51 research outputs found

    Prognosen als Methode zur Reduktion der Offensichtlichkeit von Umfragebefunden: ein Pilotexperiment

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    'Untersucht wird hier eine Methode, die den Eindruck der Offensichtlichkeit von Umfragebefunden reduzieren soll. Versuchspersonen (Vpn) wurden gebeten, die Ergebnisse fĂĽr verschiedene Items aus angenommenen Umfragen vorherzusagen bzw. sie bekamen die Vorhersagen anderer Personen gezeigt. Es zeigte sich, dass diese MaĂźnahmen dazu fĂĽhrten, dass die Vpn Umfragebefunde als ĂĽberraschender und als interessanter bewerten als Personen der Kontrollgruppe. Keinen systematischen Einfluss haben die Prognosen auf die Bewertung der praktischen NĂĽtzlichkeit der Befunde.' (Autorenreferat)'This paper investigates whether prognoses on the results of surveys help to reduce the common impression of obviousness when encountering survey findings. An experiment was conducted where subjects were asked to predict the results of a number of fictitious survey items and/or they were shown predictions made by other people on these items. It was found that making and/or seeing such prognoses indeed makes survey findings more unexpected and more interesting. On the other hand, prognoses have no systematic effect on the subjects' ratings of the practical usefulness of the findings.' (author's abstract)

    Examining the drivers and outcomes of corporate commitment to climate change action in European high emitting industry

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    Climate change is a major strategic issue for firms that also has global environmental, social and economic implications. This paper draws upon quantitative survey research to examine the drivers and outcomes of corporate commitment to climate change action in European high emitting industry. More specifically, this research examines the significance of business drivers, sustainability drivers, and stakeholder pressure, in motivating corporate commitment to climate change action in such industry. It furthermore assesses relationships between commitment and actual corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) performance. It is found that in European high emitting industry, business drivers and stakeholder pressure, but not sustainability drivers, enhance corporate commitment to climate change action, and that higher commitment leads to improved GHG performance. This paper contributes to hitherto limited empirical work on the drivers and outcomes of corporate commitment to climate change action, particularly in European industry contexts. It also contributes to advancing methodology in the field
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