186 research outputs found

    Supporting local authorities to plan energy efficiency in public buildings: from local needs to regional planning

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    The support offered to local authorities in this work consisted of technical and economic training on the integration of energy efficiency measures as well as the development of tools (guidelines, a decision support tool, databases and a visualization platform) that allow local authorities to prepare their building renovation plans. These tools are found very useful for local authorities, particularly in the case of Teruel province, characterised by many small municipalities whose local governments do not have the technical staff to undertake this type of planning. As a result of this work, an energy action plan was elaborated for the implementation of 96 energy efficiency measures in public buildings of Teruel province. The execution of this plan would allow energy savings of 1.3 MWh/year and 245 tonsCO2e/year of CO2 emission reduction, involving an investment of EUR 1.2 M. The close collaboration with public authorities made it possible to assess the strengths and weaknesses of using the developed tools. One of the barriers found is the availability of accurate building data (e.g., regarding envelope features) necessary for the decision support tool

    Structural characterization and energy performance of novel hybrid PVT solar-panels through 3-D FEM and CFD simulations

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    Hybrid Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) panels generate both power and heat from the same area with overall efficiencies up to 70%. This work assesses the performance of novel hybrid PVT solar panels considering alternative geometries and materials that maximize heat transfer while allowing weight and cost reductions. A three-dimensional (3-D) model previously developed and validated using 3-D Finite-Element and Computational Fluid-Dynamics (FEM and CFD) software is used for this purpose. The most promising configurations and materials for the absorber-exchanger unit of the proposed PVT panel are studied to analyse their energy performance and behaviour in terms of a thermal-stress assessment. Apart from an assessment of the steady-state performance, for the type of solar PVT panels considered, especially those made of polymeric materials, it is important to evaluate the thermal expansion that the collector suffers, so as to verify whether the associated thermal stresses and strains are within the limits that guarantee a proper performance during its lifetime. The most promising PVT panel is then integrated within a Solar Combined Heat and Power (S-CHP) system for power and heating provision to a single-family house located in Zaragoza (Spain), in order to assess its daily energy performance through transient simulations on half-hourly basis. The results show that these novel polymeric PVT panel configurations are a promising alternative to commercial PVT panel designs, achieving an improved thermal performance compared to a reference case (4% higher optical efficiency and 15% lower heat loss coefficient), while suffering lower strains in most of the PVT layers. Furthermore, the novel polycarbonate 3×2 mm flat-box configuration has the potential to cover, on average, around 50% of the total space heating and Domestic Hot Water (DHW) demand and around 87% of the total electricity demand (including lighting, cooling and home appliances)

    The challenges of solar hybrid PVT systems in the food processing industry

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    This paper assesses the challenges of alternative solar systems based on hybrid PVT collectors coupled with an absorption chiller (AbCH, single-stage NH3-H2O) in the food-processing industry, from the technical, economic and environmental points of view. This type of industry is usually characterised by a constant cooling demand throughout the year, hot water demand for production processes and electricity consumption for factory equipment and lighting. To the authors’ knowledge, this work constitutes one of the first studies to address the integration of PVT-water collectors with a single-stage NH3-H2O AbCH for industrial applications. Two alternative PVT-water collectors are analysed, covered and uncovered. A biomass boiler is proposed as an auxiliary heater. To compare the proposed solar solutions, a vegetable and fruit processing and canning factory is considered as a representative case study. Hourly transient simulations considering the real factory demands and real weather data are performed over a year. Two main challenges are found for the solar systems based on the covered PVT collectors, an AbCH and a biomass boiler: the overlapping of the cooling and hot water demands of the food-processing industry, and the high hot water temperatures required. If, alternatively, the current electrical chillers are retained, the system based on uncovered PVT collectors has a reasonable-to-attractive payback time (14.3 years). When the potential environmental benefit is quantified (through carbon pricing), all the proposed solar systems become economically attractive, i.e., with positive total cost savings at the end of the system lifetime. Still, the high cost of PVT collectors, along with the considerably lower price of fuels compared to electricity, hinder the potential of systems that displace fossil fuels

    Experimental validation of a solar system based on hybrid photovoltaic-thermal collectors and a reversible heat pump for the energy provision in non-residential buildings

