16 research outputs found

    Monitoring programme for veterinary control on seafood products imported to Norway from third countries – results from 2018

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    This report summarises results from the ongoing monitoring programme for veterinary border control on seafood products imported to Norway from countries outside the EU and the European Economic Area from 2018. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) carried out the analytical work on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA), in cooperation with the personnel at the Norwegian Border Inspection Posts (BIP). We want to thank NFSA for very good cooperation during the conduct of this monitoring programme. An up to date risk assessment for different groups of imported products, made the basis for the sampling plans and the selection of analytical activities. The current trend of hazards, as reported in The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) notification system, the compositional nature of the products and the annual import quantity of relevant products, was evaluated in this risk assessment. A total of 122 samples from the NFSA, collected at the BIPs, were examined by a selection of analytical methods and assays for microorganisms, parasites and undesirable chemical substances. The analytical data are listed in Annex 1 and are summarised below. Microbiological analyses were performed on 104 samples. The results for microbiological indicator organisms for faecal contamination were mostly below detection limit or showed low bacterial counts. The microbiological quality parameters and indicator organisms for faecal contamination generally showed low numbers. However, higher counts were found in one sample of Yellowfin tuna imported from the Maldives and one sample of Pacific cod imported from Thailand. L. monocytogenes was detected in low quantity in one sample of Pacific cod from Thailand and in one sample of Norwegian herring re-imported to Norway from Egypt. No samples had pathogens in the genera Salmonella. Enterobacteriaceae was detected in one sample of feed imported from Chile.Yeast was found in two samples of feed from Chile, and in one sample of dried Yellow Stripe Trevally from Thailand and in Migas from China. Mould was detected in the same dried Yellow Stripe Trevally from Thailand and in Migas from China. Parasitological examination was carried out on 40 fish samples. Nematodes were found in nine of them (22.5%). Since fish were imported frozen, nematodes were dead and not infective. Thirteen seafood samples originating from aquaculture were analysed for residues of prohibited veterinary medicines, unauthorised dyes and antibacterial agents. None of these were detected. The chemical spoilage indicators histamine and total volatile basic nitrogen was examined in nineteen samples and all results were compliant with the maximum levels. Undesirable trace elements were measured in 89 samples. A sample of canned sardine in oil from the Philippines exceeded the maximum Cd level. A sample of small crabs from Thailand, assuming they were intended to be consumed whole, were slightly above the Pb maximum level. A frozen fillet sample of yellowfin tuna imported from Vietnam exceeded the Hg maximum level. Twenty-eight samples were analysed for the persistent organic pollutants dioxins/ furans and PCBs (DLPCBs and NDLPCBs), the PBDE class of compounds, the PAH class of compounds and organochlorine pesticides. One sample of fish oil from Turkey was found non-compliant with its maximum levels for dioxins and for the sum of dioxins and dioxin like PCBs. The levels of PBDEs in twenty-eight samples, and also the fifteen samples analysed for organochlorine pesticides, were within a range commonly observed in seafood. For the PAH class of compounds, one sample was analysed, and found compliant with its maximum levels.publishedVersio


