92 research outputs found

    Interface coupling properties and reflection of bulk spin waves from biaxial multilayer ferromagnetic media

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    The reflection coefficient of bulk spin waves from multilayer ferromagnetic structure with periodically modulated parameters of exchange interaction, uniaxial and rhombic magnetic anisotropy and saturation magnetization is calculated with a non-ideal coupling between layers. The strong dependence of spin-wave reflection coefficient on frequency, magnetic field and parameter of interfacial coupling is revealed. It allows changing the reflection intensity from 0 to 1 by changing either only external magnetic field value or frequency. The proposed model of boundary conditions gives the opportunity to take into account the quality of interfaces when studying the reflection processes of spin waves in multilayer structures.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    The Development of the School of Spatial Analysis of W.Isard on the Basis of Economic and Supply Chain Management Models of the Petrochemical and Chemical Production Cluster

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    Abstract- In the first post-war decade, studies of the problems of the regional economy were developed in many countries based on the supply chain management. Prerequisites were created for the unification of regional scientists and a new attempt to synthesize theories of spatial and regional economics. At this stage, the avant-garde role was played by an American scientist, W. Isard.Hi is first major monograph, “The Placement and Economics of Space,†was published in which he posed the problem of eliminating the deep discrepancies that exist for more than 100 years between classical theories; accommodation and leading schools of general economic theory.W. Isard rightly criticizes all classical and neoclassical economic theories for the fact that they limited themselves to studying "a country of miracles devoid of any spatial characteristics." This was partly due to the classical placement theories, which were expounded in outdated language and with excessive simplifications of "partial equilibrium", constant coefficients, cost minimization, constant demand curves, etc. Overcoming the stereotypes of these theories, W. Isard will clothe the theory of locating production in a more general economic form. He deduced the following law: profit maximizing firms will be located; so that the marginal rates of replacement of transportation costs of goods from two different points (regions) are equal to the reciprocal of their transportation tariffs. From this condition of the first order of maximizing profit, one can derive all particular allocation theories (Tyunen, Launhardt, Weber, etc.). Further, W. Aizard links, where it is possible, the theory of location with the known theories of production, pricing, trade, etc

    Digital Modeling of Economic Processes and Supply Chain Management in the Formation of Cooperative Relations in the Petrochemical Cluster of the Region

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    Abstract- A study of the state of the theory of fuzzy sets shows that until recently in Russia there were almost no studies in the chemical sector of the economy and finance using fuzzy analysis and forecasting, although by that time all necessary prerequisites for modeling financial systems had been created. The current situation in Russia is characterized by a high degree of science lagging behind the requests of state and commercial supply chain management.Fuzzy sets have not been used to date for financial analysis and planning of chemical corporations, evaluating the investment attractiveness of securities, optimizing the stock portfolio, forecasting stock indices and macroeconomic indices. You can also talk about the lack of software based on fuzzy models, although abroad, such software products and information technologies that solve economic problems using fuzzy-plural and related descriptions already exist.In the 80's, software solutions and information technologies began to emerge, solving economic problems using fuzzy-plural and related descriptions. Thus, under the leadership of C. Zopounidis at the Technical University on the island of Crete, an expert system was developed for detailed financial analysis of corporations. A little earlier in Germany, a group led by H. Zimmerman developed a strategic planning system, in which the positioning of the corporation's business is based on fuzzy descriptions of the competitiveness and attractiveness of the business.As an example of such software, you can use expensive complex systems, which include fuzzy logic, which bankers and financiers use to solve the most complicated problems of forecasting financial indicators. The beginning of this process was laid by the Japanese financial corporation. Having set out to automate the game on the securities market, this company attracted about 30 specialists in artificial intelligence

    Державні органи та фізична культура в УРСР у 1920-х рр.

