42 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Upah Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) Unit Spinning III Sukoharjo

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi, kepemimpinan dan upah secara sendiri-sendiri (parsial) maupun bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) Unit Spinning III Sukoharjo. Metode penelitian data menggunakan kuisioner serta studi pustaka. Jumlah responden terdiri dari 100 karyawan dari populasi sebesar 1.000 karyawan PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) Unit Spinning III Sukoharjo. Metode analisis data meliputi uji instrumen penelitian (validitas dan realibilitas), uji asumsi klasik (uji normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, uji heteroskedastisitas, dan uji autokorelasi), dan uji hipotesis (analisis regresi linear berganda, uji t, uji F, dan R^2)

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Mengatasi Kenakalan Siswa Pada Siswa Kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang Tahun 2013/2014

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    Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang muatan agama Islamnya lebih besar dibandingkan dengan lembaga pendidikan yang lain seperti SMU dan SMK, tetapi mempunyai permasalahan yang berkenaan dengan siswa dan peraturan sekolah. Dari pengamatan penulis ada beberapa siswa yang melakukan kenakalan atau pelanggaran terhadap peraturan-peraturan sekolah. Peraturan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya dipatuhi oleh seluruh siswa, sehingga perlu adanya penanganan terhadap permasalahan kenakalan siswa. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah apa saja bentuk-bentuk kenakalan siswa kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang tahun 2013/2014 dan bagaimana strategi guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengatasinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kenakalan siswa kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang tahun 2013/2014 dan strategi guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengatasinya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (Field Research) dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Lokasi penelitian ini di Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara (Interview) mendalam, observasi (pengamatan), dan dokumentasi. Adapun analisis data dilakukan dengan tiga tahapan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian adalah 1) bentuk-bentuk kenakalan siswa kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang masih dalam kategori kenakalan yang bersifat ringan, yaitu pelanggaran tata tertib sekolah. 2) strategi guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengatasi kenakalan siswa kelas XII Madrasah Aliyah Infarul Ghoy Semarang meliputi: a) strategi bersifat preventif (pencegahan), dan b) strategi bersifat kuratif (penyembuhan)

    Strategi Pembinaan Dan Pengembangan Ekstrakurikuler Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Batang Tahun 2016

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    Education in schools generally organize two activities, namely intra-curricular and extracurricular. Intrakurikuler is the activity of formal education in schools, meaning that both activities, educational objectives, content and teaching materials, as well as the method of presentation has been made clearly and poured in a set of rules or a handle that has been validated. While extracurricular educational activities are outside of subjects. Extracurricular Islamic Religious Education in school is the learning activities of Islamic education is done outside school hours intrakurikuler, held in the school or outside the school in an effort fostering religious to expand the knowledge, insight, ability, improve and apply the value of the knowledge and skills that have been learned intra-curricular activities. Ektrakulikuler Islamic Education is expected to fortify and prepare students in the era of globalization.This research uses descriptive qualitative research design. Qualitative description is basically observing people in everyday life with a reasonable situation, interact with them, doing interviews and trying to make sense of language, habits, and behaviors associated with the research focus The results showed that the strategy of development and extracurricular educational development of Islam in SMK N 1 Batang, to use new member coaching strategies and coaching program. Streategi development through evaluation, socialization, and KIAS approach. Obstacles encountered include: lack of infrastructure, the active role of teachers and parents, students' awareness

    Evaluasi Perbandingan Biaya Dan Metode Pelaksanaan Kontruksi Pada Pekerjaan Peningkatan Jalan Perkerasan Kaku Dengan Perkerasan Lentur Studi Kasus : Overlay Jalan Bade Batangan Tahap III Kecamatan Klego Kabupaten Boyolali

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    Tugas akhir ini dilakukan untuk penelitian evaluasi antara penggunaan jalan perkerasan kaku yang akan diganti dengan perkerasan lentur pada pembangunan jalan proyek Peningkatan Jalan Bade – Batangan Tahap III, Kecamatan Klego, Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian ini akan membandingkan ke dua kontruksi perkerasan dari segi biaya, dan metode pelaksanaan. Aspek biaya merupakan salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan proyek kontruksi jalan. Oleh sebab itu perlu adanya perencanaan biaya yang baik agar tidak terjadi pemborosan. Perbandingan biaya kontruksi difokuskan pada biaya lapis permukaan dan leveling sepanjang 650 m antara perkerasan kaku dengan perkerasan lentur. Metode penelitian dibagi dalan 3 (tiga) tahap yaitu tahap pertama adalah studi pustaka dan survey awal, tahap kedua adalah pengumpulan data sekunder, dan tahap ketiga adalah analisa hasil dan kesimpulan saran. Hasil analisis biaya masing – masing kontruksi diatas untuk lapis perkerasan kaku sebesar Rp. 908.846.000,00 dan untuk lapis perkerasan lentur sebesar Rp. 920,642,000.00 sudah termasuk PPN 10 %. Dengan kelebihan biaya sebesar Rp. 11.796.000,00 dari biaya perkerasan lentur dengan nilai Rp. 920,642,000.00 hanya dapat menghampar lapis permukaan perkerasan lentur sepanjang 628,08 m. Perbedaan dari segi metode pelaksanaan antara metode perkerasan kaku dan metode perkerasan lentur terdapat perbedaan yang mendasar untuk perkerasan kaku tanpa memerlukan pemadatan sedangkan perkerasan lentur membutuhkan proses pemadatan dengan 3 tahap yaitu pemadatan awal, pemadatan antara, pemadatan akhir. Untuk perkerasan kaku harus melakukan pemasangan bekesting untuk penghamparan material sedangkan perkarsaan lentur tanpa pemasangan bekesting untuk penghamparan material

