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    Tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) memiliki potensi terhadap proses penyembuhan luka meliputi luka lecet, luka sayat, luka bakar, luka tusuk. Proses penyembuhan luka memiliki 3 fase proses yaitu fase inflamasi, fase proliferasi, dan fase maturasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan differensiasi bentuk literature farmasi khususnya pada pengobatan luka serta meningkatkan pemanfaaatan tanaman papaya (Carica papaya L.) menjadi sediaan obat herbal terstandar atau bahkan fitofarmaka dimasa yang akan datang. Artikel ini membahas tentang efektivitas tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap penyembuhan luka melalui sebuah narrative review, dari database Google Scholar yang terbit 5 tahun terakhir (2016-2020). Hasil review 10 paper dinyatakan bahwa tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) mengandung berbagai macam senyawa antara lain enzim papain, saponin, flavonoid yang berperan terhadap proses penyembuhan luka. Data dalam review menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tanaman pepaya (Carica papaya L.) yang meliputi bagian getah, batang, biji, dan daun mempunyai efektivitas yang baik terhadap proses penyembuhan luka dan memiliki aktivitas antibakteri penyebab infeksi luka

    Penentuan Kurva Pertumbuhan dan Aktivitas Antibakteri dari Isolat Ekstrak Etil Asetat Bakteri (Te.325) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli

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    The development of infection cases and inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to cases of antibiotic resistance. An alternative to overcoming the many antibiotics that are already resistant to bacteria has led to the discovery of new antibiotics. One of the processes of discovering antibiotics is from microorganisms, namely bacteria. The exploration process for the discovery of antibiotics uses a bacterial growth phase approach, namely the stationary phase which produces secondary metabolites, one of, which are bacteria that contain antibiotic compounds. Te.325 isolate is a producer of bacterial antibiotics but The growth phase is not yet known and can be used to approach the process of obtaining antibiotics. The study was to obtain the growth phase time of the Te.325 isolate and to extract antibiotic compounds from the isolate. The determination of the growth curve is based on the weight of cell biomass and the absorbance value on UV/ Vis spectrophotometry of the culture sampled every day for 14 days of culture incubation. The results showed a log/exponential phase on 5th day and a stationary phase on 9th day. The activity test of the ethyl acetate extract was carried out using the well method with an extract concentration of 40%, which resulted in an average diameter of 8.04mm in Staphylococcus aureus and 9.035mm in Escherichia coli. The ethyl acetate extract of Te.325 has medium potency.Perkembangan kasus infeksi dan penggunaan antibiotik yang kurang tepat menimbulkan kasus resistensi antibiotik. Alternatif dalam mengatasi banyaknya antibiotik yang sudah resisten bakteri, yaitu dengan penemuan antibiotik baru. Proses penemuan antibiotik salah satunya dari mikroorganisme, yaitu dari bakteri. Proses eksplorasi penemuan antibiotik tersebut menggunakan pendekatan fase pertumbuhan bakteri, yaitu fase stasioner dimana bakteri memproduksi metabolit sekunder, salah satunya adalah senyawa antibiotik. Isolat Te.325 merupakan bakteri penghasil antibiotik tetapi belum diketahui fase pertumbuhannya yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan pendekatan proses perolehan antibiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan waktu fase pertumbuhan isolat Te.325 dan melakukan ekstraksi senyawa antibiotik dari isolat tersebut. Penentuan kurva pertumbuhan yaitu berdasarkan berat biomassa sel dan nilai absorbansi pada spektrofotometri UV/ Vis dari kultur yang disampling setiap hari selama 14 hari waktu inkubasi kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fase log/eksponensial pada hari ke-5 dan fase stasioner pada hari ke-9. Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak etil asetat dilakukan pengujian menggunakan metode sumuran dengan konsentrasi ekstrak 40% yang menghasilkan rata-rata diameter zona hambat sebesar 8,04 mm terhadap bakteri uji Staphylococcus aureus dan 9,035 mm pada Escherichia coli. Ekstrak etilasetat Te.325 tergolong dalam potensi sedang

