3 research outputs found

    Vi och de andra-En postkolonial studie av RosengÄrdsrapporten och debattartiklar

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    In this paper I will analyze the “RosengĂ„rdsrapport” (a report by the Swedish National Defence College concerning civil unrest in the Malmö neighborhood of RosengĂ„rd) from a postcolonial perspective. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how postcolonial representations are present in the chosen material. The postcolonial perspective will serve as the theory and discourse analysis as the method in this study. From the results of the analysis it is clear that the way ethnicity, gender and culture are presented in the material, form part of a postcolonial discourse. In my conclusion I discuss whether or not it would be possible to re-write the texts I have analyzed, the result being a text free from stereotypes and free from a postcolonial discourse. The conclusion is that a re-writing of the texts could never be neutral or objective, this because the meaning of discourse and the way in which we make sense of the world is never neutral or objective and is always going to contain a power aspect. However it is possible to use a postcolonial perspective as a strategy to show how power creates a hierarchy

    Kritisk granskning av antagningen till högskolan i Sverige Hur antagningen kan förstÄs ur positiv sÀrbehandlingsperspektivet, intersektionalitetsperspektivet och queerteori

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    I media lĂ€ser man allt oftare att högskolor som tillĂ€mpar alternativa antagningsmetoder blir stĂ€mda. Studenter som inte blir antagna pĂ„ grund av metoderna anser att de utsatt's för omvĂ€nd diskriminering. I vĂ„r uppsat's undersöker vi hur antagningen till högskolan kan förstĂ„'s ur positiv sĂ€rbehandlingsperspektivet, intersektionalitetsperspektivet och queerteorin. Vi tittar del's pĂ„ lagen om likabehandling av studenter i högskolan (som gĂ€llde fram till den 31 december 2008) och pĂ„ diskrimineringslagen (som trĂ€dde i kraft den 1 januari 2009). Även om förĂ€ndringar kring antagning har gjort's, menar vi i vĂ„ra analyser att det inte skett nĂ„gon avsevĂ€rd förbĂ€ttring. Den nya diskrimineringslagen för dĂ€rmed inte med sig en helt felfri lösning pĂ„ de problem som finn's med antagning till högskolan. I vĂ„r slutsat's lyfter vi dĂ€rför en diskussion om vad vi anser sakna's och vad som bör förbĂ€ttra's eller tĂ€nka's pĂ„ vid framtida utformningar av antagningen till högskolan

    Avvikande representationer: en analys av hur man kan utmana en normativ bild av kropp och sexualitet

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    In this paper we will examine the way in which normative representations of body and sexuality can be challenged. This will be done by studying pictures from the campaign “Komikondom”, which has been a project by the Swedish organizations RFSL (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights) and RFSU (The Swedish Association for Sexuality Education). The pictures are chosen because when compared to the mainstream media, they portray a vareity of body types and sexuality. To examine in which way the pictures from the campaign are deviant in comparison to the mainstream media we use a semiotic approach. The main theories being used to understand the normative and the deviant is Gayle Rubins theory of sexual values and art theories that includes “the male gaze” and “the female nude”. These will serve as a tool to understand representations of body and sexuality through picture. To show how deviant representations could be understood as a strategy of resistance we will also draw parallels to feminist art. The conclusions made are that many aspects of the deviant representations from the campaign can be understood as a way of resistance of normative representations of body and sexuality