    Kajian Arah Perkembangan Permukiman Dan Kesesuaian Lahan Permukiman Eksisting Tahun 2019 Dengan Rtrw Di Kota Madiun Tahun 2010 Dan 2019

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    Population growth in Madiun City increases every year with a population growth rate of 0.40% from 2010 to 2017 which results in the development of settlements in Madiun City increasing rapidly, which developments occur in areas that are not prioritized for settlements, the impact of settlement development irregular can result in land for agriculture increasingly decreasing, the area of agricultural land in Madiun City is 926 Ha in 2016 to 901 Ha in 2018 and makes rice production in Madiun City insufficient for the needs of local residents. This study aims to 1) determine the direction of settlement development and 2) the suitability of existing residential land in 2019 with the Madiun City RTRW map for 2010-2030. The research method used is map analysis and secondary data analysis This study uses secondary data issued by Madiun City agencies, namely the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), BAPPEDA. The results of this study are in the form of a map of settlement development in 2010 and 2019 as well as a map of the suitability of existing residential land in 2019 with the RTRW of Madiun City, the fastest development occurred in Taman Subdistrict, increasing 14% or 102.39 Ha and heading to the southeast, while the slowest increase in Mangunharjo Subdistrict is 9% or 49.64 Ha which leads to the west. The suitability of existing residential land in 2019 with the RTRW of Madiun City is 77% or 1997.35 Ha, the highest level of settlement land mismatch is in Mangunharjo Subdistrict, 28% or 170.29 Ha of the total settlement area of 590.84 Ha, and the lowest was in Taman Subdistrict with 19% or an area of 151.31 Ha of the total 813.7 Ha of settlements. Keywords: settlement, suitability, spatial plan, madiun

    Interferensi Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMK Batik 2 Surakarta

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    This research has two goals. 1) Identify the forms of English language to Indonesian language interference in Indonesian language learning in SMK Batik 2 Surakarta. 2) Describe what factors are behind the interference of English language in Indonesian language in Indoneisa learning in SMK Batik 2 Surakarta. This type of research is a qualitative method with field research. The data in this research in the form of words or sentences. Source of research data taken from teach when the teacher and student questionnaires. Data collection techniques used in this study refer to the method and note, because the source data is in the form of text. Validation used in this research is the triangular theory. The data analysis techniques in the form of stage stage stage of transcription, the clarification of the data, and the writing of research results. This research get summary that interference is contained in the study in SMK Batik 2 Surakarta is a morphological interference with affixes, reduplication and copositum. There are several factors cause the occurrence of interference to the United Kingdom language language language learning in Indonesia, Indonesia. 1) factor bilingualism this happen because in the process of language learning teacher Indonesia sometimes use language of United Kingdom. So that learners experience the contact language in communicating. 2) factor habits students use slang in communicating good school environment in which they live

    A meta-analysis to evaluate the effects of garlic supplementation on performance and blood lipids profile of broiler chickens

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    The present meta-analysis examined the effects of garlic supplementation on the average daily gain (ADG) and blood lipids profile of broiler chickens by aggregating 40 peer-reviewed articles published between 1991 and 2021. The studies assessing garlic intervention effects on broiler diets were selected from Scopus, Science Direct, Web of Science, PubMed Central, and DOAJ databases based on eligibility criteria developed referring to PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Hedges’ g effect size of dietary garlic treatment was calculated to estimate the standardized means difference (SMD) at 95% Confident Interval (95% CI) using random-effects models (REM) based on DerSimonian and Laird method. A subgroup meta�analysis was performed to clarify potentially significant effect sizes of covariates (study country, garlic form, rearing period, and strains of birds). A linear mixed-effect model was used to assess the inclusion levels effect along with the above-mentioned covariates. Results suggested that dietary garlic increased ADG (SMD = 3.239, 95% CI = 2.360 to 4.120, P < 0.001), and decreased feed intake (FI) (SMD = -2.230, 95% CI = -3.141 to -1.320, P < 0.001) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) (SMD = SMD = -0.059, 95% CI = -0.080 to -0.040, P < 0.001). The increasing effects on ADG were consistent among the type of garlic (garlic powder, extracted, and fermented), rearing periods (starter, grower, and finisher), most broiler strains, and in most countries where the study was carried out), with few exceptions such as studies from Pakistan, Poland, and Indonesia but the sample sizes were small. Highest increasing effect was observed during grower period (SMD = 3.828; P < 0.001). Subgroup meta�analysis also showed that decreasing effects on FI and FCR were found in grower and finisher periods (P < 0.01) but were not observed in the starter period (P > 0.05). Additionally, the relationship between levels and performance depended on the rearing periods as shown by the significant interaction effects between levels and rearing period (P < 0.001). In particular, increasing garlic levels linearly increased ADG and decreased FI and FCR in the finisher period (P < 0.05) but no relationship was observed for starter and grower periods. This study also provided strong evidence that garlic improved blood lipids profile in broiler chickens as shown by decreasing the concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL while increasing HDL at the same time, regardless of dietary levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the present meta-analysis demonstrated that growth�promoting, hypolipidemic and hypocholesterolemic effects of garlic supplementation on broiler chickens were confirmed in most experimental conditions and rearing periods although the minimum effect was observed in the starter period in terms of ADG. It should be noted that high levels of garlic supplementation are typically un�favorable because it would decrease feed intake. Further study to evaluate low doses of specific bioactive compounds inclusion from garlic on broiler performance and health is warranted to minimize the deleterious effect on feed intake. Keywords: Antioxidant Broiler chickens Growth promoters Meta-analysis Phytobiotic


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