17,620 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization study of a dynamic Hubbard model

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    A one-dimensional model of electrons locally coupled to spin-1/2 degrees of freedom is studied by numerical techniques. The model is one in the class of dynamicdynamic HubbardHubbard modelsmodels that describe the relaxation of an atomic orbital upon double electron occupancy due to electron-electron interactions. We study the parameter regime where pairing occurs in this model by exact diagonalization of small clusters. World line quantum Monte Carlo simulations support the results of exact diagonalization for larger systems and show that kinetic energy is lowered when pairing occurs. The qualitative physics of this model and others in its class, obtained through approximate analytic calculations, is that superconductivity occurs through hole undressing even in parameter regimes where the effective on-site interaction is strongly repulsive. Our numerical results confirm the expected qualitative behavior, and show that pairing will occur in a substantially larger parameter regime than predicted by the approximate low energy effective Hamiltonian.Comment: Some changes made in response to referees comments. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Correcting 100 years of misunderstanding: electric fields in superconductors, hole superconductivity, and the Meissner effect

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    From the outset of superconductivity research it was assumed that no electrostatic fields could exist inside superconductors, and this assumption was incorporated into conventional London electrodynamics. Yet the London brothers themselves initially (in 1935) had proposed an electrodynamic theory of superconductors that allowed for static electric fields in their interior, which they unfortunately discarded a year later. I argue that the Meissner effect in superconductors necessitates the existence of an electrostatic field in their interior, originating in the expulsion of negative charge from the interior to the surface when a metal becomes superconducting. The theory of hole superconductivity predicts this physics, and associated with it a macroscopic spin current in the ground state of superconductors ("Spin Meissner effect"), qualitatively different from what is predicted by conventional BCS-London theory. A new London-like electrodynamic description of superconductors is proposed to describe this physics. Within this theory superconductivity is driven by lowering of quantum kinetic energy, the fact that the Coulomb repulsion strongly depends on the character of the charge carriers, namely whether electron- or hole-like, and the spin-orbit interaction. The electron-phonon interaction does not play a significant role, yet the existence of an isotope effect in many superconductors is easily understood. In the strong coupling regime the theory appears to favor local charge inhomogeneity. The theory is proposed to apply to all superconducting materials, from the elements to the high TcT_c cuprates and pnictides, is highly falsifiable, and explains a wide variety of experimental observations.Comment: Proceedings of the conference "Quantum phenomena in complex matter 2011 - Stripes 2011", Rome, 10 July -16 July 2011, to be published in J. Supercond. Nov. Mag

    Quasiparticle undressing in a dynamic Hubbard model: exact diagonalization study

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    Dynamic Hubbard models have been proposed as extensions of the conventional Hubbard model to describe the orbital relaxation that occurs upon double occupancy of an atomic orbital. These models give rise to pairing of holes and superconductivity in certain parameter ranges. Here we explore the changes in carrier effective mass and quasiparticle weight and in one- and two-particle spectral functions that occur in a dynamic Hubbard model upon pairing, by exact diagonalization of small systems. It is found that pairing is associated with lowering of effective mass and increase of quasiparticle weight, manifested in transfer of spectral weight from high to low frequencies in one- and two-particle spectral functions. This 'undressing' phenomenology resembles observations in transport, photoemission and optical experiments in high T_c cuprates. This behavior is contrasted with that of a conventional electron-hole symmetric Holstein-like model with attractive on-site interaction, where pairing is associated with 'dressing' instead of 'undressing'

    Electron-Phonon or Hole Superconductivity in MgB2MgB_2?

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    The BCS electron-phonon mechanism and the unconventional 'hole mechanism' have been proposed as explanations for the high temperature superconductivity observed in MgB2MgB_2. It is proposed that a critical test of which theory is correct is the dependence of TcT_c on hole doping: the hole mechanism predicts that TcT_c will drop rapidly to zero as holes are added, while the electron-phonon mechanism appears to predict increasing TcT_c for a substantial range of hole doping. Furthermore, the hole mechanism and electron-phonon mechanism differ qualitatively in their predictions of the effect on TcT_c of change in the B−BB-B distances. We discuss predictions of the hole mechanism for a variety of observables as a function of doping, emphasizing the expected differences and similarities with the electron-phonon explanation. The hole mechanism predicts coherence length and penetration depth to increase and decrease monotonically with hole doping respectively.Comment: Minor changes in wording in view of referee's comments; one curve added to fig. 11; under consideration for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Predicted electric field near small superconducting ellipsoids

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    We predict the existence of large electric fields near the surface of superconducting bodies of ellipsoidal shape of dimensions comparable to the penetration depth. The electric field is quadrupolar in nature with significant corrections from higher order multipoles. Prolate (oblate) superconducting ellipsoids are predicted to exhibit fields consistent with negative (positive) quadrupole moments, reflecting the fundamental charge asymmetry of matter.Comment: To be published in Phys.Rev.Let

    Towards an understanding of hole superconductivity

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    From the very beginning K. Alex M\"uller emphasized that the materials he and George Bednorz discovered in 1986 were holehole superconductors. Here I would like to share with him and others what I believe to be thethe key reason for why high TcT_c cuprates as well as all other superconductors are hole superconductors, which I only came to understand a few months ago. This paper is dedicated to Alex M\"uller on the occasion of his 90th birthday.Comment: Dedicated to Alex M\"uller on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.0977

    Superconductivity from Undressing. II. Single Particle Green's Function and Photoemission in Cuprates

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    Experimental evidence indicates that the superconducting transition in high TcT_c cuprates is an 'undressing' transition. Microscopic mechanisms giving rise to this physics were discussed in the first paper of this series. Here we discuss the calculation of the single particle Green's function and spectral function for Hamiltonians describing undressing transitions in the normal and superconducting states. A single parameter, Υ\Upsilon, describes the strength of the undressing process and drives the transition to superconductivity. In the normal state, the spectral function evolves from predominantly incoherent to partly coherent as the hole concentration increases. In the superconducting state, the 'normal' Green's function acquires a contribution from the anomalous Green's function when Υ \Upsilon is non-zero; the resulting contribution to the spectral function is positivepositive for hole extraction and negativenegative for hole injection. It is proposed that these results explain the observation of sharp quasiparticle states in the superconducting state of cuprates along the (π,0)(\pi,0) direction and their absence along the (π,π)(\pi,\pi) direction.Comment: figures have been condensed in fewer pages for easier readin

    Enhancing li→3ljl_i \to 3 l_j with the Z0Z^0-penguin

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    Lepton flavor violation (LFV) has been observed in neutrino oscillations. For charged lepton FV decays only upper limits are known, but sizable branching ratios are expected in many neutrino mass models. High scale models, such as the classical supersymmetric seesaw, usually predict that decays li→3ljl_i \to 3 l_j are roughly a factor α\alpha maller than the corresponding decays li→ljγl_i \to l_j \gamma. Here we demonstrate that the Z0Z^0-penguin diagram can give an enhancement for decays li→3ljl_i \to 3 l_j in many extensions of the MSSM. We first discuss why the Z0Z^0-penguin is not dominant in the MSSM with seesaw and show that much larger contributions from the Z0Z^0-penguin are expected in general. We then demonstrate the effect numerically in two example models, namely, the supersymmetric inverse seesaw and R-parity violating supersymmetry.Comment: 5 pages; v2: minor corrections, final version to appear in PR
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