38 research outputs found

    The mineral diversity of Jezero crater: Evidence for possible lacustrine carbonates on Mars

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    Noachian-aged Jezero crater is the only known location on Mars where clear orbital detections of carbonates are found in close proximity to clear fluvio-lacustrine features indicating the past presence of a paleolake; however, it is unclear whether or not the carbonates in Jezero are related to the lacustrine activity. This distinction is critical for evaluating the astrobiological potential of the site, as lacustrine carbonates on Earth are capable of preserving biosignatures at scales that may be detectable by a landed mission like the Mars 2020 rover, which is planned to land in Jezero in February 2021. In this study, we conduct a detailed investigation of the mineralogical and morphological properties of geological units within Jezero crater in order to better constrain the origin of carbonates in the basin and their timing relative to fluvio-lacustrine activity. Using orbital visible/near-infrared hyperspectral images from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) along with high resolution imagery and digital elevation models, we identify a distinct carbonate-bearing unit, the “Marginal Carbonates,” located along the inner margin of the crater, near the largest inlet valley and the western delta. Based on their strong carbonate signatures, topographic properties, and location in the crater, we propose that this unit may preserve authigenic lacustrine carbonates, precipitated in the near-shore environment of the Jezero paleolake. Comparison to carbonate deposits from terrestrial closed basin lakes suggests that if the Marginal Carbonates are lacustrine in origin, they could preserve macro- and microscopic biosignatures in microbialite rocks like stromatolites, some of which would likely be detectable by Mars 2020. The Marginal Carbonates may represent just one phase of a complex fluvio-lacustrine history in Jezero crater, as we find that the spectral diversity of the fluvio-lacustrine deposits in the crater is consistent with a long-lived lake system cataloging the deposition and erosion of regional geologic units. Thus, Jezero crater may contain a unique record of the evolution of surface environments, climates, and habitability on early Mars

    Weathering in the Forelands of Two Rapidly Retreating Alpine Glaciers of Volcanic Bedrock in the Three Sisters, Oregon, USA

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    The glaciers of the Three Sisters volcanoes in Cascadia have retreated dramatically over the past century. In order to understand ongoing chemical weathering and solute transport in the proglacial valleys, waters were sampled from glacier outwash streams, local snowmelt, and proglacial springs and lakes at Collier and Diller Glaciers. To understand weathering and transport processes in the proglacial plains, infrared orbital remote sensing data was used to map compositional variability and highlight weathering products, which were then ground-truthed with laboratory mineralogical and chemical analyses of sediments. The hydrochemistry is significantly affected by a sub- and proglacial mafic weathering system lacking carbonate minerals. Here we report major ion concentrations in meltwaters for the summer 2016 and 2017 melt seasons. Total cation concentrations range from 3 to 250 eq/l and dissolved bicarbonate concentrations range from 2 to 200 eq/l. Other dissolved anions are negligible compared to bicarbonate. Dissolved silica concentrations range from 2 to 260 mol/l, comparable to total dissolved cation concentrations. The highest cation and silica concentrations were measured in moraine-sourced springs. Compositional remote sensing analysis identified alteration zones in the proglacial plains at both Collier and Diller indicating potential hydrated silica. This analysis is consistent with laboratory analysis of sediment samples, which indicate the presence of poorly crystalline phases weathering products, including hydrated silica. Weathered materials are preferentially deposited on moraines due to aeolian and glacial transport, as well as intra-moraine alteration, and at abandoned stream terraces due to fluvial transport. Geochemical measurements indicate that the predominant form of chemical weathering in these periglacial mafic systems is the carbonation of feldspar as well as reactive volcanic glass. The presence of poorly crystalline silicates, as indicated by remote sensing datasets and laboratory analysis, is consistent with rapid weathering of feldspars and glass and formation of Fe-Al-Si-bearing mineraloids in these proglacial valleys. This weathering regime has wide-ranging implications for atmospheric CO2 drawdown due to cold-climate volcanic rock weathering

