9 research outputs found

    Dissolved inorganic carbon fixation of Thaumarchaeota vs. Bacteria in the meso- and upper bathypelagic waters of the world’s oceans differentiated with the use of metabolic inhibitors

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    Recent studies suggest that the dark ocean prokaryotes fix inorganic carbon at rates substantially higher than assumed. We have studied the contribution of Archaea vs. Bacteria to total prokaryotic fixation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the meso- and upper bathypelagic waters of the world’s oceans during the Malaspina circumnavigation expedition carried out between December 2010 and July 2011. We used the metabolic inhibitor Erythromycin, an antibiotic specifically inhibiting growth of Bacteria but not affecting Archaea. Bacteria dominated throughout the water column in the three major ocean basins (54% of the total DAPI counts), decreasing in their relative contribution to total prokaryotic abundance from the surface to the meso- and bathypelagic waters. By contrast, the relative contribution of Thaumarchaeota was generally higher in the meso- and bathypelagic layers than in the surface waters (up to 29% of the total DAPI counts in the Pacific Ocean). Averaged over the entire water column, Thaumarchaeota contributed 8%, 33% and 18% to the total prokaryotic DIC fixation in the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. The contribution of Thaumarchaeota to total prokaryotic DIC fixation increased with depth, particularly in the Atlantic below 1000 m depth and in the lower mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Preliminary results from an station in the Atlantic Ocean, combining microautoradiography and fluorescence in situ hybridization (MICRO-CARD-FISH), confirmed that both Thaumarchaeota and some bacterial groups such as SAR 324 take up DIC. Thaumarchaeota and SAR 324 accounted for 7 % and 12% of DIC-positive DAPI-stained cells, respectively, as revealed by MICRO-CARD-FISH. Our results suggest that some phylogenetic groups may be significant contributors to the dark ocean chemoautotrophy

    Differential Response of Cafeteria roenbergensis to Different Bacterial and Archaeal Prey Characteristics

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    In the marine environment, the abundance of Bacteria and Archaea is either controlled bottom-up via nutrient availability or top-down via grazing. Heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) are mainly responsible for prokaryotic grazing losses besides viral lysis. However, the grazing specificity of HNF on specific bacterial and archaeal taxa is under debate. Bacteria and Archaea might have different nutritive values and surface properties affecting the growth rates of HNF. In this study, we offered different bacterial and archaeal strains with different morphologic and physiologic characteristics to Cafeteria roenbergensis, one of the most abundant and ubiquitous species of HNF in the ocean. Two Nitrosopumilus maritimus-related strains isolated from the northern Adriatic Sea (Nitrosopumilus adriaticus, Nitrosopumilus piranensis), two Nitrosococcus strains, and two fast growing marine Bacteria (Pseudoalteromonas sp. and Marinobacter sp.) were fed to Cafeteria cultures. Cafeteria roenbergensis exhibited high growth rates when feeding on Pseudoalteromonas sp., Marinobacter sp., and Nitrosopumilus adriaticus, while the addition of the other strains resulted in minimal growth. Taken together, our data suggest that the differences in growth of Cafeteria roenbergensis associated to grazing on different thaumarchaeal and bacterial strains are likely due to the subtle metabolic, cell size, and physiological differences between different bacterial and thaumarchaeal taxa. Moreover, Nitrosopumilus adriaticus experienced a similar grazing pressure by Cafeteria roenbergensis as compared to the other strains, suggesting that other HNF may also prey on Archaea which might have important consequences on the global biogeochemical cycles

    Niche differentiation of nitrifying and denitrifying Bacteria and Archaea in a seasonal oxygen minimum zone

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    To elucidate the potential for nitrification and denitrification processes in a high latitude deep oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) we determined the abundance and community composition of the main microbial players in the aerobic and anaerobic (anammox) ammonium oxidation and denitrification processes in the Gulf of Alaska throughout the water column. Within the dominant bacterial groups, Flavobacterales, Rhodobacterales, Actinomarinales, and SAR86 were more abundant in epipelagic waters and decreased with depth, whereas SAR11, SAR324, Marinimicrobia, and Thiomicrospirales increased their contribution to the bacterial community with depth. Nitrosopumilaceae also increased with depth and dominated the OMZ and bathypelagic archaeal communities. Euryarchaeota Marine Group II exhibited an opposite depth pattern to Nitrosopumilaceae, whereas Marine Group III and Woesearchaeota were more abundant in the bathypelagic realm. Candidatus Brocadia contributed 70–100% of the anammox bacterial community throughout the water column. Archaeal ammonia oxidizers (AOA) dominated the microbial community involved in the nitrogen cycle. Two AOA ecotypes, the high ammonia (HAC) and low ammonia (LAC)-AOA, characterized by distinct genes for aerobic ammonia oxidation (amoA) and for denitrification (nirK), exhibited a distinct distribution pattern related to depth and ammonia concentrations. HAC-AOA dominated in epipelagic (80.5 ± 28.3% of total AOA) oxygenated and ammonia-rich waters, and LAC-AOA dominated in the OMZ (90.9 ± 5.1%) and bathypelagic waters (85.5 ± 13.5%), characterized by lower oxygen and ammonia concentrations. Bacterial denitrifiers (3.7 ± 6.9 bacterial nirK gene mL−1) and anaerobic ammonia oxidizers (78 ± 322 anammox 16S rRNA genes L−1) were low in abundance under the oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Alaska throughout the water column. The widespread distribution of bacterial denitrifiers and anaerobic ammonia oxidizers in low abundances reveals a reservoir of genetic and metabolic potential ready to colonize the environment under the predicted increase of OMZs in the ocean. Taken together, our results reinforce the niche partitioning of archaeal ammonia oxidizers based on their distinct metabolic characteristics resulting in the dominance of LAC-AOA in a high latitude deep OMZ. Considering the different ecological roles and functions of the two archaeal ecotypes, the expansion of the zones dominated by the LAC-ecotype might have implications for the nitrogen cycle in the future ocean

