41 research outputs found

    La biblioteca virtual: funci贸n y planteamiento

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    This raises the theoretical underpinnings of the work and indicates that the same happened with the Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalogue not only just a good approach, but it is essential to sustained effort over the years. The study examines the virtual library from the user viewpoint and the reader and shows how their interests are always aiming to achieve the primary document; therefore the objective of the librarian must always save time for the reader (to get the book you want). It shows how a virtual library can be accessed from the same OPAC to multiple sources of digital information and how as a general purpose search engines can access virtual libraries. He insists that the creation of metadata allows digital objects are available, accessible and visible data sets ever greater thanks to the collection of metadata used by aggregators. It makes reference to digital imaging as a first step to establish virtual libraries and how to move beyond using optical character recognition. Particular emphasis is placed on new mobile devices and how reading is necessary to address the problems of copyright from a technical standpoint as well as legal and the need to uniquely identify each digital object. It also refers to the new rules of resource description and access to them, absolutely essential to the digital environment and how it is necessary that the metadata can be transmitted using other metadata in turn containing all information about the digital object and the digital object itself. It stresses the need to preserve digital resources and to develop digital preservation policies unlike as was done with printed books and, finally, is the next goal of virtual libraries in elaborating ontologies for semantic Web using entities and relationships designed specifically for that purpose

    Cantabria鈥檚 Heritage Ontology

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    Description of an ongoing project that aims to model the cultural heritage domain in an ontology, the Cantabria鈥檚 Heritage Ontology, lead by Fundaci贸n Marcelino Bot铆n. The ontology will contain data from different and heterogeneous sources (bibliographic records, finding aids, catalogues, etc.). The project will develop a series of applications that get the most out of the ontology, beginning by a semantic portal. The portal will provide easy and intuitive access to a huge volume of information that comes from heterogeneous sources selected by domain experts. People interested in Cantabria will be able to find with as few clicks as possible, not only the information they are interested in, but also some contextual information that complements the one the user is watching, suggesting new navigation directions, and uncovering hidden relations. The ontology has been designed based on the international standards for cultural models, such as CRM, FRBR or Dublin Core, and W3C recommendations for the semantic web

    SKOS from an epistemological point of view

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    [Resumen] Algunas publicaciones en las que se analizan los sistemas de organizaci贸n del conocimiento parten de un enfoque epistemol贸gico. Esta comunicaci贸n considera err贸nea la adscripci贸n de ese tipo de an谩lisis a la epistemolog铆a propiamente dicha. Se presenta una sucinta revisi贸n de los pasos recorridos por la filosof铆a en su an谩lisis de la formaci贸n del conocimiento, desde su origen en el racionalismo de Descartes, la teorizaci贸n de los l贸gicos y matem谩ticos, hasta llegar a la Web, considerando esta evoluci贸n como propio de la cultura universal, no solo de la cultura occidental. De hecho, la Web intenta ser una analog铆a del modelo del cerebro humano, m谩s r谩pido y m谩s potente. La interconexi贸n entre datos y contenidos y, sobre todo, entre distintos sistemas de organizaci贸n del conocimiento puede hacer que su peso ideol贸gico sea compensado por conexiones l贸gicas e inferencias entre distintos momentos de la historia, entre diferentes lenguas y entre diferentes tradiciones culturales. En la Web va a jugar un papel crucial la interrelaci贸n de sistemas de organizaci贸n del conocimiento producidos desde m煤ltiples culturas que por su misma interrelaci贸n perder谩n parte de su preponderancia ideol贸gica. SKOS ofrece un esquema l贸gico, es el concepto el que se expresa en el marco de una lengua, de una cultura o de una construcci贸n social hist贸rica, pero el modo en el que el concepto se transmite y, sobre todo, se interrelaciona con otros es independiente de esa cultura.[Abstract] Some analysis of Knowledge Organization Systems often offers an epistemological approach. This paper considers that an assignment of this type is an erroneous conception of epistemology itself. We present a brief review of the steps done by Philosophy in its study of the formation of knowledge, from its origins in the rationalism of Descartes, the theorizing of mathematicians and logics, till the Web, considering these developments proper of the universal culture, not just Western culture. In fact, the Web is intended to be an analogy of the human brain model, faster and more powerful. The interconnection between data and content, and especially between different Knowledge Organization Systems can offer supra-ideological connections between different nodes in history, between different languages or between different cultural visions. SKOS provides a logical framework for this relationship; is the concept that is expressed in the context of a language, a culture or a historical social construction, but the way in which the concept has spread and, above all, interacts with others is independent of that culture

    La biblioteca virtual: funci贸n y planteamiento

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    This raises the theoretical underpinnings of the work and indicates that the same happened with the Bibliographic Heritage Union Catalogue not only just a good approach, but it is essential to sustained effort over the years. The study examines the virtual library from the user viewpoint and the reader and shows how their interests are always aiming to achieve the primary document; therefore the objective of the librarian must always save time for the reader (to get the book you want). It shows how a virtual library can be accessed from the same OPAC to multiple sources of digital information and how as a general purpose search engines can access virtual libraries. He insists that the creation of metadata allows digital objects are available, accessible and visible data sets ever greater thanks to the collection of metadata used by aggregators. It makes reference to digital imaging as a first step to establish virtual libraries and how to move beyond using optical character recognition. Particular emphasis is placed on new mobile devices and how reading is necessary to address the problems of copyright from a technical standpoint as well as legal and the need to uniquely identify each digital object. It also refers to the new rules of resource description and access to them, absolutely essential to the digital environment and how it is necessary that the metadata can be transmitted using other metadata in turn containing all information about the digital object and the digital object itself. It stresses the need to preserve digital resources and to develop digital preservation policies unlike as was done with printed books and, finally, is the next goal of virtual libraries in elaborating ontologies for semantic Web using entities and relationships designed specifically for that purpose

