158 research outputs found

    Failure of homologous synapsis and sex-specific reproduction problems

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    The prophase of meiosis I ensures the correct segregation of chromosomes to each daughter cell. This includes the pairing, synapsis, and recombination of homologous chromosomes. A subset of chromosomal abnormalities, including translocation and inversion, disturbs these processes, resulting in the failure to complete synapsis. This activates the meiotic pachytene checkpoint, and the gametes are fated to undergo cell cycle arrest and subsequent apoptosis. Spermatogenic cells appear to be more vulnerable to the pachytene checkpoint, and male carriers of chromosomal abnormalities are more susceptible to infertility. In contrast, oocytes tend to bypass the checkpoint and instead generate other problems, such as chromosome imbalance that often leads to recurrent pregnancy loss in female carriers. Recent advances in genetic manipulation technologies have increased our knowledge about the pachytene checkpoint and surveillance systems that detect chromosomal synapsis. This review focuses on the consequences of synapsis failure in humans and provides an overview of the mechanisms involved. We also discuss the sexual dimorphism of the involved pathways that leads to the differences in reproductive outcomes between males and females

    Novel large deletion involving EVC and EVC2 in Ellis–van Creveld syndrome

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    Ellis–van Creveld syndrome is an autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia that is characterized by thoracic hypoplasia, polydactyly, oral abnormalities, and congenital heart disease. It is caused by pathogenic variants in the EVC or EVC2 genes. We report a case of a newborn with a compound heterozygous variant comprising NM_147127.5: c.1991dup:[p.Lys665Glufs*10] in the EVC2 gene and a novel large deletion involving exon 1 in EVC and exons 1–7 in EVC2

    Cruciform extrusion propensity of human translocation-mediating palindromic AT-rich repeats

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    There is an emerging consensus that secondary structures of DNA have the potential for genomic instability. Palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs) are a characteristic sequence identified at each breakpoint of the recurrent constitutional t(11;22) and t(17;22) translocations in humans, named PATRR22 (∼600 bp), PATRR11 (∼450 bp) and PATRR17 (∼190 bp). The secondary structure-forming propensity in vitro and the instability in vivo have been experimentally evaluated for various PATRRs that differ regarding their size and symmetry. At physiological ionic strength, a cruciform structure is most frequently observed for the symmetric PATRR22, less often for the symmetric PATRR11, but not for the other PATRRs. In wild-type E. coli, only these two PATRRs undergo extensive instability, consistent with the relatively high incidence of the t(11;22) in humans. The resultant deletions are putatively mediated by central cleavage by the structure-specific endonuclease SbcCD, indicating the possibility of a cruciform conformation in vivo. Insertion of a short spacer at the centre of the PATRR22 greatly reduces both its cruciform extrusion in vitro and instability in vivo. Taken together, cruciform extrusion propensity depends on the length and central symmetry of the PATRR, and is likely to determine the instability that leads to recurrent translocations in humans

    Clinical and genetic aspects of mild hypophosphatasia in Japanese patients

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    Background: Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare inborn error of metabolism that results from a dysfunctional tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase enzyme (TNSALP). Although genotype-phenotype correlations have been described in HPP patients, only sparse information is currently available on the genetics of mild type HPP. Methods: We investigated 5 Japanese patients from 3 families with mild HPP (patients 1 and 2 are siblings; patient 4 is a daughter of patient 5) who were referred to Fujita Health University due to the premature loss of deciduous teeth. Physical and dental examinations, and blood, urine and bone density tests were conducted. Genetic analysis of the ALPL gene was performed in all patients with their informed consent. Results: After a detailed interview and examination, we found characteristic symptoms of HPP in some of the study cases. Mobile teeth or the loss of permanent teeth were observed in 2 patients, and 3 out of 5 patients had a history of asthma. The serum ALP levels of all patients were 30% below the lower limit of the age equivalent normal range. ALPL gene analysis revealed compound heterozygous mutations, including Ile395Val and Leu520Argfs in family 1, Val95Met and Gly491Arg in family 2, and a dominant missense mutation (Gly456Arg) in family 3. The 3D-modeling of human TNSALP revealed three mutations (Val95Met, Ile395Val and Gly456Arg) at the homodimer interface. Severe collisions between the side chains were predicted for the Gly456Arg variant. Discussion: One of the characteristic findings of this present study was a high prevalence of coexisting asthma and a high level serum IgE level. These characteristics may account for the fragility of tracheal tissues and a predisposition to asthma in patients with mild HPP. The genotypes of the five mild HPP patients in our present study series included 1) compound heterozygous for severe and hypomorphic mutations, and 2) dominant-negative mutations. All of these mutations were at the homodimer interface, but only the dominant-negative mutation was predicted to cause a severe collision effect between the side chains. This may account for varying mechanisms leading to different effects on TNSALP function

