chaîne logistique ou supply chain management s’est impo..

    An integrated steering approach to improve a phosphate supply chain efficiency

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    International audienceThis paper presents and illustrates an original application of the redesign in the real context of a mining supply chain producing phosphate rock. One of the major challenges is to successfully produce the final products required by the customers, from raw materials whose chemical composition and availability depend on the extraction program and method. Redesign of the mining supply chain consists of considering the impact of extraction, processing, and blending stages in achieving target objectives. The proposed approach, based on a mixed integer linear programming model, allows moving from fixed production flows to dynamic ones by adopting a flexible and reactive management mode that fully satisfies customer requirements at minimum production costs. Numerical results obtained using real data, corresponding to the infrastructure and order books, illustrate (i) the flexibility, quality, and horizontal alignment ensured by our approach and (ii) the impact of the extraction method on the ability of the SC to fulfil the orders book with more efficiency

    Collaborer pour éviter les coups de fouet ou comment développer des partenariats entre industriels et distributeurs pour optimiser les stocks au sein d’une supply chain

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    Introduction Dans la plupart des secteurs d’activités, les entreprises sont confrontées à l’incertitude de leur demande finale. Face à cette problématique, les acteurs industriels et distributeurs impliqués dans une chaîne logistique globale ont souvent eu tendance à augmenter leurs stocks, chacun constituant des stocks d’autant plus importants qu’il est éloigné de la demande finale et doit donc faire face à une incertitude plus forte. Ces stocks, à leur tour, contribuent à masquer l’état rée..
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