53 research outputs found

    Control of gastrointestinal nematodes in organic beef cattle through grazing management

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    Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are a major health and economic risk factor in ruminant production in organic and conventional farms (Thamsborg et al., 1999). Fattening of organic beef cattle (OBC) on pasture is an emerging area for organic farmers in Switzerland, which partly compensates the declining development in dairy production. So far, there are no data available about the parasitic status of beef cattle kept in organic farms between weaning (4-6 month) and slaughter (24-26 month). The aim of the present study was to assess the parasitological status of organic beef cattle in the pre-alpine and alpine region of Switzerland and to analyse the benefits of different grazing strategies for GIN control

    Biologische Helminthenkontrolle bei Weidetieren mit nematophagen Pilzen

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    Aufgrund ihrer weiten Verbreitung und der erheblichen Pathogenität einiger Spezies stellen gastrointestinale Nematoden bei Weidetieren ein Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Die Kontrolle dieser Parasiten basiert seit mehreren Jahrzehnten nahezu ausschliesslich auf dem Einsatz von Entwurmungsmitteln (Anthelminthika). Diese Tatsache hat speziell bei den Magen-Darm-Nematoden (MDN) der kleinen Wiederkäuer und bei den kleinen Strongyliden des Pferdes weltweit zu einer erheblichen Resistenzentwicklung geführt, von denen im Falle der ovinen MDN sämtliche kommerziell verfügbaren Anthelminthika-Klassen betroffen sind. Da sich praxisreife Alternativstrategien für die Parasitenbekämpfung bisher nicht ausreichend etablieren konnten, führt die verschärfte Resistenzlage zu einem Anstieg des (häufig nutzlosen) Medikamenteneinsatzes. Von dieser Entwicklung sind die ökologisch wirtschaftenden und konventionellen Betriebe gleichermassen betroffen. Vor allem im Hinblick auf eine Erweiterung der Prophylaxemöglichkeiten in Ökobetrieben wird die Suche nach Alternativen zum Anthelminthika-Einsatz derzeit erheblich vorangetrieben. Eine noch in Entwicklung befindliche Methode basiert auf dem Einsatz natürlich vorkommender nematophager Pilze, die eine erhebliche Reduktion des Infektionsdruckes auf der Weide bewirken können

    Tanniferous forage plants with anthelmintic properties: the example of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)

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    Introduction: Sainfoin is a high-quality condensed tannin containing forage plant. The knowledge about anthelmintic effects against sheep nematodes and about the influence of plant preservation (e.g. ensiling) on the anthelmintic activity is limited. Method: 36 parasite naïve lambs (6 groups of 6 animals each) were infected with H. contortus (7,000 L3) and C. curticei (15,000 L3). From day 28 until day 44 p.i., groups A1, B1 and C1 received fresh, dried or ensiled sainfoin. Groups A2, B2 and C2 served as respective tannin-free controls. Individual faecal egg counts on a dry matter basis (FECDM) were performed every 3-4 days. On day 44, all animals were slaughtered and adult worm populations were determined. Results: The consumption of sainfoin was associated with a reduction of adult H. contortus (35% (P<0.1), 47% (P<0.05) and 49% (P<0.1) for fresh, dried and ensiled sainfoin, respectively) but had little effect on adult C. curticei. Compared to the controls, H. contortus specific FECDM was reduced by 62% (P<0.05), 58% (P<0.01) and 48% (P<0.1) for fresh, dried and ensiled sainfoin. FECDM specific to C. curticei were decreased by sainfoin hay and silage (hay 81% , silage 74%, both tests P<0.001) but were unchanged when fresh sainfoin was administered. Conclusion: For H. contortus the FECDM decrease seemed to be due to a nematocidal effect towards adult H. contortus. In contrast for C. curticei, the reduction in FECDM appeared to be a result of a reduced per capita fecundity. The use of conserved tanniferous fodder offers promising perspectives as a complementary control approach against nematodes in sheep

    Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) silage and hay against gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs

