22 research outputs found

    Образ міста у творчості О. Іваненко (на матеріалі казки “Чарівна квітка”)

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    Авторка статті досліджує образ міста у творчості відомої письменниці ХХ ст. Оксани Іваненко. Автор робить спробу виокремити особливості творів, що характерні для її манери письма. Приділяється увага тематиці творів письменниці, портретній характеристиці її героїв. Дослідниця робить спробу схарактеризувати образ міста на матеріалі казок “Чарівна квітка”. “Місто боягузів” у казці “Чарівна квітка” О. Іваненко є точкою відліку в казковому часі, не має логіки у взаємозв’язку з дійсністю. Результатом дослідження є висновок про те, що письменниця досліджує процес становлення і розвитку дитини, вивчає особливості психології персонажів. Ключові слова: казка, логіка, образ, місто, тематика, реальність, персонажі.Автор статьи исследует образ города в творчестве известной писательницы ХХ века Оксаны Иваненко. Автор статьи делает попытку выделить особенности произведений, характерные ее письму. Уделяется внимание тематике произведений писательницы, портретной характеристике ее героев. Исследователь делает попытку охарактеризовать образ города на материале сказки “Волшебный цветок”. “Город боягузов” в сказке “Волшебный цветок” Оксаны Иваненко является точкой отсчета в сказочном времени, не имеет логики со взаимосвязью с действительностью. Результатом исследования является вывод о том, что писательница исследует процесс становления и развития юного читателя, изучает особенности психологии персонажей. Ключевые слова: сказка, логика, образ, город, тематика, реальность, персонажи.The author of the article investigates the figure of the city in the O. Ivanenko’s works, the famous writer of the XX th century. The author tries to define the peculiarities of her works. There are paid attentions to the portrait characteristics of the main characters in “Magic flower”, to the themes of her works. The investigator tries to characterise the figure of the city in the “Magic flower”. The “city of timorous people” in the “Magic flower” by O. Ivanenko is the beginning in the time of the tale, it does not have logic. This investigation proves that the writer investigates the process of the child’s growing and growing, studies the psychological peculiarities of the main characters. Keywords: tale, logic, figure, city, themes, reality, main characters

    Visual attention in violent offenders: Susceptibility to distraction.

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    Impairments in executive functioning give rise to reduced control of behavior and impulses, and are therefore a risk factor for violence and criminal behavior. However, the contribution of specific underlying processes remains unclear. A crucial element of executive functioning, and essential for cognitive control and goaldirected behavior, is visual attention. To further elucidate the importance of attentional functioning in the general offender population, we employed an attentional capture task to measure visual attention. We expected offenders to have impaired visual attention, as revealed by increased attentional capture, compared to healthy controls. When comparing the performance of 62 offenders to 69 healthy community controls, we found our hypothesis to be partly confirmed. Offenders were more accurate overall, more accurate in the absence of distracting information, suggesting superior attention. In the presence of distracting information offenders were significantly less accurate compared to when no distracting information was present. Together, these findings indicate that violent offenders may have superior attention, yet worse control over attention. As such, violent offenders may have trouble adjusting to unexpected, irrelevant stimuli, which may relate to failures in selfregulation and inhibitory control

    Спогади про патріарха українського мистецтвознавства. До 100-річчя Григорія Логвина

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    22 травня цього року виповнилось би 100 років від дня народження доктора мистецтвознавства, лауреата національної премії України ім. Т. Шевченка, Заслуженого діяча мистецтв і Заслуженого архітектора України, лауреата премії ім. О і В. Антоновичів, почесного академіка Української академії архітектури Григорія Никоновича Логвина

    Psychopathie is stoornis, geen keuze

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    Psychopathie is stoornis, geen keuze

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    In the Eye of the Storm : Connectivity studies on antisocial behavior and psychopathy