    Joint M3 and Diviner Analysis of the Mineralogy, Glass Composition, and Country Rock Content of Pyroclastic Deposits in Oppenheimer Crater

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    Here we present our analysis of the near- and mid-infrared spectral properties of pyroclastic deposits within the floor fractured Oppenheimer Crater that are hypothesized to be Vulcanian in origin. These are the first results of our global study of lunar pyroclastic deposits aimed at constraining the range of eruption processes on the Moon. In the near-infrared, we have employed a new method of spectral analysis developed in Horgan et al. (2013) of the 1 m iron absorption band in Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) spectra. By analyzing both the position and shape of the 1 m band we can detect and map the distribution of minerals, glasses, and mixtures of these phases in pyroclastic deposits. We are also using mid-infrared spectra from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment to develop ~200 m/pixel Christiansen Feature (CF) maps, which correlate with silica abundance. One of the benefits of using CF maps for analysis of pyroclastic deposits is that they can be used to detect silicic country rock that may have been emplaced by Vulcanian-style eruptions, and are sensitive to iron abundance in glasses, neither of which is possible in the near-infrared. M3 analysis reveals that the primary spectral endmembers are low-calcium pyroxene and iron-bearing glass, with only minor high-calcium pyroxene, and no detectable olivine. The large deposit in the south shows higher and more extensive glass concentrations than the surrounding deposits. We interpret the M3 spectra of the pyroclastic deposits as indicating a mixture of low-calcium pyroxene country rock and juvenile glass, and no significant olivine. Analysis of Diviner CF maps of the Oppenheimer crater floor indicates an average CF value of 8.16, consistent with a mixture of primarily plagioclase and some pyroxene. The average CF values of the pyroclastic deposits range from 8.31 in the SW to 8.24 in the SE. Since CF values within the deposits are as high as 8.49, the lower average CF values of the deposits suggest that each deposit is a mixture of crater floor material and highly mafic juvenile material consistent with either olivine or Fe-bearing pyroclastic glass. Synthesizing our M3 and Diviner results indicates that the crater floor consists of plagioclase with some pyroxene, and the pyroclastic deposits are a mix of this substrate and a glass-rich juvenile material. While we cannot determine the iron content of the glass from M3 spectra alone, the high Diviner CF values suggest that the glass is relatively iron-rich. Indeed, FeO abundances inferred from CF values using the method of Allen et al. (2012) imply that the large southern deposit exhibits a significant enhancement in iron content. This supports our hypothesis that the glass in this deposit is relatively iron-rich

    Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments

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    Rovers are the state of the art for the exploration and detection of past habitability and life on other worlds. One of the most basic functions of a rover is terrain navigation. Information collected by the rover is used autonomously to mitigate terrain hazards such large rocks, while humans qualitatively assess hazardous geologic terrain such as soil type and degree of rock cover. Planetary scientists use the same information to select targets such as drill sites, and for basic scientific analysis such as characterization of rock outcrops. Although the data is complementary, data from terrain analysis for navigation and terrain analysis for scientific investigations are poorly integrated. The lack of integration creates science and operation inefficiencies that limit exploration of habitable environments. As new modes of exploration come online, such as unmanned aerial systems (UAS) (e.g., the Mars Helicopter Scout and Titan Dragonfly), a need exists to integrate terrain data and science analysis to improve operational and scientific outcomes during exploration. We present an overview of a project aimed at evaluating the effectiveness and capability rover and UAS-based semi-automated terrain analysis using the Automated Soil Assessment Systems (ASAS) developed by Mission Control Space Services for navigating, selecting targets for sampling, and characterizing mafic detrital sediments along glacio-fluvial-aeolian sand transport pathways in Iceland. We describe recent advances in automated terrain analysis in sandy environments and scientific uses of terrain assessment from sandy environments. We assess fluvial and aeolian terrains in Iceland and show how terrain analysis data can inform scientific characterization of these environments