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    This report summarises results from 2017 from the ongoing monitoring programme for veterinary border control for seafood products imported to Norway from countries outside the European Economic Area. The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) carried out the analytical work on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (NFSA), in cooperation with the personnel at the Norwegian Border Inspection Posts (BIP). We want to thank NFSA for very good cooperation during the conduct of this monitoring programme. An up to date risk assessment for different groups of imported products, made basis for the sampling plans and the selection of analytical activities. The current trend of hazards, as reported in The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) notification system, the compositional nature of the products and the annual import quantity of relevant products, are evaluated in this risk assessment. A total of 116 samples from the NFSA at the Norwegian BIP, have been examined by a selection of methods for microorganisms, parasites and undesirable chemical compounds during 2017. The analytical results are listed in Annex 1 and are summarised below. Microbiological analyses were performed on 116 samples. The results for microbiological indicator organisms for faecal contamination were mostly below detection limit, or showed low bacterial counts, with some exceptions. One samples of cod imported from Thailand had coliform counts of 560 colony-forming units (cfu/g) and enterococci in a concentration of 1600 cfu/g. One sample of marinated eel imported from Thailand had 330 coliforms/g and a thermotolerant coliform count of 30 cfu/g. One sample of seasoned cuttlefish imported from Thailand had high counts of sulphite-reducing bacteria and enterococci with 5100 cfu/g and 400 cfu/g, respectively. Bacteria in the family Enterobacteriaceae, were detected in three samples of surimi, two samples imported from USA and one sample imported from Vietnam. Listeria monocytogenes (20 cfu/g) were detected in one sample of hoki imported from China. Pathogens in the genus Salmonella were not detected in any of the samples, neither was any disease-causing vibrios. Yeast and fungi were detected in two samples of seasoned cuttlefish imported from Thailand. Parasitological examinations were carried out on 53 fish samples, and nematodes were found in five samples (9 %). The nematodes were dead and thus not infective at the time of analysis. The highest numbers of nematodes were found in two samples of fillet of saithe imported from Russia, with 10 and 11 detected nematodes. Eleven samples originating from aquaculture were analysed for residues of prohibited veterinary medicines (unauthorised dyes and antibacterial agents) in 2017. The programme included the dye compounds crystal violet (CV), leuco crystal violet (LCV), malachite green (MG), leuco malachite green (LMG), brilliant green (BG), and the antibacterial agents chloramphenicol and nitrofuran metabolites. No unauthorised dyes nor prohibited antibacterial agents were detected. Heavy metals were measured in 89 samples. All samples were compliant with the maximum legal limits. The persistent organic pollutants (POPs) dioxins/ furans and PCBs (DLPCBs and NDLPCBs) and the PBDE class of compounds were measured in 29 samples. All samples were compliant with respect to their POPS maximum limits. The levels of PBDEs, which is not regulated with maximum limits, were within a range commonly observed in seafood. For the PAH class of compounds, 11 samples were analysed and found to have low levels, well within the compliant range of their regulatory maximum limits.MONITORING PROGRAMME FOR VETERINARY CONTROL ON SEAFOOD PRODUCTS IMPORTED TO NORWAY FROM THIRD COUNTRIES – RESULTS FROM 2017 – In accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 136/2004, Annex II, Part 1.publishedVersio

    Monitoring programme for veterinary control on seafood products imported to Norway from third countries - Results from 2021

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    This report summarises results from the ongoing monitoring programme for veterinary border control on seafood products imported to Norway from countries outside the EU and the European Economic Area in 2021.Monitoring programme for veterinary control on seafood products imported to Norway from third countries - Results from 2021publishedVersio

    Overvåkingsprogram for legemidler, ulovlige stoffer og forurensende stoffer i oppdrettsfisk

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    This report summarises the monitoring data collected in 2017 on the status of illegal substances, pharmaceuticals and contaminants in Norwegian farmed fish. A total of 13 640 fish were collected, of these almost 40% were analysed for illegal compounds, approximately 35% were analysed for veterinary drugs, and about 25% were examined for contaminants. Official inspectors from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority performed the sampling. Samples examined for illegal compounds could be collected at all stages of farming and are representative of farmed fish under production. The samples were analysed for substances with anabolic effects or unauthorized substances. No residues of illegal compounds were detected. Samples tested for approved veterinary drugs were collected at processing plants, and are representative of Norwegian farmed fish ready for human consumption. Residues of three anti sea lice agents; Emamectin, cypermethrin or diflubenzuron, were found in 16 samples. The levels present were below the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) for all samples. Other veterinary drugs, like antibiotics or drugs used against internal parasites, were not found. Samples analysed for contaminants were collected at processing plants, and are representative of Norwegian farmed fish ready for the human consumption. The samples were analysed for dioxins, dioxin like PCBs (dl-PCBs), indicator PCB (PCB-6), pesticides, metals, PAH, PFC or/and BFR. No environmental contaminants were found above the EU maximum limits. The declining trend that previously has been observed for several of the contaminants seems to have stopped and today’s level are similar to the results from the last years.publishedVersio

    Factors influencing risk assessments of brominated flame-retardants; evidence based on seafood from the North East Atlantic Ocean