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    This thesis consists of three sections. Section 1 is a proof of principle in which the functional contributions and mechanisms of interhemispheric connectivity will be addressed. The first chapter of Part 1 (§2.1) will examine the relationship between interhemispheric connectivity and personality features as measured per NEO-PI-R. In §2.2, the influence of alcohol on interhemispheric connectivity will be examined. This is of particular importance as more than 50% of all violent crimes are associated with alcohol (93) and up to 86% of all murders (94). The last chapter of part 1 (§2.3) is a methodological intermezzo in which we will examine the functional mechanisms associated with ISP by relating it to a second TMS measure of interhemispheric connectivity, IHI. The second part is the core of this thesis and it consists of 3 chapters in which TMS, EEG and DTI will be used to evaluate the integrity of brain networks in psychopathic offenders. In §3.1 we will examine whether psychopaths suffer from interhemispheric connectivity deficits by measuring their ISP and comparing it to that of healthy controls. Also, cortical inhibition and facilitation will be measured in the left and right motor cortex. In §3.2, an essential component of brain networks, white matter, will be assessed in psychopaths through diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Using a tract based spatial statistics (TBSS) approach we explore white matter integrity throughout the brain in psychopathic offenders and compare them to healthy controls. Based on what was described in the previous pages an amygdalo-prefrontal network might be affected in addition to the mesolimbic reward pathway. §3.3 will test for the first time whether psychopathic offenders have inhibitory abnormalities in the DLPFC as compared to non-psychopathic individuals. To this end, we will use TMS in combination with EEG and assess LICI in the motor cortex and DLPFC. In addition, we will index working memory performance as it has been previously shown that psychopathic offenders may have impairments in this cognitive function. Part 3 endeavours into possible contributors to antisocial behavior. Here, in §4.1, we present the cerebellum as a key brain structure that is affected in many neuropsychiatric disorders including schizophrenia and autism. We will consider evidence for potential cerebellar involvement in disinhibited behavior. In §4.2, a rTMS manipulation of the cerebellum will be introduced to see whether alterations of cerebellar activity induce affective changes. To measure affective changes we use an affective pictorial Stroop task

    High frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the cerebellum and implicit processing of happy facial expressions

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    Contains fulltext : 120092.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Background Previous research has demonstrated that the cerebellum is involved in emotive and cognitive processes. Furthermore, recent findings suggest high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the cerebellum has mood-improving properties. We sought to further explore the effects of cerebellar high-frequency rTMS on implicit processing of emotional stimuli and mood.Methods In a double-blind, crossover study, 15 healthy volunteers received 15 minutes of 20 Hz (5 s on, 5 s off) rTMS over the medial cerebellum, occipital cortex or sham in a randomized counterbalanced order on 3 consecutive days. A masked emotional faces response task measured implicit emotional processing of happy, fearful and neutral facial expressions. We used positive and negative affect scales to evaluate rTMS-related changes in mood.Results High-frequency rTMS over the cerebellum was associated with significant increases in masked emotional responses to happy facial expressions only. We observed no changes in consciously experienced mood.Limitations Although the sham rTMS served as our baseline measurement, additional pre-rTMS data showing that reaction time increases immediately after cerebellar rTMS would have made our results more compelling.Conclusion The results replicate and extend previous findings by establishing a direct relation between the cerebellum and emotive information-processing. The parallel between the present effects of high-frequency cerebellar rTMS and short-term antidepressant therapy regarding the change in implicit processing of positive stimuli in the absence of mood changes is notable and warrants further research.6 p

    Kidney trauma in martial arts

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    Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by interpersonal manipulation and callousness, and reckless and impulsive antisocial behavior. It is often seen as a disorder in which profound emotional disturbances lead to antisocial behavior. A lack of fear in particular has been proposed as an etiologically salient factor. In this review, we employ a conceptual model in which fear is parsed into separate subcomponents. Important historical conceptualizations of psychopathy, the neuroscientific and empirical evidence for fear deficits in psychopathy are compared against this model. The empirical evidence is also subjected to a meta-analysis. We conclude that most studies have used the term “fear” generically, amassing different methods and levels of measurement under the umbrella term “fear.” Unlike earlier claims that psychopathy is related to general fearlessness, we show there is evidence that psychopathic individuals have deficits in threat detection and responsivity, but that the evidence for reduced subjective experience of fear in psychopathy is far less compelling