3 research outputs found


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    Coaching is a one of the methods to guide employees in improving performance and assisting employees in identifying employee’s talent in an organization. Workers can highlight talent in the field of exploration through coaching. From previous studies, coaching was found to support development of employee’s performance. Nevertheless, some coaching programs are not well received and less effective in improving employee’s performance. As such, a study was conducted to identify and evaluate the factors of the effectiveness of coaching implementation on employee performance in organization. The quantitative method was applied to conduct this study and used descriptive and inferential study. Questionnaire were distributed to 138 staff of Politeknik Melaka, Melaka. Data collected were analyzed using Spearman Rho, One-way ANOVA and T-test. The result implied that there are three factors affected coaching on working performance consist of worker, coach and organization. Organization is the dominant factors which is affect the most of the coaching. This study expressed that coaching implementation provides the positive impact to the employees after the program. They thought that coaching program will help them to improve their working quality and recognizes the talent and skills in themselves

    Pendekatan coaching dalam meningkatkan prestasi pekerja dalam organisasi di Malaysia

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    Program coaching di organisasi telah lama bertapak di Malaysia, namun begitu, kajian mengenai coaching masih pada tahap yang rendah. Setiap pekerja mempunyai bakat yang berbeza dan tertentu. Terdapat pelbagai cara dan kaedah dalam menyerlahkan bakat seseorang. Salah satu daripada kaedah-kaedah adalah melalui bimbingan pembimbing. Dengan nasihat dan pandangan daripada pembimbing, pekerja dapat menyerlahkan bakat dalam kerja yang diberikan, seterusnya melahirkan pekerja yang berkemahiran tinggi. Kajian ini adalah membincangkan mengenai pendekatan coaching dalam organisasi di Malaysia bagi meningkatkan prestasi pekerja. Setiap pekerja mempunyai set kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang berbeza apabila memasuki bidang pekerjaan. Pihak organisasi perlu melantik pembimbing yang sesuai yang akan ditugaskan untuk membantu pekerja menyesuaikan diri pada tempat yang baru. Mereka juga perlu membimbing pekerja mendapatkan set kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan di dalam unit yang baru agar bersesuaian dengan tugasan yang diberikan

    Self-Awareness of Co-Curricular Activities and Its Effectiveness in Developing the Personality of Teenagers

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    This article discusses the self-awareness of Co-curricular activities and effectiveness in developing the personality of teenagers. In addition, this article points out on Malaysia’s education system is an effort to produce knowledgeable, responsible, competent and capable Malaysian of achieving well-being and contribute to the prosperity of the family, society and the nation. This article also discusses the effectiveness of the Co-curricular to teenagers in developing the individual excellence including previous research related to Co-curricular activities