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    Brominated flame-retardants (BFRs) such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) are considered hazardous to human health. Due to their persistence, they are still present in the environment and in biota and seafood is major contributor of BFRs to human exposure. Here, we used data from >9700 samples of wild and farmed fish, fish feed and fish feed ingredients collected from the North Atlantic between 2006 and 2016 aiming to investigate factors influencing the risk assessments of BFRs. Due to most representative number of analyses, PBDEs were the main focus of investigation. Mean ∑PBDE in fillet samples ranged from below quantification in Atlantic cod fillet to 2.0 μg kg−1 in Atlantic halibut. The main congener contributing to the ∑PBDE in all species was BDE 47. Factors affecting the level of BFR in seafood were multifaceted, and the levels were within species mainly determined by fish age, geographical origin and time of sampling. BDE 47, 99, 153 and HBCD were selected for margin of exposure (MOE) evaluation. When other sources of BFR than seafood were excluded, our risk assessment showed low risk at the current dietary intake of seafood. However, the dietary intake of BDE 99 may be of concern for toddlers when all sources are considered. The choice of fish species, dietary studies, choice of statistics, as well as exposure from other sources than seafood, were all factors that influenced the final MOE of BFRs. We propose the use of regression on order statistics as a tool for risk assessment, to illustrate means and spreads in large surveillance datasets to avoid the issue of measurements below the limit of quantification. A harmonized, updated evaluation of the risk associated with exposure to BFRs from diet, air and dust is warranted, where the fish species most commonly consumed also is taken into consideration.publishedVersio

    Marint råstoff til produksjon av olje for humant konsum : Dioksiner og PCB i marine arter som mulig råstoff for produksjon av marine oljer til humant konsum

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    Overvåkning av innholdet av organiske miljøgifter i det brede utvalget av konsumferdige marine oljer er viktig for å kontrollere at renseprosedyrene som benyttes er gode nok til å sikre at nivåene av de organiske miljøgiftene ikke overskrider EUs og Norges øvre grenseverdier for lovlig omsetning. Et utvalg av overvåkningsdata fra Havforskningsinstituttet sine overvåkningsserier tilbake til 2005 på dioksiner og dioksinlignende PCB (dl-PCB) og ikke-dioksinlignende PCB (PCB6) har blitt vurdert for å få kunnskap om innholdet av uønskede stoffer i marine arter som kan være aktuelle som råstoff for produksjon av oljer til humant konsum. Nivåene av dioksiner, dl-PCB og PCB6 per fettvekt viser at urensede oljer produsert av marint råstoff fra de fleste arter som er undersøkt, vil overstige grenseverdien for marine oljer til humant konsum. Renseprosesser er derfor i de fleste tilfeller nødvendig for å redusere innholdet av disse stoffene til et akseptabelt nivå. Øvre grenseverdier for marine oljer til humant konsum er 200 ng/g olje for PCB6, 1,75 pg TE/g olje for sum PCDD/PCDF og 6 og 4 pg TE/g olje (EU og Norge) for dioksiner og dl-PCB