    Viral populations in the global deep ocean conveyor belt system assessed by targeted viromics

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    Viruses are an abundant, diverse and dynamic component of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. In the ocean, viruses play a key role in the biogeochemical cycles and controlling microbial abundance, diversity and evolution. Recent metagenomics studies assessed the structure of the viral community in the upper ocean. However, little is known about the compositional changes in viral communities along the deep ocean conveyor belt. To assess potential changes in the viral community in the global deepwater circulation system, water samples were collected in the core of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) (∼2,500 m) and Pacific Antarctic Bottom Water (∼4,000 m). Microbial and viral abundance were evaluated by flow cytometry. Subsequently, flow cytometry was used to sort virus-like particles and next generation sequencing was applied to build DNA libraries from the sorted virus populations. The viral communities were highly diverse across different oceanic regions with high dissimilarity between samples. Only 18% of the viral protein clusters were shared between the NADW and the Pacific Antarctic Bottom Water. Few viral groups, mainly associated with uncultured environmental and uncultured Mediterranean viruses were ubiquitously distributed along the global deep-water circulation system. Thus, our results point to a few groups of widely distributed abundant viruses in addition to the presence of rare and diverse types of viruses at a local scale

    Highly variable mRNA half-life time within marine prokaryotic taxa and functional genes

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    Messenger RNA can provide valuable insights into the variability of metabolic processes of microorganisms. However, due to uncertainties that include the stability of RNA, its application for activity profiling of environmental samples is questionable. We explored different factors affecting the decay rate of transcripts of three marine bacterial isolates using qPCR and determined mRNA half-life time of specific bacterial taxa and of functional genes by metatranscriptomics of a coastal environmental prokaryotic community. The half-life time of transcripts from 11 genes from bacterial isolates ranged from 1 to 46 min. About 80% of the analysed transcripts exhibited half-live times shorter than 10 min. Significant differences were found in the half-life time between mRNA and rRNA. The halflife time of mRNA obtained from a coastal metatranscriptome ranged from 9 to 400 min. The shortest half-life times of the metatranscriptome corresponded to transcripts from the same clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) in all bacterial classes. The prevalence of short mRNA half-life time in genes related to defence mechanisms and motility indicate a tight connection of RNA decay rate to environmental stressors. The short half-life time of RNA and its high variability needs to be considered when assessing metatranscriptomes especially in environmental samples

    Mesozooplankton taurine production and prokaryotic uptake in the northern Adriatic Sea

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    Dissolved free taurine, an important osmolyte in phytoplankton and metazoans, has been shown to be a significant carbon and energy source for prokaryotes in the North Atlantic throughout the water column. However, the extent of the coupling between taurine production and consumption over a seasonal cycle has not been examined yet. We determined taurine production by abundant crustacean zooplankton and its role as a carbon and energy source for several prokaryotic taxa in the northern Adriatic Sea over a seasonal cycle. Taurine concentrations were generally in the low nanomolar range, reaching a maximum of 22 nmol L−1 in fall during a Pseudonitzschia bloom and coinciding with the highest zooplankton taurine release rates. Taurine accounted for up to 5% of the carbon, 11% of the nitrogen, and up to 71% of the sulfur requirements of heterotrophic prokaryotes. Members of the Roseobacter clade, Alteromonas, Thaumarchaeota, and Euryarchaeota exhibited higher cell-specific taurine assimilation rates than SAR11 cells. However, cell-specific taurine and leucine assimilation were highly variable in all taxa, suggesting species and/or ecotype specific utilization patterns of taurine and dissolved free amino acids. Copepods were able to cover the bulk taurine requirements of the prokaryotic communities in fall and winter and partly in the spring–summer period. Overall, our study emphasizes the significance of taurine as a carbon and energy source for the prokaryotic community in the northern Adriatic Sea and the importance of crustacean zooplankton as a significant source of taurine and other organic compounds for the heterotrophic prokaryotic community

    Taurine Is a Major Carbon and Energy Source for Marine Prokaryotes in the North Atlantic Ocean off the Iberian Peninsula.

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    Taurine, an amino acid-like compound, acts as an osmostress protectant in many marine metazoans and algae and is released via various processes into the oceanic dissolved organic matter pool. Taurine transporters are widespread among members of the marine prokaryotic community, tentatively indicating that taurine might be an important substrate for prokaryotes in the ocean. In this study, we determined prokaryotic taurine assimilation and respiration throughout the water column along two transects in the North Atlantic off the Iberian Peninsula. Taurine assimilation efficiency decreased from the epipelagic waters from 55 ± 14% to 27 ± 20% in the bathypelagic layers (means of both transects). Members of the ubiquitous alphaproteobacterial SAR11 clade accounted for a large fraction of cells taking up taurine, especially in surface waters. Archaea (Thaumarchaeota + Euryarchaeota) were also able to take up taurine in the upper water column, but to a lower extent than Bacteria. The contribution of taurine assimilation to the heterotrophic prokaryotic carbon biomass production ranged from 21% in the epipelagic layer to 16% in the bathypelagic layer. Hence, we conclude that dissolved free taurine is a significant carbon and energy source for prokaryotes throughout the oceanic water column being utilized with similar efficiencies as dissolved free amino acids