1 research outputs found

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la Clínica Evolution Medical Center

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    Supply Chain Management para el sector prestador de servicios de salud es una filosofía de la que poco se ha hablado en planteamientos académicos, por lo tanto, su impacto empresarial y social aún se encuentra en proceso de exploración y análisis para Colombia, principalmente porque los términos se han enfocado en actividades operativas relacionadas con el movimiento de mercancías, ignorando en un amplio porcentaje el movimiento de usuarios o pacientes sanitarios.Supply Chain Management for the health service provider sector is a philosophy that little has been said about in academic approaches, therefore, its business and social impact is still in the process of exploration and analysis for Colombia, mainly because the terms They have focused on operational activities related to the movement of goods, ignoring a large percentage of the movement of users or healthcare patients. In this sense, the network suffers competitive pressures in a system that is poorly financed and in the same way reduces even more the possibility of receiving the advantages of an integral, strategic and collaborative system typical of contemporaneity and the globalization of the markets of goods and It demands services, which translate as in any business sector into the consumption of unnecessary elements such as human resources, infrastructure, installed or productive capacity, medical-surgical supplies, raw materials and transportation. Specifically, this project seeks to analyze and interpret basic aspects of the supply chain observed during the training process that promote bilateral results to achieve the best levels of quality, efficiency and price that benefit in the long term both individually and collectively at the final consumer, entrepreneurs and suppliers of the supply chain of Evolution Medical Center, thus identifying a unique opportunity to interpret the possibilities of integrating the Supply Chain Management philosophy into their processes