449 research outputs found

    Luonto oppimisympäristönä varhaiskasvatuksessa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten luonto nähdään oppimisympäristönä varhaiskasvatuksessa tällä hetkellä sekä mitkä ovat luontoympäristön mahdollisuuksia oppimisympäristönä. Luonnon vaikutuksia hyvinvointiin ja motoristen taitojen kehittymiseen on tutkittu paljon, mutta luontoympäristön merkitys lapsen oppimisprosessin kannalta on ollut toistaiseksi vähäisempää. On myös huomattu, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat yleisesti nauttivat ulkoilusta, mutta oppimisen kannalta luontoa ei osata hyödyntää integroivasti. Luontoon viedään lapset enimmäkseen oppimaan luonnosta. Tutkimuksien perusteella luonto sopii varhaiskasvatuksen oppimisympäristöksi. Opettaja on merkittävässä roolissa kun pedagogista toimintaa suunnitellaan luontoympäristössä toteuttavaksi. Opettajan tulee tiedostaa oma suhtautumisensa luontoon sillä opettajan luontosuhde vaikuttaa siihen, miten monipuolisesti luontoa oppimisympäristönä hyödynnetään. Omat tunnepitoiset kokemukset sekä mukavuudenhalu ovat vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kandidaatintyön tavoitteena on tuoda varhaiskasvatuksessa toimiville tietoisuuteen miten luontoa voitaisiin entistä tehokkaammin hyödyntää lapsen oppimisprosessin kannalta. Työssä tuodaan myös esille luonnon hyvinvointia lisääviä vaikutuksia, jotka ovat tärkeitä lapsen oppimisen edistämiseksi. Tarkoituksena on myös herättää varhaiskasvattajien huomio omaan luontosuhteeseensa sekä miten se mahdollisesti vaikuttaa omaan pedagogiikkaan. Tutkielma on toteutettu kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Työn teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu aiemmin aiheesta tehtyihin kvalitatiivisiin ja kvantitatiivisiin tutkimuksiin. Työssä tarkastellaan lapsen oppimista, lapsuuden ja luontoympäristön suhdetta ja luontoympäristön vaikutuksia oppimiseen sekä opettajan roolia luontoympäristön hyödyntämisessä pedagogisesti

    A universal platform for magnetostriction measurements in thin films

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    We present a universal nanomechanical sensing platform for the investigation of magnetostriction in thin films. It is based on a doubly-clamped silicon nitride nanobeam resonator covered with a thin magnetostrictive film. Changing the magnetization direction within the film plane by an applied magnetic field generates a magnetostrictive stress and thus changes the resonance frequency of the nanobeam. A measurement of the resulting resonance frequency shift, e.g. by optical interferometry, allows to quantitatively determine the magnetostriction constants of the thin film. We use this method to determine the magnetostriction constants of a 10nm thick polycrystalline cobalt film, showing very good agreement with literature values. The presented technique can be useful in particular for the precise measurement of magnetostriction in a variety of (conducting and insulating) thin films, which can be deposited by e.g. electron beam deposition, thermal evaporation or sputtering

    Detrmination of the parameters of the ground state of C2H3D molecule

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    Present study dedicated to analysis of C2H3D molecule spectra and determination of the parameters of the ground vibrational state of the molecule. In total, positions of more than 10000 transitions were determined. 1037 ground state combination differences were used to improve ground state parameters of the molecule

    Thermal stability of amorphous LaScO3 films on silicon

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    The thermal stability of amorphous LaScO3 thin films deposited by molecular-beam deposition directly on (001) Si was investigated by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), transmission infrared absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), and x-ray diffraction (XRD). IRAS indicated that the as-deposited films contained < 0.1 A of SiO2 at the interface between LaScO3 and silicon. XRD studies showed that the films remained amorphous after annealing in N-2 at 700 degrees C, although HRTEM showed structural order on an similar to 1 nm length scale even in the as-deposited films. By 800 degrees C, the LaScO3 had started to crystallize and formed a similar to 5 nm thick Sc-deficient interlayer between it and silicon. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics

    Comparative predictions of discharge from an artificial catchment (Chicken Creek) using sparse data

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    Ten conceptually different models in predicting discharge from the artificial Chicken Creek catchment in North-East Germany were used for this study. Soil texture and topography data were given to the modellers, but discharge data was withheld. We compare the predictions with the measurements from the 6 ha catchment and discuss the conceptualization and parameterization of the models. The predictions vary in a wide range, e.g. with the predicted actual evapotranspiration ranging from 88 to 579 mm/y and the discharge from 19 to 346 mm/y. The predicted components of the hydrological cycle deviated systematically from the observations, which were not known to the modellers. Discharge was mainly predicted as subsurface discharge with little direct runoff. In reality, surface runoff was a major flow component despite the fairly coarse soil texture. The actual evapotranspiration (AET) and the ratio between actual and potential ET was systematically overestimated by nine of the ten models. None of the model simulations came even close to the observed water balance for the entire 3-year study period. The comparison indicates that the personal judgement of the modellers was a major source of the differences between the model results. The most important parameters to be presumed were the soil parameters and the initial soil-water content while plant parameterization had, in this particular case of sparse vegetation, only a minor influence on the results

    Специфика использования социолектов в русском языке

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    Uniaxially strained (011)Si is attractive for high performance p-channel metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor devices due to the predicted high hole mobilities. Here, we demonstrate the realization of purely uniaxially relaxed (011) SiGe virtual substrates by He+ ion implantation and thermal annealing. Perfect uniaxial relaxation is evidenced by precise ion channeling angular yield scan measurements and plan view transmission electron microscopy as predicted theoretically on the basis of the layer symmetry dependent dislocation dynamics. Strikingly, misfit dislocations propagate exclusively along the [0 (1) over bar1] direction in the (011) oriented crystal and, in contrast to (100)Si, no crosshatch is formed. We describe dislocation formation and propagation inducing strain relaxation of (011)SiGe and enlighten the differences to (100) oriented SiGe on Si

    Combined multidimensional single-cell protein and RNA profiling dissects the cellular and functional heterogeneity of thymic epithelial cells

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    The network of thymic stromal cells provides essential niches with unique molecular cues controlling T cell development and selection. Recent single-cell RNA sequencing studies have uncovered previously unappreciated transcriptional heterogeneity among thymic epithelial cells (TEC). However, there are only very few cell markers that allow a comparable phenotypic identification of TEC. Here, using massively parallel flow cytometry and machine learning, we deconvoluted known TEC phenotypes into novel subpopulations. Using CITEseq, these phenotypes were related to corresponding TEC subtypes defined by the cells’ RNA profiles. This approach allowed the phenotypic identification of perinatal cTEC and their physical localisation within the cortical stromal scaffold. In addition, we demonstrate the dynamic change in the frequency of perinatal cTEC in response to developing thymocytes and reveal their exceptional efficiency in positive selection. Collectively, our study identifies markers that allow for an unprecedented dissection of the thymus stromal complexity, as well as physical isolation of TEC populations and assignment of specific functions to individual TEC subtypes