938 research outputs found

    Impact of Icebergs on Net Primary Productivity in the Southern Ocean

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    Productivity in the Southern Ocean (SO) is iron-limited, and supply of iron dissolved from aeolian dust is believed to be the main source from outside the marine environment. However, recent studies show that icebergs could provide a comparable amount of bioavailable iron to the SO as aeolian dust. In addition, small-scale areal studies suggest increased concentrations of chlorophyll, krill, and seabirds surrounding icebergs. Based on previous research, this study aims to examine whether iceberg occurrence has a significant impact on marine productivity at the scale of the SO, using remote sensing data of iceberg occurrences and ocean net primary productivity (NPP) covering the period 2002–2014. The impacts of both large and small icebergs are examined in four major ecological zones of the SO: the continental shelf zone (CSZ), the seasonal ice zone (SIZ), the permanent open ocean zone (POOZ), and the polar front zone (PFZ). We found that the presence of icebergs is associated with elevated levels of NPP, but the differences vary in different zones. Grid cells with small icebergs on average have higher NPP than other cells in most iron-deficient zones: 21 % higher for the SIZ, 16 % for the POOZ, and 12 % for the PFZ. The difference is relatively small in the CSZ where iron is supplied from meltwater and sediment input from the continent. In addition, NPP of grid cells adjacent to large icebergs on average is 10 % higher than that of control cells in the vicinity. The difference is larger at higher latitudes, where most large icebergs are concentrated. From 1992 to 2014, there is a significant increasing trend for both small and large icebergs. The increase was most rapid in the early 2000s and has leveled off since then. As the climate continues to warm, the Antarctic Ice Sheet is expected to experience increased mass loss as a whole, which could lead to more icebergs in the region. Based on our study, this could result in a higher level of NPP in the SO as a whole, providing a possible negative feedback for global warming in near future

    Revise thermal winds of remnant neutron stars in gamma-ray bursts

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    It seems that the wealth of information revealed by the multi-messenger observations of the binary neutron star (NS) merger event, GW170817/GRB 170817A/kilonova AT2017gfo, places irreconcilable constraints to models of the prompt emission of this gamma-ray burst (GRB). The observed time delay between the merger of the two NSs and the trigger of the GRB and the thermal tail of the prompt emission can hardly be reproduced by these models simultaneously. We argue that the merger remnant should be an NS (last for, at least, a large fraction of 1s), and that the difficulty can be alleviated by the delayed formation of the accretion disk due to the absorption of high-energy neutrinos emitted by the NS and the delayed emergence of an effective viscous in the disk. Further, we extend the consideration of the effect of the energy deposition of neutrinos emitted from the NS. If the NS is the central object of a GRB with a distance and duration similar to that of GRB 170817A, thermal emission of the thermal bubble inflated by the NS after the termination of accretion may be detectable. If our scenario is verified, it would be of interest to investigate the cooling of nascent NSs.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, RAA accepte

    Ethyl 2-[4,5-bis­(butyl­sulfan­yl)-1,3-dithiol-2-yl­idene]-1,3-dithiolo[4,5-c]pyrrole-4-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title mol­ecule, C19H25NO2S6, the butyl chains are each disordered over two conformations in a 0.689 (10):0.311 (10) ratio. In the crystal, pairs of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link mol­ecules into centrosymmetric dimers. Short S⋯S contacts of 3.553 (4) Å are observed

    Delayed Warming Hiatus over the Tibetan Plateau

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    A reduction in the warming rate for the global surface temperature since the late 1990s has attracted much attention and caused a great deal of controversy. During the same time period, however, most previous studies have reported enhanced warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP). In this study we further examined the temperature trend of the TP and surrounding areas based on the homogenized temperature records for the period 1980–2014, we found that for the TP regions lower than 4000 m the warming rate has started to slow down since the late 1990s, a similar pattern consistent with the whole China and the global temperature trend. However, for the TP regions higher than 4000 m, this reduction in warming rate did not occur until the mid‐2000s. This delayed warming hiatus could be related to changes in regional radiative, energy, and land surface processes in recent years

    To investigate the magnetic-field-induced distortion of NSs through GRB X-ray plateaus

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    Magnetic field may distort neutron stars (NSs), but the effect has not been robustly tested through gravitational-wave observation yet due to the absence of a fast rotating Galactic magnetar. The central objects of Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) could be millisecond magnetars. Under the magnetar scenario on the X-ray plateaus of GRB afterglows,the spindown evolution modulated by the gravitational-wave radiation may be inferred from some special samples, so that the magnetically-induced distorting can be further estimated. According to two samples, GRB 060807 and GRB 070521, we found that the correlation between the effective ellipticity, εB,eff\varepsilon_{\rm B,eff}, and effective dipole magnetic field strength on a neutron star (NS) surface, BeffB_{\rm eff}, is εB,eff104(Beff1014  G)2\varepsilon_{\rm B,eff}\sim 10^{-4} (\frac{B_{\rm eff}}{10^{14}\;\rm G})^{2}. This result demands that Beff0.01BtB_{\rm eff}\sim 0.01 B_{\rm t} with BtB_{\rm t} being the internal toroidal magnetic field strength of NSs. We suggested that the torque generated during few unsymmetrical massive-star collapses may induce differential rotations in proto-NSs to amplify the internal toroidal fields.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, RAA submitte

    (E)-Methyl 3-(1H-indol-3-yl)acrylate

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    In the title compound, C12H11NO2, the indole and methyl acrylate mean planes are inclined at an angle of 10.6 (1)°. In the crystal, N—H⋯π inter­actions link mol­ecules into chains along [010] and weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds further consolidate the crystal packing

    Higher-order QED effects in hadronic processes

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    In this presentation, we describe the computation of higher-order QED effects relevant in hadronic collisions. In particular, we discuss the calculation of mixed QCD-QED one-loop contributions to the Altarelli-Parisi splittings functions, as well as the pure two-loop QED corrections. We explain how to extend the DGLAP equations to deal with new parton distributions, emphasizing the consequences of the novel corrections in the determination (and evolution) of the photon distributions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the Proceedings of the EPS-HEP 2017 Conferenc