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    У березні 1919 р. на VIIІ з’їзді РКП(б) було прийнято програму, в якій проголошено одним із найголовніших завдань у галузі військового будівництва організацію масового навчання трудящих військовій справі. В тому ж році на території УСРР було запроваджено Всезагальне військове навчання (Всевобуч). Його відділи здійснювали без відриву від виробництва військову підготовку робітників віком від 18 до 40 років. Невід’ємною складовою частиною цього навчання було фізичне виховання призовників. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3554

    Simulation of optimal control of industrial corporations that produce complex dynamic systems engineering

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    In the article economic models to improve management efficiency by industrial corporations on the basis of scenario planning, management hierarchies Corporation. The role of business process reengineering in the formation of the integrated structures as a tool for the restructuring of the system of material, financial and information flows, aimed at reforming the organizational structure, optimizing the use of resources, improving the quality of products

    Угода щодо оцінки відповідальності та прийнятності промислової продукції - АССА між Україною та ЄС: правові наслідки для України

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    Хоменко О. О. Угода щодо оцінки відповідальності та прийнятності промислової продукції - АССА між Україною та ЄС: правові наслідки для України / О. О. Хоменко // Міжнародні читання з міжнародного права пам’яті професора П.Є. Казанського : матер. третьої міжнар. наук. конф. (м. Одеса, 2–3 листопада 2012 р.) / відп. за випуск М. І. Пашковський ; НУ «ОЮА». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 614-617.З точки зору існуючих та майбутніх торговельно-правових відносин з ЄС у світлі підписання Угоди про асоціацію УкраїнаЄС, діюча в Україні система технічного регулювання характеризується за більшістю оцінок як бар’єр у її торгівлі як з країнами-членами СОТ, так і з ЄС. Саме у такому вигляді система й розцінюється як гальмо не тільки у поточних зовнішньоторговельних відносинах, а й, що не менш важливо – у перспективних. Дослідженню цьої проблеми і присвячена стаття автора

    The Volga region banking and real sectors interaction cluster initiatives

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    © Venera Vagizova, Vadim Homenko, Gulnaz Akhmetova, 2014. The article deals with the questions of organizational structure of the innovation cross-border construction cluster based on the example of the cluster model of construction enterprises in the Volga Federal region and the role of this cluster in the economy of the Volga region as an innovation mechanism of cross-regional integration, which provides a synergetic effect in the solving of complex tasks. It also analyzes the possibilities of collaboration between Volga region's financial and real sectors of economy

    The Content and Interrelations of the Concepts of Crime Prevention (Prophylaxis and Prevention) by an Investigator

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    At the present stage of the development of science, there is no consensus on the relationship between the concepts of “prevention/prophylaxis” and “prevention”/preduprezhdenie (Russian) of crimes, even despite a large number of studies on certain aspects of preventive   activities of the investigator. At present, there are three main approaches to the correlation of the terms under consideration: prophylaxis and prevention as identical notions, preventive/prophylactic activity has a function of prevention, and vice versa, preventive activity acts as a generic concept for the function of prophylaxis. Crime prevention in terms of informing, warning, includes prophylaxis, prevention and suppression of crime.  All these elements are the stages. And prophylaxis is the first stage of preventive activity, as it affects the causes and conditions of illegal, criminally punishable human behavior. Prophylaxis is aimed at eliminating an intent to commit a socially dangerous act by eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to this. Prevention is aimed at inducing a person who has the intent to commit a crime to refrain from the illegal type of behavior planned by him. The suppression of a crime is aimed at stopping the implementation of a criminal plan, that is, the criminal activity that has already taken place, as well as at minimizing the criminal result. At the same time, all these elements of preventive activity take place at different points in time. However, prophylaxis can be carried out both during the investigation of a specific crime or out of it through the investigator’s talks to employees, schoolchildren, students, through studies containing information about criminal cases. The lack of a unified approach to the ratio of prophylactic and preventive activities is also due to the lack of codification of these notions. Despite the fact that the legislator  focuses on the prophylaxis and prevention of specific types of crimes such as  terrorism, extremism in certain regulatory legal acts, there is still no clear distinction between them