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    The objective of the study was to examine the effect of dried and ensiled sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) against two species of gastrointestinal nematodes (Haemonchus contortus, Cooperia curticei) in lambs. Twenty-four days post experimental infection, 24 lambs were allocated to 4 equal groups. Group A and B received sainfoin silage and control silage respectively for 16 days. Groups C and D were fed on sainfoin hay or control hay for the same period. Feeds were administered ad libitum and mean refusals and live weight were regularly recorded. Individual faecal egg counts (FEC) were performed twice weekly. After the feeding period all lambs were slaughtered for post mortem investigation. The consumption of sainfoin hay was associated with a significant reduction of the adult H. contortus burden by 47 % (P < 0.05) whereas no significant difference was seen when feeding sainfoin silage (49 %, P = 0.112). The C. curticei worm burden was not significantly reduced by either sainfoin hay or silage. At slaughter FEC were significantly reduced by sainfoin hay by 64 % (P < 0.001) compared to the control feed. After feeding sainfoin silage FEC decreased by 48 % (P = 0.056). There was a tendency of better live weight gain in sainfoin hay fed animals compared to the control fed ones (P=0.07). These results demonstrate a nematocidal effect of a tanniferous forage legume against gastrointestinal nema¬¬todes, which was more pronounced against H. contortus. The antiparasitic effects were largely preserved when feeding sainfoin silage, suggesting this conservation procedure to be a valuable alternative to hay

    Kontrolle von Magen-Darm-Strongyliden bei Schafen

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    In der Schaf- und Ziegenhaltung stellt der Befall mit Magen-Darm-Strongyliden (MDS) einen wesentlichen Problemfaktor für die Tiergesundheit dar. Klinische und subklinische Erkrankungen können von erheblicher wirtschaftlicher Relevanz sein. Eine zunehmende Resistenzentwicklung gegen seit langem eingesetzte Anthelminthika hat derzeit einen intensivierten Einsatz dieser Wirkstoffe zur Folge und verschärft das Problem somit zusätzlich

    Gesundheit erhalten statt Krankheit kurieren. Tiergesundheit im ökologischen Landbau [Maintain health instead of disease curing - Animal health in organic farming]

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    Die Gesundheit der Nutztiere wird im ökologischen Landbau als die Basis für eine angemessene und dauerhafte Leistung bei hohen Produktqualitäten angesehen. Ziel ist die Erhaltung und Förderung der Tiergesundheit als Grundlage hoher Spezialleistungen. Gleichzeitig ist die Erhaltung der Tiergesundheit auch das größte Problem und die größte Herausforderung im ökologischen Landbau. Während im Pflanzenbau der Verzicht auf chemisch-synthetische Pflanzenschutzmittel von Anbeginn des ökologischen Landbaus festgeschrieben ist, wird bei der ökologischen Tierhaltung eine Behandlung mit chemisch-synthetischen allopathischen Tierarzneimitteln erlaubt, wenn auch unter strengen Richtlinien und z.B. bei BIOLAND auf der Basis einer Negativliste. Es ist eben ein Unterschied, ob eine Pflanze oder ein Tier erkrankt ist, das Verhindern von Tierleiden wird höher bewertet als der Verzicht auf unerwünschte Wirkstoffe. Medikamente, die der Leistungssteigerung dienen oder Einfluss auf die Reproduktion haben, werden aber strikt abgelehnt. Seit 24.8.2000 ist eine Ergänzung zur Verordnung (EWG) Nr.2092/91, die Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1804/99, in Kraft getreten. Dort sind die Bedingungen der Tierhaltung im ökologischen Landbau der gesamten europäischen Gemeinschaft festlegt

