23 research outputs found

    Wireless Accelerometer for Neonatal MRI Motion Artifact Correction

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    A wireless accelerometer has been used in conjunction with a dedicated 3T neonatal MRI system installed on a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to measure in-plane rotation which is a common problem with neonatal MRI. Rotational data has been acquired in real-time from phantoms simultaneously with MR images which shows that the wireless accelerometer can be used in close proximity to the MR system. No artifacts were observed on the MR images from the accelerometer or from the MR system on the accelerometer output. Initial attempts to correct the raw data using the measured rotational angles have been performed, but further work will be required to make a robust correction algorithm

    Low-level carbon monoxide exposure affects BOLD fMRI response.

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    Blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) fMRI is a common technique for measuring brain activation that could be affected by low-level carbon monoxide (CO) exposure from, e.g. smoking. This study aimed to probe the vulnerability of BOLD fMRI to CO and determine whether it may constitute a significant neuroimaging confound. Low-level (6 ppm exhaled) CO effects on BOLD response were assessed in 12 healthy never-smokers on two separate experimental days (CO and air control). fMRI tasks were breath-holds (hypercapnia), visual stimulation and fingertapping. BOLD fMRI response was lower during breath holds, visual stimulation and fingertapping in the CO protocol compared to the air control protocol. Behavioural and physiological measures remained unchanged. We conclude that BOLD fMRI might be vulnerable to changes in baseline CO, and suggest exercising caution when imaging populations exposed to elevated CO levels. Further work is required to fully elucidate the impact on CO on fMRI and its underlying mechanisms

    Low-level carbon monoxide exposure affects BOLD fMRI signal

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    Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) fMRI is a common technique for measuring brain activation that could be affected by low-level carbon monoxide (CO) exposure from e.g. smoking. This study aimed to probe the vulnerability of BOLD fMRI to CO and determine whether it may constitute a significant neuroimaging confound. Low-level (6ppm exhaled) CO effects on BOLD response were assessed in 12 healthy never-smokers on two separate experimental days (CO and air control). fMRI tasks were breath-holds (hypercapnia), visual stimulation and fingertapping. BOLD fMRI response was lower during breath holds, visual stimulation and fingertapping in the CO protocol compared to the air control protocol. Behavioural and physiological measures remained unchanged. We conclude that BOLD fMRI might be vulnerable to changes in baseline CO, and suggest exercising caution when imaging populations exposed to elevated CO levels. Further work is required to fully elucidate the impact on CO on fMRI and its underlying mechanisms

    Carbon monoxide affects early cardiac development in an avian model

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    Introduction: Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that can be lethal in large doses and may also cause physiological damage in lower doses. Epidemiological studies suggest that CO in lower doses over time may impact on embryo development, in particular cardiac development, however other studies have not observed this association. Methods: Here, we exposed chick embryos in ovo to CO at three different concentrations (3, 9, 18 ppm) plus air control (4 protocols in total) for the first 9 days of development, at which point we assessed egg and embryo weight, ankle length, developmental stage, heart weight, ventricular wall thickness, ventricular‐septal thickness and atrial wall thickness. Results: We found that heart weight was reduced for the low and moderate exposures compared to air, that atrial wall and ventricular wall thickness was increased for the moderate and high exposures compared to air and that ventricular septal thickness was increased for low, moderate and high exposures compared to air. Ventricular wall thickness was also significantly positively correlated with absolute CO exposures across all protocols. Conclusions: This intervention study thus suggests that CO even at very low levels may have a significant impact on cardiac development

    Impact of carbon monoxide on early cardiac development in an avian model

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that can be lethal in large doses and may also cause physiological damage in lower doses. Epidemiological studies suggest that CO in lower doses over time may impact on embryo development, in particular cardiac development, however other studies have not observed this association. Here, we exposed chick embryos in ovo to CO at three different concentrations (1ppm, 8ppm, 25ppm) plus air control (4 protocols in total) for the first nine days of development, at which point we assessed egg and embryo weight, ankle length, developmental stage, heart weight and ventricular wall thickness. We found that heart weight was reduced for the low and moderate exposures compared to air, and that ventricular wall thickness was increased for the moderate and high exposures compared to air. Ventricular wall thickness was also significantly positively correlated with absolute CO exposures across all protocols. This intervention study thus suggests that CO even at very low levels may have a significant impact on cardiac development

    Breathlessness in COPD: linking symptom clusters with brain activity

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    Rationale: Current models of breathlessness often fail to explain disparities between patients' experiences of breathlessness and objective measures of lung function. While a mechanistic understanding of this discordance has thus far remained elusive, factors such as mood, attention and expectation have all been implicated as important modulators of breathlessness. Therefore, we have developed a model to better understand the relationships between these factors using unsupervised machine learning techniques. Subsequently we examined how expectation-related brain activity differed between these symptom-defined clusters of participants. Methods: A cohort of 91 participants with mild-to-moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) underwent functional brain imaging, self-report questionnaires and clinical measures of respiratory function. Unsupervised machine learning techniques of exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical cluster modelling were used to model brain-behaviour-breathlessness links. Results: We successfully stratified participants across four key factors corresponding to mood, symptom burden and two capability measures. Two key groups resulted from this stratification, corresponding to high and low symptom burden. Compared to the high symptom load group, the low symptom burden group demonstrated significantly greater brain activity within the anterior insula, a key region thought to be involved in monitoring internal bodily sensations (interoception). Conclusions: This is the largest functional neuroimaging study of COPD to date and is the first to provide a clear model linking brain, behaviour and breathlessness expectation. Furthermore, it was possible to stratify participants into groups, which then revealed differences in brain activity patterns. Together, these findings highlight the value of multi-modal models of breathlessness in identifying behavioural phenotypes, and for advancing understanding of differences in breathlessness burden

    The effect of d-cycloserine on brain processing of breathlessness over pulmonary rehabilitation: an experimental medicine study

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    Research questionPulmonary rehabilitation is the best treatment for chronic breathlessness in COPD but there remains an unmet need to improve efficacy. Pulmonary rehabilitation has strong parallels with exposure-based cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), both clinically and in terms of brain activity patterns. The partial N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)-receptor agonistd-cycloserine has shown promising results in enhancing efficacy of CBT, thus we hypothesised that it would similarly augment the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in the brain. Positive findings would support further development in phase 3 clinical trials.Methods72 participants with mild-to-moderate COPD were recruited to a double-blind pre-registered (ClinicalTrials.govidentifier:NCT01985750) experimental medicine study running parallel to a pulmonary rehabilitation course. Participants were randomised to 250 mgd-cycloserine or placebo, administered immediately prior to the first four sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation. Primary outcome measures were differences betweend-cycloserine and placebo in brain activity in the anterior insula, posterior insula, anterior cingulate cortices, amygdala and hippocampus following completion of pulmonary rehabilitation. Secondary outcomes included the same measures at an intermediate time point and voxel-wise difference across wider brain regions. An exploratory analysis determined the interaction with breathlessness anxiety.ResultsNo difference betweend-cycloserine and placebo groups was observed across the primary or secondary outcome measures.d-cycloserine was shown instead to interact with changes in breathlessness anxiety to dampen reactivity to breathlessness cues. Questionnaire and measures of respiratory function showed no group difference. This is the first study testing brain-active drugs in pulmonary rehabilitation. Rigorous trial methodology and validated surrogate end-points maximised statistical power.ConclusionAlthough increasing evidence supports therapeutic modulation of NMDA pathways to treat symptoms, we conclude that a phase 3 clinical trial ofd-cycloserine would not be worthwhile