    Advances of Bibframe in 2014

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    The progress made by the Bibliographic framework initiative (Bibframe) in 2014 is described. Developments are related to the consolidation of Bibframe at the organizational level, as an element of cooperation between institutions, including those who have different views on linked open data such as OCLC and the Library of Congress. The implementers list has been greatly expanded, making it possible to evaluate Bibframe for various new applications. Finally, advances in the Bibframe data model and in tools available to test this model are summarized

    Bibframe advances in 2016: Perspectives of the new bibliographic model

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    The progress of the Bibframe Initiative in 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 is discussed. The difficulty of transforming the MARC 21 format into a new format lies within the model itself, but also in building a new cataloging ecosystem, both for catalogers and for library software. In spite of this, some of the most important libraries in the world are determined to follow this path. An analogy is drawn with the theoretical model and the subsequent cataloging rules promoted by IFLA, paying attention to the transition from AACR2 and ISBD to RDA, and from the FRBR family to LRM. The advantages that derive from the adoption of a data model adapted to RDA and linked open data are emphasized. OCLC, participating in the Bibframe initiative, has also explored the application of linked open data based on Schema.org. It is reported that the new version of the Bibframe 2.0 vocabulary has already been approved. And, finally, in 2107, the publication of new specifications to transform MARC 21 records to Bibframe will serve as an extension of the knowledge of this new standard

    Semantic enrichment of material in the field of Linked Open Data

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    The main objective of reconciliation and semantic enrichment strategies for subject matter is described: in line with the philosophy of the semantic web, offering the user different ways to search for similar subjects in other information systems located in different parts of the web. These reconciliation and enrichment techniques must form a hybrid procedure of manual, semiautomatic, and automatic operations involving different programs and applications that enable the processing of large datasets at an affordable final cost for cultural institutions. Its application must follow good practices, guidelines, and recommendations, including the W3C, Europeana, and the FAIR principles. Some of the key vocabulary from Spanish material available on Linked Open Data are analyzed for their multilingual capacities. The importance of having standardized reconciliation services available to select Linked Open Data sources for reconciliation and semantic enrichment is noted. It is concluded that the information systems of cultural institutions must offer functionalities that involve the use of enriched subject authority records for searching, navigating, visualizing, and exporting

    Ten years of Europeana

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    On November 20, 2018, it was ten years since Europeana was born. This note summarizes the impact of Europeana and the Spanish contribution to Europeana. Europeana Data Model and related recommendations are valued as the first significant and lasting construction of a European standard for archives, libraries and museums. It is also pointed out Europeana鈥檚 weakest point: its search interface. All figures and web addresses in the note refer to the date November 20, 2018

    El turismo cultural y la digitalizaci贸n del patrimonio en un entorno Linked Open Data: el caso de Europeana

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    The paper reviews the projects developed by Euro-peana to show the role that digitization, linked open data and cultural heritage can play in strengthening the cultural tourism sector. A series of basic statis-tical data about tourism and cultural tourism is provided to frame it as an economic sector. The fundamental strategies of the European institutions on cultural tourism are reviewed, as well as the preponderant role they assign to Europeana. These strategies have been disrupted and accelerated in response to the economic debacle caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The main strategic plans of the Government of Spain for the development of the economy, research and innovation and for the digital transformation of Public Administrations are mentioned, having in mind the role that these plans assign to cultural tourism and memory institutionsEl texto repasa los proyectos desarrollados por Europeana para mostrar el papel que la digitalizaci贸n y los datos abiertos vinculados de patrimonio cultural pueden jugar en el fortalecimiento del sector del turismo cultural. Se aportan una serie de datos estad铆sticos b谩sicos acerca del turismo y del turismo cultural para enmarcarlo como sector econ贸mico, y se revisan las estrategias fundamentales de las instituciones europeas sobre turismo cultural, as铆 como el papel preponderante que le asignan a Europeana. Estas estrategias se han trastocado y acelerado en respuesta a la debacle econ贸mica provocada por la pandemia de COVID-19. Se mencionan los principales planes estrat茅gicos del Gobierno de Espa帽a para el desarrollo de la econom铆a, de la investigaci贸n e innovaci贸n y para la transformaci贸n digital de las Administraciones P煤blicas y el papel que en estos planes se asigna al turismo cultural y a las instituciones de memoria

    Bibframe 2017, between internationalization and landing in Europe

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    This article summarizes the main aspects of the evolution of Bibframe in 2017, including the internationalization of the project (which was intensified by the statement of the Committee on Cataloging: Asian and African Materials (CC:AAM) in support of the internationalization of Bibframe, the extension of the model to Europe, and the first real experience carried out by the National Library of Sweden. In addition, projects that aim to test Bibframe in production are also reviewed