    Annual Report for 2008

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    With the increasing production volume of farmed fish in Norway the marine part of the EU Directive 96/23/EC monitoring program is now extensive. This report is based on a total of 9066 fish and 9785 analytical determinations. Like in the report for last year, all sums and mean values found in the tables are calculated according to the "upper bound-LOQ" principle (UBLOQ): the value of the relevant LOQ is substituted in the calculation for all values below the LOQ value. Individual values are still reported as “<LOQ”, less than the LOQ. UBLOQ calculations give a "worst case" figure that is a good basis for contaminants risk assessment. As a result of the UB calculation the sums, and mean values in this report will be systematically higher than in the reports prior to the 2007 report. The group-A samples are intended for analysis of drugs that are banned from use in food producing animals. For that reason these samples are collected by official inspectors on the farm location with no prior notification. Samples for group-A determinations are taken in all growth stages of the fish and should be representative for the fish in production. The group-B samples are analyzed for compounds for which an upper limit is established, or for compounds with a mandatory withdrawal period from medication or for compounds that for other reasons are monitored. The group B samples are taken from fish in the slaughterhouses or the packing plants. These samples should be representative for the commercially available Norwegian farmed fish. No detectable residues of the pharmacologically active agents in group A were found. For the veterinary drugs in group B, nine out of 56 examined samples were found to contain emamectin benzoate. The highest concentration found in one individual sample was 9.1 µg/kg wet weight (w.w.). The present MRL for this agent is 100 µg/kg. For all other therapeutic agents in group B (antibacterials, anthelmintics, other sea lice agents and dyes), no residues were detected. The mycotoxin ochratoxine A was not detected in any of the 35 pooled samples made from 175 individual fish. The persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been part of this program for years. The number of compounds and compound classes are increased in this period. The levels found for the dioxins (PCDDs and PCDFs), DLPCBs, PCB-7 and the organic pesticides were similar to the results from this program for the years 2003 to 2007, and also to the corresponding values found in the online database: "Seafood data" (www.nifes.no). The brominated flame retardant compounds and compound classes PBDE, HBCD and TBBP-A are included in the program. The PBDEs are structurally similar to the PCBs. But the sum PBDE-7 amount to less than 20% of the value for the sum PCB-7. Their 48 48 toxicity is also lower. All samples analyzed for TBBPA had levels below 1.0 µg/kg w.w. Total HBCD has the UB-mean of 0.5 and a maximum value of 0.6 µg/kg w.w. In the class of heavy metals over the years since 2002 a total of 1030 samples have been analysed. For all these samples the maximum value for arsenic was 6.3 mg/kg w.w. The concentrations of cadmium were in all these samples less than or equal to 0.01 mg/kg w.w. accept for one single sample that, within the analytical uncertainty, was found at the value of the EU upper limit. The levels of mercury were below or equal to 0.23 mg/kg w.w. The levels of lead were less than or equal to 0.1 mg/kg w.w. The EU upper limits for cadmium, mercury and lead are 0.05, 0.5 and 0.3 mg/kg w.w. respectively. Thus, based on 1030 samples made from more than four thousand fish we conclude that no incompliant sample was found. And that Norwegian farmed fish are well below the EU upper concentration limits for the heavy metals. The synthetic antioxidants are legal additives to fish feed. It can be concluded from the results that there is a significant transfer of synthetic antioxidants from the feed to the fish fillets. For BHT, the results also show that there has been a steady increase in the levels for the last few years. A national upper limit in Japan is now exceeded by fish in the present data set. For BHT about 10% of the fillet samples exceed the Japanese limit while the year before 3% exceeded the limit. A national upper limit for ethoxyquine in some German states is exceeded by more than 75% of the samples in 2008, while the year before more than 50% exceeded the limit. Due to the observed increasing trend for these compounds, they should be given a high priority in the monitoring in the next years. Ten PFC compounds (perfluorinated organic compounds) are included in the program. This class is characterized by a low acute toxicity and very high degree of persistence in the environment. For all the ten compounds the levels in the nine samples were less than their LOQ values. This confirms that the levels of PFCs are low in Norwegian farmed fish. Thirteen PAH compounds are included in the program. This class is of interest because some of the compounds are carcinogenic. The most potent carcinogenic of the analysed compounds is benzo[A] pyrene (BaP). This compound is the only one with an established upper limit. The concentrations of BaP are below the limit and below the LOQ in all of the twenty samples analysed in 2008. In the majority of the samples only fluorene and phenantrene are found in measurable concentrations. These are far less potent health hazards than BaP

    Marine raw materials for production of oil for human consumption : Dioxins and PCBs in marine species as potential for the production of marine oils for human consumption

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    Overvåkning av innholdet av organiske miljøgifter i det brede utvalget av konsumferdige marine oljer er viktig for å kontrollere at renseprosedyrene som benyttes er gode nok til å sikre at nivåene av de organiske miljøgiftene ikke overskrider EUs og Norges øvre grenseverdier for lovlig omsetning. Et utvalg av overvåkningsdata fra Havforskningsinstituttet sine overvåkningsserier tilbake til 2005 på dioksiner og dioksinlignende PCB (dl-PCB) og ikke-dioksinlignende PCB (PCB6) har blitt vurdert for å få kunnskap om innholdet av uønskede stoffer i marine arter som kan være aktuelle som råstoff for produksjon av oljer til humant konsum. Nivåene av dioksiner, dl-PCB og PCB6 per fettvekt viser at urensede oljer produsert av marint råstoff fra de fleste arter som er undersøkt, vil overstige grenseverdien for marine oljer til humant konsum. Renseprosesser er derfor i de fleste tilfeller nødvendig for å redusere innholdet av disse stoffene til et akseptabelt nivå. Øvre grenseverdier for marine oljer til humant konsum er 200 ng/g olje for PCB6, 1,75 pg TE/g olje for sum PCDD/PCDF og 6 og 4 pg TE/g olje (EU og Norge) for dioksiner og dl-PCB.publishedVersio