184 research outputs found

    An intranet for ISO 9001:2000 standard.

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    Adaptation of the application QUALIFO to communicate with the Photon Kinetics 8000 OTDR

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    In this paper we present the adaptation of QUALIFO, a software designed to assure and control the quality of optic fiber cables, to a new OTDR model, concretely the Photon Kinetics 8000. While the communication with the rest of OTDRs is done through a National Instruments GPIB interface, this new model requires to be programmed with a Visual Basic script, and it is connected to QUALIFO via a simple local area network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Web based application for the selection of cable trays

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    In this paper, we present an application that helps the designers and engineers decide which cable tray is the one they need for their projects. It considers both their section and weight, and from that data it offers the trays that are able to support them. It can select also among some models of bulkheads. The application has been developed in a web environment, using the ASP language in combination with a MySQL database.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Diseño de un sistema de control mediante la implementación de indicadores de gestión en una empresa dedicada a la elaboración, producción y exportación de aceite de pescado ubicada en la ciudad de Guayaquil para el año 2008

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    El presente trabajo consiste a nuestra tesis de grado de Ingeniería, que contiene información obtenida de una empresa industrial aceitera dedicada a la elaboración, producción y comercialización de aceite de pescado, se ha tomado información sustancial que permitirá el desarrollo de este trabajo. Se mostrará la descripción de la empresa, sus procesos, así mismo como las exportaciones, el detalle del sistema de las exportaciones que se utiliza en la empresa y sus productos. El propósito principal es realizar un sistema de indicadores basado en el Balanced Scorecard de las exportaciones que la empresa ha hecho en el periodo fiscal 2007 y 2008, mediante el análisis de las exportaciones, clientes y el sistema actual de la empresa con el sistema de indicadores que realizaremos. Se ejecutará en conformidad a la metodología de una base de datos y las exigencias de Auditoría para el desarrollo y establecimiento de los KPI’s que permitan incrementar los márgenes de exportaciones de la empresa industrial aceitera

    Remote control and monitoring of fire alarm systems

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    Most of the actual fire alarm systems used in small and medium size places in the market works as a standalone systems without the possibility of remote monitoring or configuration. This article shows a new development that provided for one hand, an Alarms and Events Reception System (AERS) that provide remote monitoring of fire alarm systems status based on a LabVIEW application and an additional hardware installed on the fire alarm system providing internet access. And on the other hand, the development of a web server embedded in the fire alarm systems providing system monitoring and configuration based on internet access.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Obsea servers network

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    In this paper will be presented an overview of the information treatment servers structure used in the OBSEA project explaining and justifying the chosen topology.Peer Reviewe

    Política Industrial y Modelo de desarrollo en Ecuador. Periodo 2008-2020. Perspectiva Postcovid

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    The manufacturing industry is an engine of growth, it is currently the basis of the economies of many developing countries, countries that have been moving away from dependence on the export of raw materials and base their productive structure on high-value manufactured goods. In this sense, one of the important aspects to highlight about industrial policies is that they must generate efficiency in this productive area. Therefore, the makers of the industrial policy, must seek the correct action of this policy, one of them is the adequate adoption of an economic model that allows to achieve a true integral development. In this framework, this research was developed, whose objective was to analyze the industrial policy, the development model and the performance of the manufacturing industries of Ecuador for the period 2008-2020. The research presents a theoretical and statistical analysis that allows answering the questions: What has been the development model and the industrial policy strategy designed and implemented? What have been the changes? and What has been the role played by manufacturing industries and what are their post-covid prospects? It is concluded, the model of change of the productive matrix, based on the areas of specialization such as knowledge, professionalization services, commercial, has not managed to consolidate in the last seven years, as to expect that in the medium term a profound change will be observed in the productive structure. Meanwhile, the manufacturing industries despite being an impressive engine in development due to their push on GDP and quality employment, deteriorating trends are observed in their evolution. Therefore, the process of change of the productive matrix in the search for its definitive transformation, must begin by strengthening the manufacturing industries. This is a big challenge given the pstcovid perspectives. Keywords: Industrial Policy, Development Models, Productive Matrix, Manufacturing Industries, Ecuador.La industria manufacturera es un motor de crecimiento, ha sido la base de las economías de muchos países en desarrollo, países que se han ido alejando de la dependencia de la exportación de materias primas y basan su estructura productiva en bienes manufacturados de alto valor. En este sentido, uno de los aspectos importantes a resaltar de las políticas industriales es que deben generar eficacia en este ámbito productivo. Por tanto, los hacedores de la política industrial, debe buscar el correcto accionar de esta política, uno de ellos es la adecuada adopción de un modelo económico que permita alcanzar un verdadero desarrollo integral. En este marco se desarrolló esta investigación, cuyo objetivo, fue analizar la política industrial, el modelo de desarrollo y el desempeño de las Industrias manufactureras de Ecuador para el periodo 2008-2020. La investigación presenta un análisis teórico y estadístico que permite responder a las preguntas: ¿Cuál ha sido el modelo de desarrollo y la estrategia de política industrial diseñada e implementada?, ¿Cuáles han sido los cambios? y ¿Cuál ha sido el papel desempeñado por las industrias manufactureras y cuáles son sus perspectivas postcovid? Se concluye, el modelo de cambio de matriz productiva, basado en las áreas de especialización como conocimiento, servicios de profesionalización, comerciales, no ha logrado afianzarse en los últimos siete años, como para esperar que en el mediano plazo se observe un cambio profundo en la estructura productiva. En tanto, las industrias de las manufacturas a pesar de ser un motor impactante en el desarrollo por su empuje sobre el PIB y el empleo de calidad, se observa desmejoradas tendencias en su evolución. Por tanto, el proceso de cambio de la matriz productiva en la búsqueda de su transformación definitiva, debe empezar fortaleciendo las industrias manufactureras. Esto es un gran reto dada las perspectivas postcovid. Palabras claves: Política Industrial, Modelos de desarrollo, Matriz Productiva, Industrias Manufactureras, Ecuador. ABSTRACT The manufacturing industry is an engine of growth, it is currently the basis of the economies of many developing countries, countries that have been moving away from dependence on the export of raw materials and base their productive structure on high-value manufactured goods. In this sense, one of the important aspects to highlight about industrial policies is that they must generate efficiency in this productive area. Therefore, the makers of the industrial policy, must seek the correct action of this policy, one of them is the adequate adoption of an economic model that allows to achieve a true integral development. In this framework, this research was developed, whose objective was to analyze the industrial policy, the development model and the performance of the manufacturing industries of Ecuador for the period 2008-2020. The research presents a theoretical and statistical analysis that allows answering the questions: What has been the development model and the industrial policy strategy designed and implemented? What have been the changes? and What has been the role played by manufacturing industries and what are their post-covid prospects? It is concluded, the model of change of the productive matrix, based on the areas of specialization such as knowledge, professionalization services, commercial, has not managed to consolidate in the last seven years, as to expect that in the medium term a profound change will be observed in the productive structure. Meanwhile, the manufacturing industries despite being an impressive engine in development due to their push on GDP and quality employment, deteriorating trends are observed in their evolution. Therefore, the process of change of the productive matrix in the search for its definitive transformation, must begin by strengthening the manufacturing industries. This is a big challenge given the pstcovid perspectives. Keywords: Industrial Policy, Development Models, Productive Matrix, Manufacturing Industries, Ecuador. Información del manuscrito:Fecha de recepción: 05 de julio de 2023.Fecha de aceptación: 20 de septiembre de 2023.Fecha de publicación: 16 de octubre de 2023