10 research outputs found

    How to Secure Matchings Against Edge Failures

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    Suppose we are given a bipartite graph that admits a perfect matching and an adversary may delete any edge from the graph with the intention of destroying all perfect matchings. We consider the task of adding a minimum cost edge-set to the graph, such that the adversary never wins. We show that this problem is equivalent to covering a digraph with non-trivial strongly connected components at minimal cost. We provide efficient exact and approximation algorithms for this task. In particular, for the unit-cost problem, we give a log_2 n-factor approximation algorithm and a polynomial-time algorithm for chordal-bipartite graphs. Furthermore, we give a fixed parameter algorithm for the problem parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph. For general non-negative weights we give tight upper and lower approximation bounds relative to the Directed Steiner Forest problem. Additionally we prove a dichotomy theorem characterizing minor-closed graph classes which allow for a polynomial-time algorithm. To obtain our results, we exploit a close relation to the classical Strong Connectivity Augmentation problem as well as directed Steiner problems

    Matching Augmentation via Simultaneous Contractions

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    We consider the matching augmentation problem (MAP), where a matching of a graph needs to be extended into a 2-edge-connected spanning subgraph by adding the minimum number of edges to it. We present a polynomial-time algorithm with an approximation ratio of 13/8 = 1.625 improving upon an earlier 5/3-approximation. The improvement builds on a new ?-approximation preserving reduction for any ? ? 3/2 from arbitrary MAP instances to well-structured instances that do not contain certain forbidden structures like parallel edges, small separators, and contractible subgraphs. We further introduce, as key ingredients, the technique of repeated simultaneous contractions and provide improved lower bounds for instances that cannot be contracted

    Improved Approximation Algorithms for the Expanding Search Problem

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    A searcher faces a graph with edge lengths and vertex weights, initially having explored only a given starting vertex. In each step, the searcher adds an edge to the solution that connects an unexplored vertex to an explored vertex. This requires an amount of time equal to the edge length. The goal is to minimize the weighted sum of the exploration times over all vertices. We show that this problem is hard to approximate and provide algorithms with improved approximation guarantees. For the general case, we give a (2e+?)-approximation for any ? > 0. For the case that all vertices have unit weight, we provide a 2e-approximation. Finally, we provide a PTAS for the case of a Euclidean graph. Previously, for all cases only an 8-approximation was known

    Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Graph Constraint Logic

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    Non-deterministic constraint logic (NCL) is a simple model of computation based on orientations of a constraint graph with edge weights and vertex demands. NCL captures PSPACE and has been a useful tool for proving algorithmic hardness of many puzzles, games, and reconfiguration problems. In particular, its usefulness stems from the fact that it remains PSPACE-complete even under severe restrictions of the weights (e.g., only edge-weights one and two are needed) and the structure of the constraint graph (e.g., planar AND/OR graphs of bounded bandwidth). While such restrictions on the structure of constraint graphs do not seem to limit the expressiveness of NCL, the building blocks of the constraint graphs cannot be limited without losing expressiveness: We consider as parameters the number of weight-one edges and the number of weight-two edges of a constraint graph, as well as the number of AND or OR vertices of an AND/OR constraint graph. We show that NCL is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for any of these parameters. In particular, for NCL parameterized by the number of weight-one edges or the number of AND vertices, we obtain a linear kernel. It follows that, in a sense, NCL as introduced by Hearn and Demaine is defined in the most economical way for the purpose of capturing PSPACE

    Fault-Tolerant Edge-Disjoint s-t Paths - Beyond Uniform Faults

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    The Edge-disjoint s-t Paths Problem (s-t EDP) is a classical network design problem whose goal is to connect for some k ? 1 two given vertices of a graph under the condition that any k-1 edges of the graph may fail. We extend the simple uniform failure model of the s-t EDP as follows: the edge set of the graph is partitioned into vulnerable, and safe edges, and a set of at most k vulnerable edges may fail, while safe edges do not fail. In particular we study the Fault-Tolerant Path (FTP) problem, the counterpart of the Shortest s-t Path problem in this non-uniform failure model as well as the Fault-Tolerant Flow (FTF) problem, the counterpart of s-t EDP. We present complexity results alongside exact and approximation algorithms for both problems. We emphasize the vast increase in complexity of the problems compared to s-t EDP

    How to Secure Matchings Against Edge Failures

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    Feedback vertex set reconfiguration in planar graphs

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    We study the complexity of deciding whether for two given feedback vertex sets of a graph there is a step-by-step transformation between them, such that for each feedback vertex set in the transformation, the next one is obtained by exchanging a single vertex. We give a classification of the complexity of this question for planar graphs in terms of the maximum degree. We show that for planar graphs of maximum degree at most three the problem is tractable because there always exists a transformation, while it is PSPACE-complete when the maximum degree is at most four. The positive side of the classification extends to ₃, ₃ -minor-free graphs of maximum degree three. We then consider the Matroid Parity problem, which generalizes feedback vertex sets in graphs of maximum degree three as well as matchings and spanning trees in general graphs. Generalizing known results for the latter two we show that there always exists a transformation between any two non-maximum independent parity sets