    Mastcam-Z multispectral database from the Perseverance rover’s traverse in the Jezero crater floor, Mars (sols 0-380)

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    NASA’s Mars-2020 Perseverance rover spent its first year in Jezero crater studying the mafic lava flows of the Máaz formation and the ultramafic cumulates of the Séítah formation. Perseverance’s Mastcam-Z instrument, a pair of multispectral, stereoscopic zoom-lens cameras, provides broadband red/green/blue (RGB), narrowband visible to near-infrared color (VNIR, 440-1020 nm wavelength range). We compiled Mastcam-Z spectra from Perseverance’s exploration of the Jezero crater floor in the first 380 sols of its mission. Here, we provide a database of ~2400 representative spectra with extensive metadata, and the locations of the regions of interest (ROIs) from which the spectra were extracted. We also include “natural color” red, green, blue (RGB) images for context, “enhanced color images” derived by stretching narrowband images, and “decorrelation stretch” (DCS) images. This dataset can serve as a baseline to interpret future observations from Perseverance’s ongoing exploration of Jezero crater, Mars

    Unlocking the Climate Record Stored within Mars’ Polar Layered Deposits

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    In the icy beds of its polar layered deposits (PLD), Mars likely possesses a record of its recent climate history, analogous to terrestrial ice sheets that contain records of Earth's past climate. Both northern and southern PLDs store information on the climatic and atmospheric state during the deposition of each layer (WPs: Becerra et al.; Smith et al). Reading the climate record stored in these layers requires detailed measurements of layer composition, thickness, isotope variability, and near-surface atmospheric measurements. We identify four fundamental questions that must be answered in order to interpret this climate record and decipher the recent climatic history of Mars: 1. Fluxes: What are the present and past fluxes of volatiles, dust, and other materials into and out of the polar regions? 2. Forcings: How do orbital/axial forcing and exchange with other reservoirs affect those fluxes? 3. Layer Processes: What chemical and physical processes form and modify layers? 4. Record: What is the timespan, completeness, and temporal resolution of the climate history recorded in the PLD? In a peer reviewed report (1), we detailed a sequence of missions, instruments, and architecture needed to answer these questions. Here, we present the science drivers and a mission concept for a polar lander that would enable a future reading of the past few million years of the Martian climate record. The mission addresses as-yet-unachieved science goals of the current Decadal Survey and of MEPAG for obtaining a record of Mars climate and has parallel goals to the NEXSAG and ICE-SAG reports

    Seasonally Active Slipface Avalanches in the North Polar Sand Sea of Mars: Evidence for a Wind-Related Origin

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    Meter-scale MRO/HiRISE camera images of dune slipfaces in the north polar sand sea of Mars reveal the presence of deep alcoves above depositional fans. These features are apparently active under current climatic conditions, because they form between observations taken in subsequent Mars years. Recently, other workers have hypothesized that the alcoves form due to destabilization and mass-wasting during sublimation of CO2 frost in the spring. While there is evidence for springtime modification of these features, our analysis of early springtime images reveals that over 80% of the new alcoves are visible underneath the CO2 frost. Thus, we present an alternative hypothesis that formation of new alcoves and fans occurs prior to CO2 deposition. We propose that fans and alcoves form primarily by aeolian processes in the mid- to late summer, through a sequence of aeolian deposition on the slipface, over-steepening, failure, and dry granular flow. An aeolian origin is supported by the orientations of the alcoves, which are consistent with recent wind directions. Furthermore, morphologically similar but much smaller alcoves form on terrestrial dune slipfaces, and the size differences between the terrestrial and Martian features may reflect cohesion in the near-subsurface of the Martian features. The size and preservation of the largest alcoves on the Martian slipfaces also support the presence of an indurated surface layer; thus, new alcoves might be sites of early spring CO2 sublimation and secondary mass-wasting because they act as a window to looser, less indurated materials that warm up more quickly in the spring