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    This work aims to validate a transient model of a solar hybrid pilot plant based on photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors integrated via thermal storage tanks with an air-to-water reversible heat pump (rev-HP). The pilot plant is in operation and provides space heating, cooling, domestic hot water (DHW) and electricity to an industrial building located in Zaragoza (Spain). The plant consists of eight uncovered PV-T collectors (2.6 kWe, 13.6 m2), two water tanks and a rev-HP with a nominal thermal power of 16 kW for heating and 10.5 kW for cooling. The validation results show that the transient model fits the experimental performance of the PV-T collectors, with an average error of -16% and 3%, for the thermal and electrical generation respectively. The accuracy of the estimated rev-HP performance depends on the operation mode. The estimated COP in cooling mode has an average error of 14%, while in heating mode has an average error of -10%. The results show that the integration of the thermal and electrical generation of the PV-T collectors with a high-performance rev-HP allows the solar PV-T system to be self-sufficient to satisfy the building energy demand

    Thermodynamic and economic assessments of a hybrid PVT-ORC combined heating and power system for swimming pools

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    T he thermodynamic and economic performance of a solar combined heat and power (S - CHP) system based on an array of hybrid photovoltaic - thermal (PVT) collectors and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) engine is considered for the provision of heating and power to swimming pool facilities . Priority is given to meet ing the thermal demand of the swimming pool , in order to ensure a comfortable condition for swimmers in cold er weather conditions, while excess thermal output from the collector s at high er temperatures is converted to electricity by the ORC engine in warm er weather conditions. The thermodynamic performance of this system and its dynamic characteristics are analysed on the basis of a transient thermodynamic model. Various heat losses and gains are considered in accordance to environmental and user - rela ted factors for both indoor and outdoor swimming pools. A case study is then performed for the swimming pool at the University Sport Centre (USC) of Bari, Italy. The r esults show that employing a zeotropic mixture of R245fa/ R227ea (30/70%) as the ORC working fluid allows such an ORC system to generate ~50% more power than when using pure R236ea due to the better temperature match of the cycle to the low - temperature hot - water heat source from the output of the PVT collectors . Apart from generating electricity, the ORC engine also alleviates PVT collector overheating , and reduc es the required size of the hot - water storage tank. With an installation of 2000 m 2 of PVT collectors, e nergetic analyses indicate that the proposed S - CHP system can cover 84 - 9 6 % of the thermal demand of the swimming pool during the warm summer months and 61 % of its annual ly integrated total thermal demand. In addition, the system produces a combined (from the collectors and ORC engine) of 328 MWh of electricity per year, corresponding to 36% of the total electricity demand of the USC , with ~4% coming from the ORC engine . The analysis suggests a minimum payback time of 12. 7 years with a n optimized tank volume of 125 m

    Development of new vocational training modules on sustainable buildings maintenance and refurbishment

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    This article presents the methodology and main results obtained in Spain within the FORMAR project, a European-funded project under the Leonardo Da Vinci scheme (Lifelong Learning Programme), whose main goal is to jointly develop training resources and modules to improve the skills on sustainability issues of buildings maintenance and refurbishment workers, in three different European countries: Spain, Portugal (Project Coordinator) and France. The Units of Short-term Training (UST) developed within this project are focused on the VET of carpenters, painters, bricklayers, building technicians and installers of solar panels, and a transversal unit containing basic concepts on sustainable construction and nearly Zero Energy Buildings (n-ZEB) is also developed. In parallel, clients’ guides for the aforementioned professionals are also implemented to improve the information provided to clients and owners in order to support the procurement decisions regarding building products and materials. Therefore, the project provides an opportunity to exchange experiences between organizations of these three European countries, as the UST will be developed simultaneously in each of them, exploring opportunities for training, guidance and exchange of experience. Even though the UST will have a common structure and contents, they will be slightly different in each country to adapt them to the different specific training needs and regulations of Spain, Portugal and France. This paper details, as a case study, the development process of the UST for carpenters and building technicians in Spain, including the analysis of needs and existing training materials, the main contents developed and the evaluation and testing process of the UST, which involves the active participation of several stakeholders of this sector as well as a classroom testing to obtain the students’ feedback

    Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for energy efficiency in buildings: Review and analysis of results from EU pilot projects