    Pembentukan Kelompok Pendukung Asi (Kp-Asi) Tingkatkan Cakupan Asi Dan Mpasi

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    The purpose of community service (PPMT) is to form a breastfeeding support group (KP-ASI) consisting of health cadres and supported by the head of village and midwives of health center so as to improve the coverage of exclusive and a food making skills for escort or MP-ASI, in addition to this activity, aims to hone the skills of students in the Community service program. Implementation method with participatory community empowerment through Apraissal Participatory Rural model is approach in the process of empowerment and improvement of community participation, activities conducted in the form of socialization of activities on all elements of the village related, the establishment of the structure of KP-ASI, lactation management training, assistance cadres practice management skills of lactation in Posyandu, training of MP-ASI skills, guidance of cadres in Posyandu practice of MP-ASI skills, evaluation or monitoring of activities through the lactation management competition and MP-ASI between cadres as a form of evaluation. The results of this activity in the form of the structure of KP-ASI organization with SK from the village head, there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of cadres in the management of lactation and MP-ASI. The test result of pre posttest in the test with value P = 0.00 (< 0.05) indicates that the knowledge of participants significantly increased. The results of the competition between cadres in the presentation of MP-ASI show the result that cadres can properly prepare MP-ASI. Data from village Midwives stated that there was an increase in BREAST feeding and MP-ASI in Sidoagung village

    Analisis tentang hubungan faktor internal dan kepuasan customer Apotek Kimia Farma 275

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    Pharmaceutical service already have paradigm shift from drug oriented to patient oriented which belong to pharmaceutical care. On the term of service, quality are the greatest competencies which is experienced by customers, employee’s responsiveness and empathy who interacting with customers. With its widest network of drugstore in Indonesia, the market leader of drugstore business in Indonesia (19%), and the seizer of Top brand Award 2009 and 2010, Kimia Farma 275 drugstore as part of PT Kimia Farma Apotek’s network should be measure and increase its services based on customers assessment and expectation. Research objective are to detect internal factor’s strength and weakness, internal factor’s influence toward service, and connection between internal factor and customer satisfaction on Kimia Farma 275 drugstore A Service quality approach with SERVQUAL instrument for customers and indepth interview with manager is needed to. This research conducted to 100 customers, one manager, and two pharmacist assistant of Kimia Farma 275 drugstore with non experimental descriptive research method and purposive random sampling method with qualitative analysis. Result shows the biggest gap in succession are reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, and tangibles dimension. Internal factor’s strengths of Kimia Farma 275 drugstore located on brand of Kimia Farma, strategic location, and biggest clinic ownnership between another Kimia Farma drugstores in Yogyakarta’s business area. The weaknesses is expensive image of Kimia Farma’s brand, IT problems, the number of employees under ideal quantity, and high frequency of employee rotation policy. Internal factor influence the service quality excessively. According to qualitative, strengths have an tendency to increasing demand of service quality. Weaknesses have an tendency to decrease service quality. Internal factor have causal connection with customer satisfaction. The lowness of customer satisfaction more influenced by high expectation of Kimia Farma 275 drugstore’s internal environment and unorganized capability


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    Antibiotika merupakan produk metabolik yang dihasilkan suatu mikroorganisme tertentu dalam konsentrasi kecil bersifat merusak atau menghambat mikroorganisme lain. Sekitar 22.000 metabolit sekunder berupa antibiotik yang dihasilkan oleh mikroba, 70% diproduksi oleh actinomycetes, 20 % oleh fungi, 7% Bacillus spp. dan 1–2% oleh bakteria lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui waktu optimal bakteri memproduksi antibakteri yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dan Escherichia coli. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode sumuran dengan diameter lubang sumur 6,00 mm. Hasil uji yang didapatkan, isolat TE234 yang diisolasi dari Rizosfer Tanaman Tebu (Saccharum officinarum)dapat memproduksi optimal senyawa antibakteri yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus pada hari ke- 13 dengan diameter zona hambat 16,00±4,00mm sedangkan terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli pada hari ke-14 dengan diameter zona hambat 15,33±1,15mm sehingga bisa sebagai penentu lama inkubasi untuk memproduksi senyawa antibakteri. Isolat TE 234 mampu memproduksi Antibiotik yang berpotensi terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus secara optimal pada hari ke-13, sedangkan pada Escherichia coli pada hari ke-14