    Effect of gastro-intestinal nematode infection on sheep performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections are common in domestic sheep and impact directly and indirectly on the health of infected animals as well as on the associated economic production. In this study, we aim at summarizing the current knowledge on the influence of GIN infections on sheep production by conducting a systematic review. A subsequent meta-analysis of relevant studies was performed to provide an estimate of the effect of GIN infections on weight gain, wool production and milk yield. Methods: A literature search was performed on the CAB, Pubmed and Web of Science database for the period 1960–2012. Inclusion criteria were: 1) Measurement of at least one production parameter. 2) Comparison between groups of sheep with different nematode burdens. 3) Same conditions regarding all aspects except parasite burden between groups. 4) Quantitative measurements of one or more production traits. Results: Altogether, 88 studies describing 218 trials were included in this review. The majority of studies (86 %) reported that GIN infections had a negative effect on production but this was reported to be statistically significant in only 43 % of the studies. Meta-analysis indicated that performances of sheep infected with nematodes was 85, 90 and 78 % of the performance in uninfected individuals for weight gain, wool production and milk yield respectively. Our results suggest a possible reporting bias or small study effect for the estimation of the impact of GIN infections on weight gain. Finally, a general linear model provided an estimate for the decrease in weight gain in relation to the increase in faecal egg count of nematodes. Conclusion: This study underlines the importance of GIN infections for sheep production and highlights the need to improve parasite management in sheep, in particular in face of challenges such as anthelmintic resistance. Keywords: Sheep, Gastro-intestinal nematodes, Impact, Weight, Wool, Milk, Productio

    Individual administration of three tanniferous forage plants to lambs artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus and Cooperia curticei

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    We investigated direct anthelmintic effects associated with the feeding of fresh tanniferous forages against established populations of Haemonchus contortus and Cooperia curticei in lambs. Twenty-four parasite naive lambs were inoculated with a single dose of infective larvae of these two parasites 27 days prior to the start of the feeding experiment. Lambs were individually fed with either chicory (Cichorium intybus), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) or a ryegrass/ lucerne mixture (control) for 17 days. Animals where then united to one flock and subjected to control feeding for another 11 days to test the sustainability of potentially lowered egg excretion generated by tanniferous forage feeding. When compared to the control, administration of all tanniferous forages was associated with significant reductions of total daily faecal egg output specific to H. contortus (chicory: 89%; birdsfoot trefoil: 63%; sainfoin: 63%; all tests P < 0.05) and a tendency of reduced H. contortus worm burden (chicory: 15%; birdsfoot trefoil: 49% and sainfoin: 35% reduction). Irrespective of the condensed tannin (CT) containing fodder, no anthelmintic effects were found against C. curticei. Cessation of CT-feeding followed by non-CT control feeding did not result in a re-emergence of faecal egg counts based on faecal dry matter (FECDM) in any group, suggesting that egg output reductions are sustainable. The moderate to high concentrations of CTs in birdsfoot trefoil (15.2 g CTs kg-1 dry matter (DM)) and sainfoin (26.1 g CTs kg-1 DM) were compatible with the hypothesis that the antiparasitic effect of these forages is caused by their content of CTs. For chicory (3 g CTs kg-1 DM), however, other secondary metabolites need to be considered. Overall, birdsfoot trefoil and in particular sainfoin seem promising candidates in contributing to an integrated control strategy against H. contortus not only by mitigating parasite related health disturbances of the host but also by a sustained reduction of pasture contamination. # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Weidemanagement beugt Parasitenbefall vor

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    Magen-Darm-Nematoden, Lungenwürmer und Leberegel sind in der Bio Weide-Beef-Haltung weit verbreitet, stellen aber derzeit kein gravierendes Problem dar. Mit einem geeigneten Weidemanagement ist Aufzucht und Mast von Jungrindern auch bei geringem Einsatz von Medikamenten gegen Magen-Darm-Parasiten möglich. Zu diesem Schluss kommt eine Studie, die das FiBL im Auftrag der Migros durchgeführt hat

    Pastevní výkrm skotu

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    Odbytové možnosti pro hovězí biomaso z pastevního výkrmu jsou ve Švýcarsku dobré. Úspěšný je však jen takový chovatel, který ovládá management vedení stáda a pastvy, krmení a posouzení jatečné zralosti, a může tak nabízet maso žádané kvality za přijatelnou tržní cenu. Tato příručka k tomu poskytuje technické údaje a shrnuje znalosti zkušených praktiků