    DNA secondary structure is influenced by genetic variation and alters susceptibility to de novo translocation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p><b>Background</b></p> <p>Cumulative evidence suggests that DNA secondary structures impact DNA replication, transcription and genomic rearrangements. One of the best studied examples is the recurrent constitutional t(11;22) in humans that is mediated by potentially cruciform-forming sequences at the breakpoints, palindromic AT-rich repeats (PATRRs). We previously demonstrated that polymorphisms of PATRR sequences affect the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s in sperm samples from normal healthy males. These studies were designed to determine whether PATRR polymorphisms affect DNA secondary structure, thus leading to variation in translocation frequency.</p> <p><b>Methods</b></p> <p>We studied the potential for DNA cruciform formation for several PATRR11 polymorphic alleles using mobility shift analysis in gel electrophoresis as well as by direct visualization of the DNA by atomic force microscopy. The structural data for various alleles were compared with the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s the allele produced.</p> <p><b>Results</b></p> <p>The data indicate that the propensity for DNA cruciform structure of each polymorphic allele correlates with the frequency of <it>de novo </it>t(11;22)s produced (r = 0.77, <it>P </it>= 0.01).</p> <p><b>Conclusions</b></p> <p>Although indirect, our results strongly suggest that the PATRR adopts unstable cruciform structures during spermatogenesis that act as translocation hotspots in humans.</p

    A Kerato-Epithelin (βig-h3) Mutation in Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Type IIIA

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    This report covers phase 2 of the IWMI-Tata Water Policy Research Program (ITP) for the period 2006-2010. The major areas of action: Research focusing on water sector issues concerning underprivileged communities and backward regions in the country; Idea-incubation for livelihoods enhancement efforts using water as a central input, supporting the Trust in their water sector partnerships; Dissemination and raising public awareness; Widening the network of research partners; Policy influencing

    Increased water intake decreases progression of polycystic kidney disease in the PCK rat

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    Renal enlargement in polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is caused by the proliferation of mural epithelial cells and transepithelial fluid secretion into the cavities of innumerable cysts. Arginine vasopressin (AVP) stimulates the proliferation of human PKD cells in vitro via cAMP-dependent activation of the B-Raf/MEK (MAPK/ERK kinase/extracellular signalregulated kinase (ERK) pathway. ERK activity is elevated in cells that line the cysts in animals with PKD, and AVP receptor antagonists reduce ERK activity and halt disease progression. For suppression of the effect of AVP physiologically, water intake was increased in PCK rats, a model of PKD, and the effect on renal morphology, cellular mechanism, and function was determined. The addition of 5% glucose in the drinking water increased fluid intake approximately 3.5-fold compared with rats that received tap water. In PCK rats, increased water intake for 10 wk reduced urinary AVP excretion (68.3%), and urine osmolality fell below 290 mOsmol/kg. High water intake was associated with reduced renal expression of AVP V2 receptors (41.0%), B-Raf (15.4%), phosphorylated ERK (38.1%), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive renal cells (61.7%). High water intake reduced the kidney/body weight ratio 28.0% and improved renal function. Taken together, these data demonstrate that water intake that is sufficient to cause persistent water diuresis suppresses B-Raf/MEK/ERK activity and decreases cyst and renal volumes in PCK rats. It is suggested that limiting serum AVP levels by increased water intake may be beneficial to some patients with PKD

    A case with concurrent duplication, triplication, and uniparental isodisomy at 1q42.12-qter supporting microhomology-mediated break-induced replication model for replicative rearrangements

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    Background: Complex genomic rearrangements (CGRs) consisting of interstitial triplications in conjunction with uniparental isodisomy (isoUPD) have rarely been reported in patients with multiple congenital anomalies (MCA)/intellectual disability (ID). One-ended DNA break repair coupled with microhomology-mediated break-induced replication (MMBIR) has been recently proposed as a possible mechanism giving rise to interstitial copy number gains and distal isoUPD, although only a few cases providing supportive evidence in human congenital diseases with MCA have been documented. Case presentation: Here, we report on the chromosomal microarray (CMA)-based identification of the first known case with concurrent interstitial duplication at 1q42.12-q42.2 and triplication at 1q42.2-q43 followed by isoUPD for the remainder of chromosome 1q (at 1q43-qter). In distal 1q duplication/triplication overlapping with 1q42.12-q43, variable clinical features have been reported, and our 25-year-old patient with MCA/ID presented with some of these frequently described features. Further analyses including the precise mapping of breakpoint junctions within the CGR in a sequence level suggested that the CGR found in association with isoUPD in our case is a triplication with flanking duplications, characterized as a triplication with a particularly long duplication-inverted triplication-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure. Because microhomology was observed in both junctions between the triplicated region and the flanking duplicated regions, our case provides supportive evidence for recently proposed replication-based mechanisms, such as MMBIR, underlying the formation of CGRs + isoUPD implicated in chromosomal disorders. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of CGRs + isoUPD observed in 1q and having DUP-TRP/INV-DUP structure with a long proximal duplication, which supports MMBIR-based model for genomic rearrangements. Molecular cytogenetic analyses using CMA containing single-nucleotide polymorphism probes with further analyses of the breakpoint junctions are recommended in cases suspected of having complex chromosomal abnormalities based on discrepancies between clinical and conventional cytogenetic findings