3 research outputs found

    Analysis of the efficiency of Higher Education in Colombia by department from the incoming variables coverage and enrollment

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    The purpose of the following article is to analyze the efficiency of higher education in Colombia by departments specifically in the incoming and outgoing variables of Higher Education institutions in the departments of Colombia in the years 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 that are part of the measurement of efficiency, it can be concluded that the variable of coverage rate in higher education at the departmental level during the years of study and its percentage representation in each department involved, the department with the highest coverage rate is the district of Bogota, being the only one that is part of the range of 66% to 100%,followed by departments in the range of 33% to 66%, represented by 14 departments such as: Quindío, Santander, Risaralda, Boyacá, Atlántico, Antioquia, Caldas, Norte de Santander, Valle del Cauca, Tolima, Bolívar, Huila, Meta and Cauca, but the highest concentration is in the 10% to 33% range, made up of 14 departments comprising Guaviare, Cesar, Magdalena, Cundinamarca, Caquetá, SanAndrés, Sucre, Choco, Nariño, Casanare, Córdoba, La guajira, Arauca and Guainía

    Primera infancia desde las neurociencias: una apuesta para la construcción de paz

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    Con el objeto de identificar los aportes de la neurociencia cognitiva para la construcción de pazen la primera infancia, se realizó análisis documental de artículos resultados de investigación,comprendidos entre 2012-2017, seleccionados de bases bibliográficas científicas como EmeraldInsight, Redalyc, Scielo, Dialnet, Google Académico y GALE, que abordaron los ejes temáticos:neurociencia y primera infancia. El análisis documental se realizó categorizando los aportes delmaterial científico, en: desarrollo neuropsicológico, habilidades cognitivo-sociales, funciona-miento cerebral y estrategias de intervención para la construcción de paz. Se reconocieroncomo las principales competencias ciudadanas a desarrollar en la primera infancia: la empatía,relacionada con las neuronas espejo; la regulación emocional, vinculada con el controlinhibitorio; y la resolución de conflictos, que se relaciona con la fluidez mental y verbal;estudios realizados a preescolares por medio de neuroimagen funcional y electroencefalografíaindican que cuando se llevan a cabo acciones relacionadas con las funciones ejecutivas, seactivan “las áreas de la corteza prefrontal” (Bausela, 2014, p. 29). Así las cosas, se concluyó quelas neurociencias aportan conocimiento sobre el desarrollo psicobiológico, posibilitando lafundamentación de estrategias pedagógicas y de estimulación innovadoras para el fortaleci-miento de competencias ciudadanas necesarias para una sociedad pacífica

    ICT training for the business competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector in the city of Cucuta

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are considered an essential tool in business strategy to promote the competitiveness of companies, with their implementation becoming more relevant in times of global crisis, such as the one currently experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research objective of this paper was to design an ICT training strategy for business competitiveness in the agro-industrial sector, starting with the descriptive phase provided in this paper. This research is based on a quantitative approach and includes a detailed description of agro-industrial companies’ current difficulties in using ICTs. A survey-type instrument with closed questions was carried out. In its application, a sampling plan was made, studying 12 agro-industrial companies from the city of Cúcuta; 242 employees were analyzed. It was identified that agro-industrial companies are at a medium level, scoring 92.9% in ICT use in technology, competitiveness factor, and business education. In conclusion, these companies located at a medium level in terms of ICT use of basic software and hardware for the daily tasks that employees must perform based on the completion objectives proposed by the company. However, in the face of a crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the companies must follow an emergency protocol of migrating to new virtual spaces because these become the main resource for their existence. As a scientific novelty, the research shows that despite the tensions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and although ICTs provided support for the survival of agro-industrial organizations, the city companies have not found ways or strategies to take advantage of the ICT benefits in communication processes, competitiveness, and strengthening of human capital