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    Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) can play a potential role in improving the energy performance of buildings by the implementation of effective solutions that take advantage of the energy interactions between all the elements included in a building. A revision of the 105 pilots implemented or under implementation in 18 projects in the area of ICTs for energy efficiency in buildings located in 23 European countries, through 88 cities with different types of climates, buildings and technologies have been carried out through documentary and field analysis of the energy, economic and social project results. These results have been extrapolated to assess the potential energy savings which could be expected at the EU level by implementing the solutions proposed by the projects. By the implementation of the different ICT solutions, buildings have achieved more than 20% energy savings. Pilots have demonstrated that the effectiveness of the ICT solution does not depend directly on the different climates where the solutions are implemented, but on several factors, such as the level of motivation, perceived thermal comfort, quality of social interaction and communication and ICT support

    Energy Performance Certification of Faculty Buildings in Spain: The gap between estimated and real energy consumption

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    A systematic method has been established to perform and analyse in detail the Energy Performance Certification of 21 Faculty Buildings located at the University of Zaragoza (Spain), according to the transposition of Directive 2010/31/EU. First of all, the problem background and a review of the state-of-the-art of the energy certification in buildings is outlined, regarding both the actual state of the Government regulations and the studies undertaken in several countries to assess the energy performance of different types of buildings, residential and non-residential. A summary of the causes found in other studies for the discrepancies between the estimated (by simulation) and actual energy consumption is shown which is afterwards tested and compared with the results found in the present study. Thereafter, the method followed to undertake the buildings’ Energy Performance Certification is explained, and the main results found together with the discussion are detailed, comparing actual vs. estimated energy consumption in the different case studies and proposing reasons for these deviations. The energy consumption breakdown by uses for several buildings is also analysed, and potential improvements for the simulation software are assessed

    Thermoeconomic assessment of a spectral-splitting hybrid PVT system in dairy farms for combined heat and power

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    We investigate the thermoeconomic potential of a solar-combined heat and power (S-CHP) system based on concentrating, spectral-splitting hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collectors for the provision of electricity, steam and hot water for processing milk products in dairy applications. Transient simulations are conducted by using a system model with real-time demand and weather data as inputs, taking account of the spectrum-selective features of the PV cells as well as key heat transfer mechanisms that determine the electrical and thermal performance of the PVT collector. Economic performance is also assessed by considering the investment and savings enabled by the reduced electrical and fuel consumption. The results show that incorporating spectral beam-splitting technology into hybrid PVT collectors can be effective in maintaining the PV cells at low temperatures, while at the same time supplying thermal outputs (fluid streams) at temperatures significantly higher than then cell temperatures for steam generation and/or hot water provision. Based on a 15, 000-m2 installed area, it is found that 80% of the thermal demand for steam generation and 60% of the hot water demand can be satisfied by the PVT S-CHP system, along with a net electrical output amounting to 60% of the demand. Economic and environmental assessments show that the system has an excellent decarbonisation potential (1, 500 tCO2/year) and is economically viable if the investment cost of the spectrum splitter is lower than 0.85 of the cost of the parabolic concentrator (i.e., <2, 150 €/m2 spectrum splitter) in this application

    Osteocondritis disecante de la cabeza del 2º metacarpiano en un niño: a propósito de un caso

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    La osteocondritis disecante en articulaciones de la mano es un proceso muy raro, sólo existen dos casos previos publicados en la literatura. Presentamos un paciente de 10 años de edad con dolor e impotencia funcional de la articulación metacarpofalángica de la mano izquierda de semanas de evolución. Con el diagnós - tico final de osteocondritis disecante realizamos una resección del fragmento libre asociadas a perforaciones con aguja fina. Tras el primer año de seguimiento el paciente se encuentra asintomático y se observa remodelación casi completa de la superficie articular.Ostheocondritis in the hand is a rare process. Only two cases were reported in the previous litera - ture. In this report we present a 10 years old boy with pain and a few functional limitation in second metacarpal phalangeal joint for weeks. With the final diagnosis of osteochondritis dissecans we performed surgery. Intraope - ratively the cartilage flap was removed and some drilling was realized. Before one year the patient was asympto - matic and we observed an improvement of articular surface
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