41 research outputs found
Implementation of Exclusive Breast Milk to Mothers With Small Nipples
During breastfeeding, mothers gave a variety of excuses for not breastfeeding their infants, such as multiparous mothers who may be less aware of breastfeeding because they believe their milk supply is running low and mothers with small nipples who find it challenging to breastfeed due to nip damage caused by improper breastfeeding or care for the infant. breast. Both of these factors can make a mother anxious, which stops the oxytocin hormone from working, causing breast milk to be retained in the breast and the mother to switch to formula milk. In Kudaile Village, Tegal Regency, this study intends to examine the variables that affect women with cracked nipples applying exclusive breastfeeding. Finding factors that affect the adoption of exclusive breastfeeding is the specific goal of this study, which can help to increase. This study employs an observational design and a qualitative methodology. In-depth interview procedures were used to gather the data in accordance with the rules for interviewing and watching people. Field notes were made in addition to recording the interview outcomes. The researcher employed source triangulation, which involves gathering information from various sources (informant families) using the same
Complementary and alternative medicine in some midwifery communities has become an important part of midwifery practice. For midwives and women, complementary midwifery services are an alternative choice to reduce medical interventions in postpartum and breastfeeding mothers. Complementary therapy is one of the community's treatment options, especially for postpartum and breastfeeding mothers. The purpose of this study was to determine the experiences of postpartum and breastfeeding mothers with complementary postpartum midwifery care. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological design. Data collection was carried out by way of in-depth interviews. The sample of this study were 10 respondents consisting of 5 postpartum and breastfeeding mothers who used complementary postpartum midwifery care as the main informants and 5 husband respondents as triangulation informants using purposive sampling technique. The results of this research are that postpartum and breastfeeding mothers have good experience and are happy with providing complementary postpartum midwifery care, the response of respondents is good, because they can provide alternative treatments that are given to provide solutions that occur during postpartum and breastfeeding mothers
Berbagai alasan disampaikan para ibu yang tidak menyusui bayinya diantaranya ibu primipara dimana menyusui merupakan pengalaman awalyang tidilakukan dan akhirnya menyerah dan beralih menggunakan susu formula. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran pengalaman ibu primipara yang telah menyelesaikan proses menyusui eksklusif.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Jumlah informan 2 ibu menyusui yang berada di wilayah kecamatan Tegal Barat. Dari hasil wawancara didapatkan hasil mengenai pengetahuan, persepsi, pemahaman, dan perasaan ibu tentang proses menyusui eksklusif bagi ibu primipara hambatan yang ditemui serta motivasi yang diharapkan. Informasi ini dapat menjadi acuan peneliti dalam pemberian konseling bagi ibu primipara yang menyusui bayinya seja antenatal sampai post natal. Bagi pemerintah dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi keberhasilan program menyusui sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan cakupan ASI eksklusif dalam mengupayakan pertumbuhan serta perkembangan yang optimal di Wilayah Kecamatan Tegal Barat
Persepsi Ibu Hamil Tentang Kehamilan Resiko Tinggi Dengan Kepatuhan Melakukan Antenatal Care Di Desa Begawat Kecamatan Bumijawa Kabupaten Tegal Tahun 2016
Layanan pelayanan kesehatan dimasyarakat belum sepenuhnya dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Ā Antenatal care (ANC) sebagai salah satu upaya penapisan awal dari faktor resiko kehamilan. Salah satu indikator keberhasilan ANC dapat dilihat dari cakupan K4. Cakupan K4 di Kabupaten Tegal tergolong cukup baik, namun masih terdapat cakupan K4 yang rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari cakupan K4nya di Puskesmas Bumi Jawa pada tahun2015 hanya mencapai 67,83% masih dibawah SPM 96% dengan cakupan terendah di Desa Begawat cakupan K4 hanya 40%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi ibu hamil tentang risiko tinggi kehamilanĀ dengan kepatuhan melakukan antenatal careĀ di Desa Begawat Kecamatan Bumijawa tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dengan rancangan penelitian cross sectional. Populasi berjumlah 39 responden dan teknik sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah total sampling. Hasil uji korelasi pada penelitian ini didapatkan pvalue 0,030 < 0,05 sehingga terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara persepsi ibu hamil tentang kehamilan resiko tinggi dengan kepatuhan antenatal care di Desa Begawat Kecamatan Bumijawa Kabupaten Tegal. Persepsi ibu hamil tentang kehamilan resiko tinggi yang baik akan dapat mengubah pola pikir, perilaku dan sikap untuk ibu hamil patuh dalam melakukan ANC. Saran bagi petugas kesehatan dalam peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan penyuluhan dan promosi kesehatan kepada masyaraka
Today many women do not know when is the right time to start getting pregnant and cannot be pregnant again. The situation is too 4 (young, old, close and many) to be an internal factor of the mother which affects the complications of pregnancy and childbirth which have an impact on AKI and AKB. This research was based on the declaration of a KB village in RW 10 Margadana Village. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of the KB Village program in RW 10 Margadana Village. This research is qualitative using descriptive method. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interview techniques in accordance with interview guidelines. The results of interviews were recorded and made field notes with a research model using a model on Public Policy Implementation developed by George C. Edward III. The results of the research showed that from four indicators of the program, two of them have been achieved well, namely disposition and bureaucracy structure, this was because in the implementation of the program of Kampung KB, the program executor and the target were already maximum. Yet the indicators of resources have not met the requirements because of the inadequate facilities. Among the obstacles in the implementation of Kampung KB program were communication from the local government cannot unite related agencies, namely the population and health services, insufficient budgets and the lack of participation and awareness of the community in RW 10 Margadana village. The researcher recommended suggestions: the posts of Kampung KB are to be made specifically for activities related to family planning,, and in the socialization, the BKKBN (National Population and Family Planning Board) Lampung should motivate the community to participate in the implementation of Kampung KB program in RW 10 Margadana Village